• 2 months ago
En una entrevista reciente, el campeón mundial de ciclismo comparte su sorpresa y alegría por su éxito inesperado. Habla sobre el aumento en la popularidad del ciclismo, tanto en competencia como en uso recreativo, y cómo esto ha llevado a un mayor apoyo gubernamental y comercial para el deporte. También discute la importancia de la salud física en la sociedad actual y cómo se siente honrado por haber sido considerado para premios deportivos junto a otros atletas destacados.


00:00Good morning. Well, congratulations, champion.
00:03How are you? I hope you are super well. I just heard you.
00:06No problem.
00:07I hope you are super incredible. It's a pleasure to be talking to you.
00:10How are you? How did you experience this new title?
00:14Nothing, really super happy, very happy. Something truly unexpected because I did not expect to be better ranked worldwide, which is very important.
00:24Perhaps I do not realize the importance of being able to say that I am not the best ranked, the world champion, because it is difficult for me.
00:32But it is something really fantastic, for me it is something crazy, but it surprises me honestly.
00:39To you too, I say, because to us, well, it can surprise us, but you who are there putting your body to the situation and I imagine the dedication that it means for you to be training to be able to get to this point.
00:51How is your day? How is the training?
00:55No, it is real that it surprises me because I never expected to be in the top one of the ranking of the planet.
01:02I know very well how complicated and difficult it is.
01:05Then suddenly the 2025 starts and they tell me that I am the best ranked.
01:10So that makes me like I can not believe it at some point.
01:15And nothing, my day is literally always to start at the gym, to start the day, automatically at noon, I have to be on social networks, because of the sponsors, to give an evolution of my own.
01:28And as soon as I finish, I have to go to train on the bike.
01:31In the case that I can not train on a bike because of the injury, since I am in a sport in that sense, yes or yes, I have to go twice a day to the gym, I have no other option.
01:41Of course, to keep the body. Maligno, we have already talked about it, Carlos Estrena greets you from champion to champion, right?
01:47It's a pleasure.
01:49Do you remember Maligno, I was BMX champion, national track, and do you remember that we discussed the issue of the difference between track and freestyle?
01:58They have absolutely nothing to do.
02:00How many broken bones do you have, Maligno?
02:04How many broken bones do you have?
02:07Frankly, it's something that at some point I started to lose sight of, because I literally had to get hurt a lot.
02:15I think it's because I was also trying to overcome a certain limit, which maybe I shouldn't have exceeded, and well, I had to get hurt a lot.
02:22But everything on the left side, I don't know why, honestly, according to the shamans they say that the left side is emotional, but nothing, on the left side I have everything fractured.
02:30From the shoulder, which is twice, acromion malusations on both shoulders, the elbow, two to one, and an exposed wrist, the knuckle, the knee.
02:40And don't lower the intensity, because Maligno was second in the world championship, which was now I think in Abu Dhabi.
02:49In the last test, he even broke his bike, he broke his finger, and also thanks to that second place, today he is number one in freestyle.
02:58How did your life change after the gold medal, and above all, how did the BMX sport in Argentina change after your gold medal?
03:07It is true that obviously many new proposals were proposed to us, based on sponsors, new proposals of new projects, commitments.
03:17Nowadays, maybe our voice is heard a little more, and that is also very important.
03:23And it is also true that the government itself also listens to us more, here in Cordoba, in what we need, it is also supporting us,
03:31except that before it already did, but at the Argentine level, some governors have also contacted us to try to make new parks, which are very important,
03:38so that obviously the sport expands a little more.
03:40But in itself, the cycling area, not exactly our sport in particular, also improved a lot, because I have spoken with many bike shops in general,
03:47in which sales have gone up a lot, people themselves are not going to ride in BMX to jump and hit each other,
03:53but they also start buying bicycles simply to pedal for cycling, and that is also something very important,
03:58in which it is also a goal that we managed to fulfill, which is already health.
04:03So that also makes us very happy.
04:06It is good what you say, the importance of sport, in this case the bike, but this, of moving the body in such a sedentary society,
04:15with boys, with girls who are so sedentary, we are all so sedentary, unfortunately,
04:21that this impulse that you are giving is great, let's say, beyond what it is for you, for your own life,
04:28these achievements also generate this other thing that you say, that people are interested in cycling,
04:34that it comes out, that it moves, that it changes a little that dynamic of being all day sitting in front of the computer.
04:41Yes, of course, maybe people sometimes forget or don't realize it, but when you do a physical wear,
04:47you really feel very happy and you also feel that you did something very productive, and that is the most important thing.
04:54Yes, obviously, besides extending life and feeling better physically and so on.
04:58But they forget that great detail that is very important.
05:01The sport that Malik does is pure and exclusively individual effort, yes?
05:08He has to go out looking for brands that sponsor him, it is very expensive to travel,
05:12but it is pure and exclusively a huge individual effort.
05:16How did you decide, in a province of the country, to dedicate yourself to BMX, freestyle or BMX track as well?
05:25I didn't hear a question.
05:28There goes the question.
05:31For me it was a disappointment that they didn't give you the Olympic gold, dear Malik, you won,
05:39nothing less than an Olympic game, no one comes, and in BMX, less.
05:45You compete against billions of dollars of French, Belgian, North American athletes,
05:52who are the number one, the North Americans.
05:55Now you are the number one in the world, you came out second in the world championship.
06:01How did you take that they gave Colapinto and Dibu, who may deserve it, the Olympic gold,
06:07when you were, without a doubt, the most outstanding athlete of last year?
06:12Look, I took it very well.
06:15First, that at one point I didn't know much about the award,
06:19because I was always more than all tender here in Cordoba, in Argentina,
06:22but not at the national level.
06:24So when they had appointed me, of course I started to investigate a little,
06:27and when I saw that Messi had won several times, I said, well, it must be crazy.
06:31Then, obviously, asking, I knew it was at least the most anticipated award of the year,
06:35at the sporting level.
06:37But then, simply with the fact that we have been tendered,
06:40and that they have put Colapinto, Dibu and me as favorites,
06:44that for me had already won.
06:46Just to be arguing with such stars, for me it was already very important.
06:50To win in my silver tender, for me it was also really incredible.
06:55But well, then I know that I don't know which way the organization and others can be guided.
07:01I knew that they also deserved it, just like me.
07:03Without a doubt.
07:04So that didn't bother me either.
07:06I also know that it has nothing to do with the athletes at the time of the award.
07:10No, no, no.
07:11Because sometimes people can get confused and say,
07:13no, but what did the guy do? Blah, blah, blah.
07:15But well, the athletes have nothing to do with it in this case.
07:18It is the organization that should clarify a little more why the OAS,
07:21if it is a more media issue, more results issue, perhaps.
07:24But I simply, having already heard,
07:27or at least having read many comments from different important media,
07:30that people said that we should have won,
07:33already with that I felt very happy, very happy.
07:35For me that was the most important thing.
07:37I have earned more than all the respect of all the people.
07:39I wanted to say it, Maligno, because I know how hard it is for amateur athletes.
07:44All your career was amateur until how long ago?
07:48No, no.
07:49It's okay that I always say it, it's professional.
07:51But since the Olympic Games, the sport has changed a bit.
07:54Of course.
07:55Obviously the sacrifice, the effort that one makes as an athlete,
07:58is as important as any other sport.
08:00And maybe people sometimes get confused and forget that it is a sport.
08:03Yes, they think it's a secret sport.
08:04You can have more money, less money.
08:06But the effort is the same, or it can even be more.
08:08I mean, you don't realize that great detail.
08:10We all make a very important effort.
08:12The last short, Maligno.
08:13Each one in his area.
08:14But the requirement is the same.
08:16It's not that one goes faster in a car and can crash at 300 km per hour.
08:20The other person is throwing himself in the air,
08:22he spits on the bike and falls on his neck and that's it.
08:24Maligno, dear, the last short.
08:27A recommendation for a boy and a girl who want to start competing in BMX.
08:33Don't tell me to buy a bike.
08:36A recommendation?
08:38No, of course, wear the helmet and all the safety elements above all.
08:42Very good.
08:43It's typical in any sport, like you want to start your life calm.
08:47And when something happens to you,
08:48it's when you want to start using the element that it's already late.
08:51In my case, when I hit my head and I was half stupid,
08:53I wanted to start wearing the helmet and it was late.
08:55That's it.
08:56It was before.
08:57So start wearing the helmet because it's the most important thing.
08:59And of course, with any bike,
09:01the size of ours, which is 20 wheels,
09:03is enough to start training,
09:06to start competing in our sport.
09:08And then, obviously, everything will change as time goes by.
09:11And if you really choose the sport, we will help you.
09:13But it's just a helmet and a bike that is our size and that's enough to start.
09:18Very good.
09:19Very good, Maligno.
09:20And humbly, also those who go out to ride a bike for a walk,
09:24who go out to use the bike as a transport,
09:28also, helmet.
09:29Because you never know.
09:31So we leave this recommendation.
09:33Maligno, a big hug.
09:36I join Carlos' congratulations.
09:38And the best for this 2025.
09:41Thank you very much.
09:42It was super incredible.
09:43A big, big hug.
09:44I hope you start very well and a lot of success.
09:46Thank you for the space.
