• 2 months ago


00:00On the 15th of March, 2020, I filed a written complaint against Sanjay Shalit.
00:10But the police did not take any action against me.
00:15I was harassed by Dilip Morlique.
00:18That is why I am in the High Court today.
00:22Did you file an FIR against the police?
00:25Yes, I filed a written complaint against the police.
00:29I wrote a letter to the police asking them to stop harassing me.
00:38I also wrote a letter to the other party members.
00:47I filed a GDO against Sanjay Shalit.
00:50But the police did not take any action against him.
00:53That is why I am in the High Court today.
00:57What do you want?
00:59I want the accused to be punished.
01:05I request the court to punish the accused.
01:12That is why I am in the High Court today.
