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Where are you today as a Patriots fan? Curtis asks, "What do the Patriots need to do this offseason, to bring you back?"
00:00And I'm feeling very
00:02Charitable this morning and I will be honest and say great column in the Boston Globe. Oh by Christopher Gasper
00:09who does an excellent job and
00:11He gave me pause about my celebration of Mike Vrabel and in part
00:16He wrote in the globe canning Mayo who showed his Fenway Park esque greenness with gaps on and off the field in a shambolic
00:24Season one year into a multi multi-year rebuild was the ultimate flip-flop
00:30it should give Patriots observers serious pause about the judgment to get the next coaching hire right and turn this
00:36titanic of a team around
00:40Crowdsourcing decisions isn't usually a tenant of successful successful franchises and too much of the infrastructure that contributed to Mayo's firing
00:48curiously remains in place in
00:50crumbling Fort Foxboro
00:53Excellent paragraph there in that story and I would just ask Patriots fans and the audience this
00:59What do you need to see to reinvest both financially and emotionally in this team
01:05Because we've seen Bill Belichick go four and thirteen. We've seen Gerard Mayo go four and thirteen
01:10We've seen Cam Newton not make the playoffs. We've seen Bailey's happy not make the playoffs
01:13We've seen many different people come and go almost the entire organization has been purged
01:18However, the crafts remain that is the consistent and whatever Greg and I whoever else can yell about Bill and Tom
01:25I feel like that does a disservice. Does the to the actual current state of the team?
