• 2 months ago
Video Information: Shabdyog session, 31.05.2019, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida, India

In this thought-provoking session, Acharya Ji dismantles the popular notion that spirituality and naturalism are inseparable. He reveals that true spirituality is about transcending the physical world (prakriti) rather than clinging to it. This attachment often leads to destructive behaviors, such as exploiting nature and harming animals for personal satisfaction. Acharya Ji encourages us to rise above these limitations, advocating for a perspective that allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature without causing harm.

He passionately argues for the intelligent use of technology to create sustainable alternatives, like artificial meat, to meet human desires while safeguarding the environment and animal welfare. By harnessing our intellect in the service of compassion, we can forge a path that honors both our spiritual journey and our responsibility to the planet. Join Acharya Ji in exploring how we can cultivate a deeper connection with nature through awareness, innovation, and love, ultimately leading to a more harmonious existence for all living beings.

~ Is veganism unnatural?
~ Why must kids turn vegan?
~ How to teach veganism to kids?
~ Who is destroying our Prakrati?
~ Should we not live on natural instincts?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00Usually, people think that spirituality and naturalism go together.
00:09They think, you know, if you are a spiritual man, then you would love fruits and all kinds
00:17of animal products.
00:20And these two often are seen together.
00:24The moment a person picks up some spiritual text, he also starts eating more raw food.
00:35It is often a combination.
00:42It is seen that spiritual people go to the jungles.
00:49So somehow a correlation has been established in the mind that spirituality and Prakriti
00:55go together.
00:56No, wrong.
00:59Spirituality is transcendence of Prakriti and when you transcend Prakriti, then you
01:04can really love Prakriti.
01:07It is a thing that you have to appreciate.
01:11Those who do not transcend Prakriti remain attached with Prakriti and if you remain attached
01:16with Prakriti, you will consume Prakriti.
01:18For example, if you remain attached to your own body, then you will kill somebody's
01:23body to feed your own body.
01:26If you are attached to Prakriti, you will rape Prakriti.
01:31But the saint goes beyond Prakriti, from there he can just lovingly witness and watch Prakriti.
01:39Then he doesn't interfere with Prakriti or consume it or rape it.
01:45Are you getting it?
01:49In fact, a lot of damage to Prakriti is being brought about by Prakriti lovers as well.
01:57So they would say, you know, we require a particular type of fruit.
02:04Now for that type of fruit to be grown, all other species of trees are being cut off.
02:17If you are standing at the intellect ilmari, as you are, use the intellect.
02:25Find out where in the world, from where in the world can you get all nutrients that are
02:46not animal-forced.
02:51If it is required that artificial meat be made in order to satisfy people who necessarily
03:05want to have meat, I am all in favor of more technological research to produce more artificial
03:15meat that closely resembles animal meat.
03:20This is compassion because this is going to save billions of animals every day.
03:27Let technological prowess be used to produce artificial meat because the fellow is now
03:34addicted to meat.
03:36He will eat meat and if you will not give him artificial meat, he will slaughter the
03:44So use intellect, use research, use technology.
03:50What is all your scientific knowledge for?
03:52You can't even produce a protein molecule in the factory.
03:58And then we sing so much about man's scientific advancements.
04:10Man cannot go back to the jungle.
04:15So even if you want to protect the jungle now, intellect is the answer.
04:25Man can neither go back to the jungle nor can man give up the intellect.
04:32But the jungle has to be protected, so the intellect is the answer.
04:37Use the mind.
04:39Use the mind in service to the truth.
04:47If intellect is what you have, devote the intellect to the service of the truth, to
04:56the service of compassion.
