• 2 months ago
Gentleshaw Wildlife Centre homes animals from former zoos etc and all kinds of places where they are no longer wanted. It offers a fabulous day out at a budget price and is about to open for the new season.
00:00We're here at Gentle Show Wildlife Centre and Jen how are you?
00:04Yeah I'm good thank you very much, a bit chilly but good.
00:07Who's our little friend we've got here?
00:09This is Hamish, the sulcata tortoise.
00:12Sulcata, this is an African species.
00:15He's enjoying that isn't he?
00:16He likes his veggies.
00:17Yeah yeah, so how's it been then 2024 for you here at the Gentle Show?
00:23Not bad, not bad, it's been okay.
00:25The visitor numbers were good, the weather wasn't too cruel to us,
00:28so nice and busy which was excellent.
00:30Got a few more projects done so yeah not bad.
00:32And you know just to remind people you're here and it's a great day out
00:37and it's you know it's not expensive is it?
00:40We were having a little chat just off camera,
00:42you know what's it cost to get in here and bring your little ones?
00:45We are very cheap and cheerful so it's five pounds for adults
00:48and four pounds for children and concessions
00:50and we are hoping to hang on to that admission fee for 2025.
00:54We're only tiny but obviously we're here at the garden centre
00:57so there's in the summer there's the miniature railway,
00:59there's crazy golf, there's the garden centre and the lovely tea room
01:02so you can make a day out of it and not have to spend too much.
01:05Definitely yeah, I mean there's quite a few animals here to see isn't there Gem?
01:08Yeah we've got just over 150 and a lot of them who've been with us for many many years now
01:13so yeah we've got quite a niche Gem.
01:15Yeah because I mean that that's kind of the basis of it isn't it?
01:17It's all about kind of rescue isn't it?
01:19And looking after animals that haven't been able to be home to other places
01:23and that kind of, is that the ethos generally?
01:25It is indeed, so the majority of our residents are either zoos that have closed down
01:31and a lot of ex-pets where they've grown too big
01:33or their owners just simply don't want them any longer.
01:36So quite a mixture we've got.
01:38And coming forward this 2025 you've got a few projects on,
01:42you've got a big pen that's being built for one of the birds you were telling me.
01:46Yeah so we are redoing our Crested Caracara enclosure
01:49and she's about ready for her new house and the sanctuary is 32 years old now
01:54and some of the buildings are 32 years old.
01:57So we've got lots of replacing, there's always projects to get done.
02:01How long have you been here then Gem?
02:03Well my parents were very cool and made me go to school first of all.
02:07So I've been here about 26 years full time now.
02:11Wow that's that's full on isn't it?
02:12It's a long time, I've been growing up now.
02:14Any particular favourite animals here that you've come to love yourself?
02:17Oh I've got lots of favourites depending on who's being good.
02:21Hamish here can be a bit naughty, he's a little bargy.
02:24Can he?
02:26But I'm very fond of the birds so we've got a Milky Eagle Elk or Rafiki.
02:32Yeah so what can he be a bit bolshy can he when he wants hold Hamish can he?
02:36He's just not very polite, if you're in the way he will just walk through you,
02:39there's no pausing or anything like that.
02:41Hamish is this true?
02:44He's gorgeous though isn't he?
02:45How old do you reckon he is then?
02:47Hamish is just 14, he's not very old.
02:50So he'll be fully grown size wise will he?
02:52No he's got a bit more to grow, he'll be about half as big again.
02:55Oh wow.
02:56They're quite large, they're the third biggest species these guys, so they're quite large.
02:59And how long can he live for?
03:0070, 80 years plus.
03:02Yeah, yeah.
03:03Hi, up he's come, he's come in.
03:06Hello Hetty, hello darling.
03:10Oh she's come for a little nibble.
03:12They normally get past.
03:14Ah gorgeous.
