03:16Gaida I'm from Tunisia but I study in South Korea I just I finished my PhD
03:23this August and I'm doing one year as a researcher actually like I
03:29participated in Barsco Janya because I like like I love India it's actually my
03:35first time here but when I was young I watched a lot of like movies and also my
03:41sister studied my older sister also she studied in India and in Korea also there
03:46is like a big Indian community so I made some friends while staying there
04:00actually like I came like I say like this is my first time stepping outside
04:06you know so I'm really excited I was like most of the time I was at the
04:10airport but oh I feel like it's going to be like a really great experience yeah
04:17because you know India is so rich in culture you know you can see even at the
04:23airport you can see like a lot of like different like style you know that type
04:27of people like wow it's amazing
04:42oh my god I really like curry for sure I like because I like spicy food even in
04:47my country we eat a lot of spicy food so I like it's like so rich in spices you
04:52can feel like like this like from the smell and the taste I really like it and
04:56like the way like how they eat with their hands we also eat with