• 2 months ago
00:00The art is in brass, in metal, in clay, in cotton.
00:10The art is being displayed and sold on the world platform.
00:18It has such a huge market and its own potential.
00:22There is no competition for you at the world level.
00:26There are some countries that don't produce durable products.
00:30If you buy it today, it will go bad the next day.
00:33But the base of India is that we make products with sustainable ingredients.
00:38In which there is nature and nothing harmful.
00:42If we take such products to the world level,
00:45I think there is no limit to how much market you can capture.
00:51I would like to request Modi and the Ministry of External Affairs
00:55to make such display units near their embassies in every country.
00:58So that the locals can see it and understand it.
01:02It is not necessary that everyone can come to India.
01:05If they come to know about it while living there,
01:07they can buy the products there and our business can go further.
01:13I would like to request you to take these products to the world level.
01:37My name is Antara Rakesh Talam and I am from UK.
01:41I have written this poem for the Off-VJP poetry recitation program before the election.
01:52We have done it in the UK.
01:54I wrote this poem and recited it.
01:57I wanted to give this poetry by myself to Modi Sir.
02:03This time I want to make sure that my dream comes true.
02:07To give my poetry to Modi Sir by myself.
02:12Last year I couldn't give it to him personally.
02:16But this time I wanted to give it to him.
02:18Modi Sir, please accept my gift.
02:20I want to meet you and I want to give this to you.
02:22Thank you so much.
02:23Please say one or two lines for the poetry for the PM Sir and Mr. Modi Sir.
02:29Modi Sir has written a poem called Abhi To Suraj Uga Hai.
02:34I have taken one line from that.
02:36Modi Sir, the sun has not risen just like that.
02:38You have risen it.
02:39You have shown the proof by putting Ramlala on the sun.
02:43It is your hard work and BJP's hard work that India is progressing so much.
02:48I am very thankful as an NRI to be here.
02:51On Pravasibhati I came especially for this.
02:54To experience this hospitality in Odisha.
02:58It's awesome.
02:59The spiritual vibes.
03:01I belong to Benaras.
03:03I can feel the connection here and there.
03:07Do you agree that the wait of thousands of years, the wait of crores of years,
03:15PM Modi not only built the Ram Mandir, but thousands of crores of years of our civilization
03:22and our Indians who have settled in India, who have settled outside India,
03:25their hopes and wishes have come true and Ram Janmabhoomi has been given the status
03:31which he was entitled to 5000 years ago.
03:34This is a very big thing for all of us Sanatani people and all our Hindu brothers and sisters.
03:39Not only in India, but also abroad.
03:41We are very thankful to Modi Sir that you have taken such a big step.
03:46You have created such a big history.
03:49You have raised our Ramlala from the tent and established him in a huge, wonderful temple.
03:55So it is a very big thing.
03:57And that statue, as we are saying here, when you go to the temple of Lord Jagannath,
04:01you feel that energy.
04:03You can feel that energy in Ramlala's temple in his eyes.
04:08So you will get all the answers yourself that how big a work has been done,
04:11how big a history has been created.
04:13Some Maharishis say that so many Prime Ministers have come so far.
04:16Ram Janmabhoomi could not do anything.
04:18Ram Mandir could not be built.
04:20Some say that they have that power.
04:23God has given them some power.
04:25Some say Avatar.
04:26What do you think?
04:28What they are saying is not wrong.
04:30Sometimes I feel that some people are like God.
04:33God cannot come.
04:35And not everywhere it is said that God has made a mother.
04:38So it is the same.
04:40We can say the same for Modi Sir.
04:42India has a son like Modi Sir for a mother.
04:46Yes, I have written in my poetry that
04:48God has sent Indra in the form of Narendra.
04:55Because our country needed such a person.
