• 2 months ago
Cardenales sigue invicto en el Round Robin tras vencer a Tigres en el José Pérez Colmenares 🔥

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Presentado por @buchananslatam.

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #ResumendelJuego #Cardenales #Tigres #Buchanans #EstamosEnFamilia


00:00The American Pronunciation Guide Presents ''How to Pronounce Hernan Pérez''
00:10to veteran Hernan Pérez at that time, and wow, he did well.
00:20Maro Vargas and notes the first line to Larence. He moved to the third also Harold Castro.
00:27Argo elevated of sacrifice Hernan Pérez comes to beat Henry Vázquez.
00:32In the league, in patience, in discipline, on the plate.
00:37And here he connects solid to the right, the ball falls, incoherent.
00:41He cuts the first field goal, he scores in the race Harold Castro.
00:45And Lara already has two in the first inning itself.
00:48He moves to the second, Narváez.
00:51A fluid swing, loose there from Vázquez.
00:54Without wanting to do too much, as the beaters say, he already has two Lares in the first inning itself.
01:00What a beautiful swing, right? Very flat, very even, mechanically perfect, I would say.
01:07Meida did it in this campaign. Perfect location of Hildemar Vargas.
01:13Retires in the first, Cafecito Martinez for the third out of the inning.
01:24For the short field, in front, Escobar.
01:28There, the play was closed, as the young man García put it.
01:32Second out of the inning.
01:34It was an important piece with the specific use that manager Bury Bailey gave him.
01:41To Escobar's glove, the line of Gorky Fernández, third out of the inning.
01:45So today Henry Blanco does not count with José Rondón.
01:50He could not retain Vargas.
01:53And everyone is safe.
01:55In second, Leobaldo Cabrera.
01:57In first, Leobaldo Piña.
01:59So Aragua has the shot in circulation.
02:08Connected, short-line shot.
02:10To the left, the ball falls, impossible to catch.
02:13Cabrera comes to the rubber and scores the first of the Tigers.
02:17After two outs, Aragua produces.
02:20Horacio gives the hit, which brings Aragua 2-1.
02:25There are runners in second and first.
02:29And the change is for Jonathan Mendoza.
02:33For second, there is just Campos.
02:36And he removes the initial, Adán Rivas, who is for the third out of the inning.
02:4184 unstoppable in the postseason.
02:46It has been productive, the short career of Cafecito Martínez with the Tigers.
02:51No, this is his third year with Aragua.
02:54It's really impressive what you say.
02:57Rafael de Lima was a franchise player of the Tigers.
03:00Here he fails for the second time in the game.
03:03Cafecito, Almeida recovers from a complicated second stretch.
03:08And in three full, again Juan Bezos Network.
03:16And requests our list of prices.
03:38That was a great selection by the Tigers of Aragua.
03:42He is a great competitor, that left-footed thrower.
03:50The third out for the life of Ponche.
03:52The second that Holmes achieves.
03:54I did not perceive a penny of that run.
04:01Here is Palacios retiring in first to pineapple for the third out of the inning.
04:08To run, to get there in scoring position.
04:12For a hitter who has been as productive as Harold Castro.
04:14Who ends up failing here.
04:17Yes, second out of the inning, advances to the third Hernandez.
04:21And comes to hit Carlos Narvaez, the receiver and fourth in the lineup.
04:26Execute it.
04:28Such important anticipation.
04:30On the left, Cabrera with Dominic.
04:33And makes the play for the third out of the inning.
04:36Narvaez fails and gives a fifth episode Ben Holmes to the Tigers.
04:42In front of Horacio, the receiver and eighth.
04:46In the hole, in great form Garcia, the long shot to the first.
04:51Hernan Perez, spectacular first out of the inning.
04:54The defensive continues to help Adrian Almeida.
05:03Fans, the pinch hit by Bajito Rodriguez.
05:06What a class of delivery of Adrian Almeida.
05:09That comes out of trouble with this great punch to the fourth.
05:13And liquidates the threat of the Tigers.
05:18Allowing a hit and three clean races.
05:22Without taking out in that performance in which he allowed a quadrangular.
05:27In great form, Alcides Escobar, who is still 38 years old.
05:31Is able to do this type of play.
05:34Alcides once won the Golden Glove in the American League.
05:39And here he makes the time go back with this formidable intervention.
05:44In the end, I think he won it so simple, eh?
05:47Rangel Ravelo.
05:51Alvarado shoots badly too, friends.
05:54And a race is going to come for the Lorenzo team.
05:57From third to the rubber, Ravelo.
06:01And the shot comes late.
06:05The Aragüeña defense collapses here.
06:08Lara now wins three races for one.
06:13Connects through the short field.
06:15Escobar loses it.
06:17And there is no time in the first.
06:20The entrance started with a brilliant play by Alcides Escobar.
06:24But now he failed with this routine.
06:27And the collapse of the Aragüeña defense.
06:30The game is now 4 to 1.
06:34It's not so difficult for the winter sports industry.
06:41I mean, here with a great play by Maro Vargas.
06:44Well, the Lorenzo defense.
06:46Brilliant today.
06:54To the right and to the line, Castro moves.
06:57He hurries a little and catches for the third out of the inning.
07:01Good episode also for Alex Scherf.
07:02They keep the lead, Lara.
07:044 to 1, 7 complete in Maracay.
07:13High kick, deep.
07:16The gardener Ravelo goes.
07:18He waits and catches.
07:20It's Jackson Flores who entered.
07:22The one who just made that play for the third out of the inning.
07:26In the longest inning in a round robin.
07:30Abanica, Piña delivers the third out for the life of the punch.
07:34Hermético again, Arnaldo Hernández.
07:37And the ball game is over.
07:40Victory, one more.
07:42The fifth in five games for the cardinals of the ARA.
07:46This time, four races for one over the tigers of Aragua.
07:50Henry Blanco's team working perfectly.
