• 2 months ago
Navegantes del Magallanes derrotó a Cardenales de Lara y encadenó su segunda victoria al hilo 🔥⚓

Video: 1Baseball

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Presentado por Buchanan´s

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #ResumendelJuego #Magallanes #Cardenales #RoundRobin #Buchanans #EstamosEnFamilia


00:00The following footage is from our vault of classics, taken ten years ago.
00:30A great hit, made by the player, by the initialist of Cardenales de Lara.
00:40A small indecision there, in the end he caught Albert Martínez.
00:50He stopped there.
00:52The foul tip is made.
00:55And Palacios delivers the third out for the Ponche's way.
01:02He scores!
01:06...right in the first inning.
01:08He scored the third for his team.
01:10Now he connects solid on the left.
01:13Between two, the ball spikes and a boat goes against the wall.
01:16Vargas scored. Castro comes in third.
01:19Towards the rubber.
01:21The shot comes to the short man and he holds on in the front.
01:24In the inside corner, great pass from Colina.
01:38For third, the short man comes to the first.
01:42Palacios seemed to come to the home.
01:44He opted for the out on the initial.
01:46There he gets it.
01:55Elevado, who is being chased by both gardeners.
01:59He gets there and catches on the edge of the safety track, Harold Castro.
02:06In the last 3, 4 or 5 games.
02:08Dan Rivasquez.
02:12Elevado cuts, he's going to hit you.
02:15Quickly, two outs.
02:16It's going to be clean.
02:17Rondon misses.
02:18Germain Palacios comes to bat.
02:25Elevado, short, delays and catches Parcano in a good way.
02:31Interning a lot.
02:34He finds runners in third and second with two outs.
02:37He connects to this man in the middle.
02:41Quick, Garcia.
02:42Quiet in the first.
02:48He connects in the middle of the field.
02:50He loses it for a moment.
02:51He gets tangled.
02:53Quiet there.
02:55Renato Nunez kicks again.
03:03Kick between first and second.
03:05This time he couldn't stop it.
03:06Ildemaro Vargas.
03:07Two for the goal.
03:09And he goes up to Magallanes.
03:12Nunez and Alfonso scored.
03:16He presents himself to bat in this inning.
03:17Ducupito Marcano.
03:20He connects solidly on the right.
03:23Castro can't catch it.
03:26The ball goes up to the back of the fence.
03:32One more for La Goma.
03:34Ducupito Marcano's line is tremendous.
03:42He deflects the ball in third.
03:45Garcia is left and he gets the initial out.
03:48He has the advantage.
03:50He has already withdrawn five consecutively.
03:54Vargas connects in front of second.
03:56Solarte retires him in the initial.
03:59Quickly two outs.
04:05He connects in the short field in front.
04:07And it's Marcano in combination with Solarte.
04:09The third out of the inning.
04:11With Admiral Carlos Garcia in front.
04:14With Admiral Carlos Garcia in front.
04:19High bat, deep on the right.
04:23On the safety lane.
04:25And when he couldn't go back, he caught the ball.
04:27Harold Castro.
04:28He goes to the second base.
04:33With Solarte high in the game, he takes the second base.
04:38Long on the left.
04:39Very high too.
04:41And he makes the play.
04:43A couple of meters from the safety lane.
04:48The only ones to be out.
04:50From the third forward.
04:55Rodriguez again with dominion.
04:57Second base of the inning.
04:59And to bat, Jose Rondon.
05:02Gene Edmonds was tremendous too.
05:05With Rondon in Venezuela.
05:06With the Tigres of Aragua.
05:09Rondon delivers the third out on the safety lane.
05:12An organization that works to sustain a sustainable success.
05:19Very high, deep on the left.
05:21Back, back, back.
05:27Forget it.
05:33Quadrangular pride of Albert Martinez.
05:37For all the left wing, the record man.
05:40In regular season of the Magallanes Navigators.
05:44He makes his second home run of this round robin.
05:48And he continues to respond, friends.
05:50The offensive of the Magallanes Navigators.
05:54Deep in the center now.
05:56Back, back, back.
06:09Quadrangular now of Tunku Pinta Marcano.
06:12One after another.
06:15The Magallanes force is present.
06:18The team that has it in the league, in this case the Magallanes.
06:20To see it in action.
06:22We are talking about a great league player.
06:23That for reasons outside the field will not be able to continue playing.
06:29He is always very attentive.
06:31He is very alive.
06:32And he runs very well.
06:33Salmo Adillas will only get to the starting line.
06:37Suisville comes.
06:39And he makes the forced out in the second.
06:47For third, he throws himself.
06:48He does not get to Palacios.
06:49And Garcia does it.
06:51In the second, an out.
06:52And the double play in the starting line.
06:54Very good bill.
06:55Started by Eduardo Garcia.
06:59Set-up of the year.
07:00The midfielder.
07:02The one who prepares the path for the closer.
07:06In the 21-22.
07:07And then the closer of the year, in the 23-24.
07:10And here he does his job.
07:12Liquidating quickly and easily for the 1-2-3 line.
07:20Great bat.
07:21On the left.
07:22Tremendous ball.
07:23Back, back.
07:29What a piece of board.
07:34And he scores.
07:39From Gabriel Arias.
07:41He brings two for the goal.
07:43Follows the fury of the Navigators.
07:46Who now win ten races for four.
07:53In the second half of the round robin.
07:55Third round of four matches each team.
07:58In the second, he loses it instantly.
08:00But he has time to make the out in the starting line.
08:03The third of the inning.
08:09In the new Sparta.
08:11Of course, Lara will try to resume.
08:14All that so good that he showed.
08:16In the first six matches.
08:18Not all.
08:19Not all.
08:24On the right.
08:26Castro arrives and catches.
08:29For the third out of the inning.
08:36Dioli Guerra took a single out.
08:38But from there began that great dominance.
08:40On the left.
08:41Towards the line.
08:42Back, back.
08:47Forget it.
08:52Quadrangular of Ildemaro Vargas.
08:55His third head of the match.
08:57So he receives Hernández.
08:59With which.
09:00The team of Elipso Navas draws.
09:02Bravos de Margarita in second place.
09:05Unstoppable on the left of Rangel Ravelo.
09:08The Cuban continues to accumulate remolcadas.
09:10In his historic transit.
09:12For the LBB.
09:17For second.
09:19Irregular boat.
09:21He handles it well.
09:23Retires first.
09:25For the second out of the inning.
09:31Connects in front.
09:33For the short field.
09:34And it's Marcano.
09:36And retires first.
09:38For the third out of the inning.
09:40The ball game is over.
09:43For the sailors of the Magallanes.
09:45Very important.
09:48The third of the last four games.
09:51For the Magallanero team.
09:53Of eleven races by seven.
09:55About the leader.
09:56Cardinales de Lara.
