• 2 months ago
Tigres de Aragua aprovechó la joya de pitcheo de Ben Holmes y lograron su segundo triunfo en el Round Robin

Video: Canal I

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#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #ResumendelJuego #Magallanes #Tigres #RoundRobin


00:00The Chiffon Pires of this game dominated Solarte, Sucre with a lot of space, Atarapa for the last one.
00:16With few throws, Ben Holmes withdrew the first from Magallanes on the fast track of 1, 2 and 3.
00:25Escondeponchados starting for Tyler Alexander.
00:38Havanica for Poncharseperaza, last out, second inning.
00:43Alcides, very well placed is Gomez, combines for the initial for the last out.
00:55There it is!
01:01The third strike, out of combat Tukupita Marcano, consecutive three punches for Ben Holmes.
01:08He is capable of substituting it and playing a short field.
01:11The play in the second, it goes away!
01:14In the second, Rodríguez.
01:17With this connection to the short field, Alcides reaches the first shot.
01:24Valdes Flyer, on the right, locates the waiter.
01:29Good play for José Gomez.
01:34Line of shots to the middle field.
01:37Here is Rodríguez.
01:40A bullet went through there.
01:43Eduardo connects to the middle field.
01:46The ball hits the hit, it goes for the third.
01:48Sucre is sent for the rubber, the shot on the third.
01:50The play for Holmes.
01:53Solarte, but it's too late.
01:55First for the Tigres del Agua team.
01:57A hit to the top of the post.
01:59Natural energy, full flavor.
02:01He enjoys the ball.
02:08A shot to the right side of the field.
02:10It goes away!
02:12And he captures the ball!
02:14Leobaldo Cabrera for the last out of this connection by Albert Martínez.
02:21He closes the fourth of the Magallanes team.
02:24Look at this.
02:26The Tigres del Agua win 1-0.
02:34A connection to the middle field.
02:37The waiter goes to the middle field.
02:39The service of Rodríguez.
02:40The student of Endy.
02:421, 2, 3, fourth of the Tigres.
02:44This continues to win Aragua.
02:47He endured stoically until they finally gave him a chance to play.
02:56He goes for the first.
02:58Ducupis de Marcano to meet with Mohon El Bonachon.
03:04What a shot!
03:06The shot is very open.
03:07What a shot!
03:09The shot is very open.
03:11Out in the second.
03:17A hit to the left side of the field.
03:19The ball!
03:26It goes away!
03:36Back to the box for Leobaldo Piña.
03:39He brings it from the second to Cabrera.
03:42And he increases the advantage.
03:44The Tigres win 3-0.
03:51This connection goes to the second.
03:54Eduardo to the first.
03:57And they put the second out so that Jervis Olarte can bat.
04:04This connection goes to the second.
04:06It doesn't reach. Escobar continues to hit the ball to the center.
04:12A bat to the left side of the field.
04:14Jarinero puts the glove in.
04:17And he captures the ball.
04:19What happens is that today he didn't have the day.
04:22Ducupis de Marcano meets with Nunez.
04:29He lifts.
04:30A bat to the center.
04:32Rodríguez moves.
04:34And he catches for the last time.
04:43It passes over Escobar.
04:45Rodríguez cuts.
04:47He takes the first base.
04:49Eliezer Alfonso.
04:55This connection to the left side of the field.
04:57The ball is hit.
04:58Carlos Rodríguez.
05:00Now in second to Martínez.
05:02He is in the initial swivel.
05:04Who responds as an emergent.
05:06Carlos Rodríguez waits for the turn.
05:09A bat.
05:11There is the third strike.
05:15That was interpreted in a way.
05:17And he ended up suspended.
05:20Last out.
05:22In the glove of Gabriel Arias.
05:24Eliminating this seventh.
05:26I don't see it.
05:30To the right.
05:32The first shot.
05:34Tremendous out by Eduardo Escobar.
05:36Eliminating sixth.
05:38From the high post to the short field.
05:40Alcides attacks.
05:42The first shot.
05:44What a class.
05:49They broke the bat.
05:51Alcides asks.
05:53Last out.
05:56Connects to the right side of the field.
06:02The runner rolls.
06:04They send it to the rubber.
06:06The shot comes.
06:08And this in the rubber.
06:10This bat to the left side of the field.
06:12The ball is hit.
06:14One more for the Tigres Aragua team.
06:16Five to zero.
06:18The marker is in the initial Mercedes.
06:20And the turn is for Alcides Escobar.
06:22This connection to the right side.
06:24Great stop.
06:26The shot to the first.
06:28The first shot.
06:30And the plan is to stay in the referee.
06:34Bat in the middle of the field.
06:36Jorgen shoots first.
06:38And the out is produced.
06:40Out of Alfonso's combat.
06:42Albert Martinez comes.
06:44He plays it with the fast one.
06:46Escobar goes for it.
06:48He can't.
06:50Take the ball.
06:52Martinez is in the initial.
06:54There is an out.
06:56Swissbell comes.
06:58He passes it to the first.
07:00The Tigres win.
07:04A goal by the Tigres Aragua.
07:06The Magallanes' navigators.
07:08Five races for Ciero Bonoche.
07:10Cavanerio in the middle of a great job.
07:13Ben Hom.
07:15Carlos Uriaga.
07:17Jackson Gomez.
07:19And Cavanerio.
07:21They beat the Tigres.
07:23And put them in a complicated situation.
