• 2 months ago
Kya hukumat ko koi khatra hai ??? Irfan Siddiqi ne saaf saaf bata diya
00:00And your respected leader, Mr. Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif also has the same sentiments
00:05that it is such a good thing that two political parties going in opposite directions,
00:10in terms of their views, are sitting on the same table.
00:13Mr. Nawaz Sharif is also very happy about this.
00:15Yes, yes, absolutely.
00:17When Mr. Nawaz Sharif came out of London in October 2023,
00:22you have heard his speech in Lahore.
00:25He had the same sentiments.
00:27When Mr. Shahbaz raised his hand, he said the same thing.
00:30We have been saying this again and again.
00:32I have been saying this in the House.
00:34We have been talking about this here as well.
00:36We have never said not to have negotiations.
00:38The matter was that there, in a very two-toke,
00:41determined manner, it was said that
00:44one cannot talk to this person or that person.
00:47Then the reasons for this were also told,
00:49that why can't one talk to this person or that person.
00:52So now if there is a positive change in their opinion about us,
00:56then it is a good thing.
00:58And we think that national affairs run like this.
01:02Mr. Badami, you know what was the state of
01:05hostility between us and the People's Party.
01:09And to what extent we had reached.
01:11But in the end, we met, two leaders met,
01:13they did the Charter of Democracy,
01:15matters went ahead.
01:17Even today, we are not a part of a government,
01:19but we are a part of a system.
01:21We have also been in a government.
01:23So political parties move forward in the same way.
01:26Political parties do not move forward through
01:28protests, gatherings, marches, and demonstrations.
01:31This is the way to solve problems.
01:33And just to finish this, towards the end,
01:36Mr. Irfan, is there any way in which
01:39all this negotiating has anything to do with
01:42whether the government can fulfill its mandate or not?
01:48Or not, the government got a mandate for five years
01:50and the government fulfilled it for five years.
01:52On our part, there is no such demand or desire
02:00that we present to them that you do this
02:05so that the government does not create problems for it.
02:08Then we can give you this permission.
02:10Absolutely, there is no such thing.
02:13We will look at their demands on merit.
02:15Our government's fate is not at all dependent on their demands.
02:19If this demand comes from them,
02:23maybe not a demand,
02:25that sir, let there be an early election,
02:28then these are such things on which you say
02:30that we will think about it and give an answer or not.
02:32On this, what you are saying is that
02:33there can be no discussion on this,
02:34because we have come for five years.
02:35So why can't we talk on this?
02:37Mr. Badami, this is what I am telling you again and again
02:41that they should not bring it.
02:43Write it once and bring it.
02:45Have you heard the name of the election in their language?
02:47No, have you heard the name of the election in anyone's language?
02:50I mean, someone says something, someone says something,
02:52someone says that the return of the mandate is required,
02:54someone says that it can be done later,
02:56I mean, it is different.
02:57Yes, this is the problem for us.
02:59So that all these different nine words,
03:03they should justify them,
03:05bring them to a Charter of Demand,
03:07take them to Mr. Khan,
03:09take their approval,
03:11bring them to us,
03:12that this is that final contest.
03:14Put elections in this,
03:16what else is to be put in this,
03:18whatever is to be put,
03:19chili powder,
03:20put it once.
03:21Then the process of negotiation will begin,
03:23because then you will sit on it,
03:24you will talk to your leadership,
03:25you will think,
03:26you will give an answer,
03:27everything will happen.
03:28Then that gang will come to our court.
