• 2 months ago


00:00There are so many advantages.
00:02Only thing is, we have to convince about the advantage.
00:06One more last thing I would like to add,
00:08and I do not want to take much of time,
00:10because ultimately, we have to interact.
00:12And whatever the problem states are facing,
00:14we should try to understand.
00:15We should try to resolve it.
00:20So recently, I had been to Delhi.
00:23I had been to a place near Delhi, very near,
00:27around one hour away.
00:30What is the name, Mr. Prasad?
00:33In Nazabgarh, an elevated solar project was done.
00:43So one young person, young entrepreneur, he has done it.
00:49He explained to us, with all documentary proof,
01:18saying that, except wheat and paddy,
01:23everything we are growing here.
01:26And by that, he is using his own electricity
01:30for the irrigation.
01:32The farmer who is cultivating it,
01:35he is getting seven times more money.
01:40He is getting electricity money.
01:43He is running a cowshed.
01:48He has done it as all production organic.
01:54Cabbage, brinjal, many things.
02:01Total, around six, seven acres of the area in two places.
02:05So second thing is, it is most inevitable.
02:17It's my alternative.
02:20One is because of the world's situation.
02:25Second one is, Bharat, in the world forum,
02:31honorable prime minister has committed that 50%
02:34we are going to do it, achieve it, by 2030,
02:39and by 2047, 1,800 gigawatt, and by 2070, net zero.
02:45It's to honor.
02:56That is to follow.
02:57And we will follow it.
02:59Whichever state does it, they are benefited.
03:02Whichever state doesn't do it, they
03:04will not be benefited.
03:05It is as simple as it is.
03:07My offer to the leadership is very clear.
03:14We want to achieve this.
03:15We want to do it.
03:17And we want the India should grow also.
03:23Economically, India should grow.
03:25But sustainably, it should grow.
03:28So we are the fifth largest economy today.
03:40And we are going to become the third largest economy
03:43of the world very shortly.
03:45At that time, when you become third,
03:48when you compete with the America and China,
03:51what will be the requirement of the power?
03:53What will be the requirement of the total energy?
03:58So it's something I'm so scared.
04:00I'm not a pradeshman.
04:01It's my picture.
04:02I'm not a chai.
04:03I'm not a social energy.
04:05I'm not a commitment.
04:06I'm not a chai.
04:07I'm the making of my book.
04:08The is a lot of apart from all these things.
04:12When we born on this earth, this earth was safe to us.
04:17It is duty of all us to leave this earth
04:20safe to the next generation.
04:22That is our commitment also we should never forget.
04:24The new one.
04:49Time now, ladies and gentlemen, for presentations
04:51of incentive cheques to DISCOMS by the Honourable Union Minister and the Honourable Minister
04:58of State.
04:59Let us begin.
