Menteri Koperasi, Budi Arie Setiadi menyebutkan, dengan adanya tambahan anggaran hingga Rp10 triliun untuk Lembaga Pengelola Dana Bergulir Koperasi UMKM atau LPDB-KUMKM dari APBN, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan peran koperasi dalam program makan bergizi gratis.
Budi mengatakan terdapat 2000 koperasi siap terlibat dalam program makan bergizi gratis, selain mendukung program makan bergizi gratis, pihaknya juga akan fokus pada penyaluran pupuk bersubsidi dengan melibatkan koperasi hingga meningkatkan digitalisasi induk koperasi unit desa.
Budi mengatakan terdapat 2000 koperasi siap terlibat dalam program makan bergizi gratis, selain mendukung program makan bergizi gratis, pihaknya juga akan fokus pada penyaluran pupuk bersubsidi dengan melibatkan koperasi hingga meningkatkan digitalisasi induk koperasi unit desa.
00:05Minister of Cooperation Budi Ari Setiadi mentioned that there is an additional budget of up to 10 trillion rupiah for the IMF Cooperation Fund Management Institute or LPDBKUMKM from the APBN is expected to be able to increase the role of cooperation in the Free Food Program.
00:21Yes, Budi said there are 2,000 cooperations ready to be involved in the Free Food Program.
00:26In addition to supporting the Free Food Program, the party will also focus on subsidized fertilizer distribution by involving cooperation to increase the digitalization of village unit cooperatives or KUD.
00:42In addition to supporting the Free Food Program, the party will also focus on subsidized fertilizer distribution by involving cooperation to increase the digitalization of village unit cooperatives or KUD.
00:56If there is a need for cooperation, will there be an additional budget?
01:01No, no. We will discuss it later. We will continue to work on it.
01:09What about the other cooperations?
01:11They are currently being mapped.