• 2 months ago


00:00We are very much, not only it is our passion, not only our profession, it has become the passion.
00:09We are passionate about it.
00:11That is why the Prime Minister has said that we are going to become the leader in this world
00:19and we will create an example.
00:23This is the commitment given by the Prime Minister.
00:27By 2070, we want to become net zero.
00:29By 2030, we want to achieve 50% of our total electricity requirement by the renewable.
00:36That is why, first of all, for our own safety,
00:42the global warming that you are seeing, what all is happening,
00:46we were just seeing how much rain there is in Mecca and Madinah.
00:55This is all the overall impact.
00:58We have to do something about it.
01:00And India being the most responsible country of the world,
01:05we have to do all this.
01:07We have no other option.
01:08Sometimes we feel, why do we have to do this?
01:11It is costly, it is not stable.
01:14Technology is coming for everyone.
01:17And already it is there.
01:19Did anyone think that India will become a world leader?
01:49It is jointly developed by NTPC, New and RE Development Corporation and Andhra Pradesh.
02:19India will be the leading state for the entire country.
02:22This is what he has announced also and he has told it to you and me also.
02:26Today, he has already laid the foundation with the blessings of Honorable Prime Minister.
02:31Means there will be huge competition, which state is going to do.
02:35I want to tell you, in PM Suryagar, in PM Kusum,
02:40when we used to discuss in the beginning,
02:45everyone used to say negative about PM Kusum.
02:50Slowly, after speaking to you people,
02:55we changed something.
02:57Because this is all new field.
03:00We who are sitting there,
03:02whether it is me or Mr. Prashant Singh and his team,
03:05we don't understand this.
03:07We are the people who understand this.
03:09I don't understand at all because I don't understand.
03:12Because I am not a technical graduate.
03:15Whatever we discuss with you people,
03:18whatever we read and understand, that is what we understand.
03:21That is why we never think.
03:23So, I regularly speak to all stakeholders, states, everybody.
03:28Whoever comes to me, I will give time.
03:31We sit and discuss till 10 or 12.
03:34Yesterday, a person named Pashupatinath Singh came.
03:38He called me at 11 at night.
03:40He called me at 6 in the morning.
03:42I have a flight at 6 in the morning.
03:44I want to talk to Green Hydrogen.
03:46He said, I have studied this subject somewhere in USA.
03:53I have done my PhD there.
03:55We sat and discussed.
03:57I didn't have anything individual.
04:00If there is something new, we can think about it.
04:02He said, I will present a paper.
04:04He has told that he will come after 15 days.
04:08So, our thought is that we have to achieve our goal of 50%.
04:15Because it is in need of our.
04:18It is not avoidable.
04:20Some things are like this and some are avoidable.
04:23We all put together.
04:25We should understand that it is not avoidable.
04:29It is inevitable.
04:31So, it is inevitable.
04:33We have to do it.
04:34Whoever does it quickly will get benefit.
04:37So, rest of the manufacturing and export will be after 2, 3 or 4 years.
04:45As far as simple calculation, I will tell you.
04:49We have promised 1 crore to the country.
04:52For 1 crore of the household.
04:55We have not allotted to any state.
04:59Whoever does more.
