• 2 months ago
👉 Franco Toro, el joven de 30 años que se arrojó al mar para auxiliar a una amiga, fue encontrado sin vida en aguas de la Parada 3, pero el cuerpo de forenses dicen que necesitan ADN para identificarlo.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
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00:00Inconceivable, I'm going to start angry, hot, inconceivable, the forense could not identify the found body.
00:08The one of Franco? The one that was presumed to be Franco Toro?
00:11The one that disappeared, he could not identify it and the DNA will take 4 or 5 days.
00:17I say that what I have just heard is inconceivable.
00:20A statement has just been issued by the prosecution, which is in charge of Jessica Pereira,
00:28saying that the forense technical team that removed the body and took it to the forense in Maldonado,
00:34could not identify it.
00:36With which we are back in zero, because these 4 or 5 days,
00:42we have to see what the authorities of the prefecture are going to do, if they are going to go out to look for it again,
00:46to whom this body belongs, because the DNA will take at least 4 or 5 days, they just said.
00:52With which I am angry, I am very angry, I am very sad, because this is inconceivable.
00:59Let's see, Gustavo, it has to do with this boy,
01:03who during the weekend, finally, after an intense long search,
01:07with days that had to be interrupted due to bad conditions,
01:10the work of a lifeguard was found, key, key.
01:13We also thank the Uruguayan lifeguard, even from a human point of view,
01:17because the result was already irreversible, the Uruguayan prefecture had already communicated that he was already looking for him dead.
01:24This begins to give an answer to the family.
01:27Now, we all intuited that it was him.
01:30Let's see, one sees him, he is a tattoo artist, one sees very characteristic tattoos,
01:35without going into details that out there have to do with the morbid, we are not going there.
01:40But they couldn't even identify him from the tattoos, Gustavo?
01:45Look, let's see, I want to be, I want to be careful not to say anything that does not correspond.
01:52There is a protocol that when a person is found, there has to be an identification by the forensic,
01:58which is done based on signs, to characteristics of the body, the size, the weight,
02:03to personal marks that could be a wound, an operation, a tattoo, the amount, etc., a lot of things.
02:09There is the family, here in Punta del Este, who with a lot of pain received that body from the sea.
02:16But the statement of a few minutes ago, speaks the prosecutor who is in the case,
02:21subrogant prosecutor, saying,
02:23beware that the forensic did not give me the certainty that this body corresponds to the young bull,
02:28with which surely the prosecution is going to request the prefecture,
02:31I say, I don't know, I'm saying what comes to my mind,
02:36but that by not corroborating, by not having the certainty, the forensic tells him,
02:41you have to do a DNA test and it will take 4 or 5 days.
02:44There are no faster DNA tests?
02:46So much, of course, it draws attention.
02:48That's why I say, it draws attention, or they are taking our hair.
02:53I understand that justice has to be handled based on scientific evidence,
02:57it is understandable from that point of view.
02:59One could say, hey, there is another person missing,
03:01with characteristics similar to Franco in these days in Punta del Este,
03:04one could say no, and from there you can choose what it is about.
03:07I understand that it is not enough with this,
03:09that they have to, when closing a process, a cause,
03:14have to rely also on scientific data.
03:17For the data of the family?
03:19To go and take a swab,
03:21poor family, for what has to happen,
03:23because they already understood that it was already,
03:25that this situation was to start a duel, it is Franco,
03:29but now you have to go and take a swab,
03:31I don't know if the mother or a direct relative,
03:33I think the father is also there,
03:35it is something else that has to go through the family.
03:37The family is here.
03:39The family is there.
03:41Exactly, and it will not be immediate,
03:43that's what I can't understand.
03:45I understand that scientists and forensic scientists have to be sure,
03:50and maybe what you are asking for is a complete DNA,
03:54a DNA that studies the whole structure,
03:58but there is no mechanism that is faster,
04:01that at least, let's say, is or is not,
04:03it catches my attention a lot,
04:05and this is a fact that we consider inconceivable,
04:08it is inconceivable that after all this work,
04:10justice cannot determine,
04:12and the forensic cannot do it either.
04:14So my dear Bobby,
04:16excuse me, we came to talk about another topic,
04:18but this just happened a few minutes ago.
04:21In the meantime, the search is paralyzed.
04:25Of course, because we even talked to the mayor,
04:29we made the note that for them with a lot of pain,
04:32they closed this case,
04:34that the sea had taken it and returned it,
04:37that we talk about things of sailors,
04:39of the effort they made,
04:41but now this leaves us with a lot of uncertainty.
04:43Will this be the body found of the young bull,
04:46or are we talking about another body?
04:49Therefore, I tell you Bobby,
04:51it just happened a few minutes ago,
04:53a statement from the prosecutor's spokesman,
04:56who says that the doctor,
04:58I mean the prosecutor, Jessica Pereira,
05:01cannot guarantee that it is the body,
05:03because the forensic could not corroborate
05:06in the work and the study they do
05:08for all cases of death,
05:10that this body found
05:12belongs to the missing person.
05:14Gustavo, I consult you,
05:16I don't know if it is in these cases in particular different,
05:19but don't you make the family see the body too,
05:22to make that identification?
05:24Recognition, of course.
05:26Of course, but I want to tell you,
05:28of course, but after several days at sea,
05:30there are changes,
05:32and I want to be delicate with the situation
05:34and with what we have known,
05:36the state of the body,
05:38which makes it perhaps difficult
05:40that for the family they can give
05:42with the signs or with the characteristics
05:44of their own son.
05:48we are talking about the son
05:50of these two people,
05:52who supposedly had closed
05:54this painful issue,
05:56and that they have to maintain the uncertainty
05:58for 4 or 5 days,
06:00because the forensic body
06:02of Maldonado
06:04can not give
06:06certainties to the prosecutor,
06:08and the prosecutor says,
06:10until I have an act signed
06:12by the forensic chief
06:14that gives me 100% guarantee
06:16that the son is missing,
06:18I will not sign anything,
06:20with which the other question is opened,
06:22what is the prefecture going to do?
06:24Look, oh no, I just saw a helicopter pass,
06:26maybe it's just a coincidence,
06:28maybe they went out to look for him,
06:30I just saw him pass,
06:32I'm here very close to the area
06:34where the sea swallowed
06:36the body of the young bull,
06:38he appeared near the pot
06:40at stop 3 of Praia Brava,
06:42a kilometer and a half away.
06:44This is the beginning of this new story,
06:46I hope we have the certainty
06:48to close this case.
06:50I notice you upset,
06:52I notice you angry,
06:54in times when there is talk
06:56of not re-victimizing the victims,
06:58this has to do with not making them
07:00go through processes that are
07:02extremely traumatic,
07:04it is assumed that it is a concept
07:06from the legal point of view
07:08that is worked a lot in these times,
07:10in this sense,
07:12that the victims are also
07:14by extension,
07:16and well, one understands that
07:18nature did its own thing,
07:20that obviously the conditions
07:22are not the most desired,
07:24in that doing its own thing,
07:26nature, and we are going to be elegant
07:28as we have been from the beginning,
07:30Gustavo, the truth is that I congratulate you,
07:32you have been very human,
07:34you have not come close to bothering the family,
07:36we talked when it was not yet
07:38an official news,
07:40we still did not draw conclusions
07:42that were already too evident
07:44by the mere passage of time,
07:46but let's say that
07:48here nature did its own thing,
07:50as well as at some point
07:52it took Franco,
07:54at some point it also
07:56expelled him,
07:58that passage of time also
08:00has its effects on the body,
08:02and maybe there
08:04it was difficult to recognize it,
08:10I am surprised that perhaps
08:12they have not made it happen,
08:14sometimes you look for the most whole
08:16within a family circle
08:18to go through that situation,
08:20I say it from my own experience,
08:22it is the worst thing they will have in life,
08:24yes, surely,
08:26but also from a legal point of view
08:28it is a procedure that must be passed,
08:30it is rare that they have avoided that
08:32and that now they are going through
08:34this other,
08:36Gustavo, the Departmental Attorney
08:38of Maldonado, second shift,
08:40in charge of the prosecutor Jessica Pereira,
08:42reported that in relation to the body
08:44found on Sunday, January 5,
08:46near Playa El Emir, Punta del Este,
08:48it was not possible to identify it,
08:50so the Forensic Technical Institute
08:52understood it convenient to carry out
08:54DNA studies for them,
08:56which may present a delay
08:58between 4 and 5 days,
09:00the truth is a very long term,
09:02I hope it is less,
09:04but let's see,
09:06make the family go through this again,
09:08and I don't even want to think,
09:10Gustavo, give some hope,
09:12give it out there,
09:14and then we think,
09:16maybe it is not frank,
09:18it is the misfortune of another,
09:20but maybe it is not ours,
09:22make it go through that,
09:24the truth is that it calls
09:26at least the attention,
09:28and we close with this
09:30and change the subject.
09:32I would like to tell you that
09:34of the 12 detainees,
09:368 were impeached,
09:38there are 8 Argentines impeached,
09:40these young people,
09:42we are talking about this situation
09:44that has to do with the work done
09:46by specialized police,
09:48in reference to the group
09:50that was with the sale of drugs,
09:52we are talking about the crap,
09:54there are 8 who were already impeached,
09:564 in the early morning were released,
09:58with which they were dictated
10:00120 hours, 120 days of work
10:02so that the file begins to walk
10:04and the prosecution has all the elements
10:06to be able to advance
10:08on the conviction or the conviction request.
10:10I want to tell you that yesterday
10:12we were evicted by the judge,
10:14Dr. García,
10:16we were evicted, Sara,
10:18as all the relatives,
10:20because it was placed a secret,
10:22they want the file to be secret
10:24because this cause could derive
10:26in other areas, in other areas,
10:28with which we are also
10:30in the first link of this story
10:32that can have, let's say,
10:34unexpected derivations,
10:36not only in Uruguay, but also in Argentina.
10:38Of course, because it is also about
10:40that all the detainees, now 8,
10:42were only impeached,
10:44they are all from the Argentine nationality,
10:46one begins to do the traceability,
10:48to say, we are going to cut it
10:50nothing more than in some young people
10:52who fit a responsibility,
10:54but who were in charge of the commercialization,
10:56and who are the real
10:58instigators of this situation.
