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HMPV নিয়ে চিন্তার কিছুই নেই, সবরকম পরিস্থিতির মোকাবিলা করতে প্রস্তুত: জেপি নাড্ডা



00:00Health experts have clarified that HMPV virus is not a new virus.
00:07It was first identified in 2001 and it has been circulating in the entire world since
00:14many years.
00:15HMPV spreads through the air by way of respiration.
00:20This can affect persons of all age groups.
00:23The virus spreads more during the winter and the early spring months.
00:28On recent reports, the cases of HMPV in China, the Health Ministry, the Indian Council for
00:35Medical Research and the National Centre for Disease Control are keeping a close watch
00:42on the situation in China as well as in their neighbouring countries.
00:46WHO has taken cognizance of the situation and will share their report shortly with us.
00:54The country data for respiratory viruses available with Indian Council for Medical
00:59Research, ICMR and the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme has also been reviewed
01:06and no surge in any of the common respiratory viral pathogens is observed in India.
01:14Joint monitoring group meeting was held under the chairmanship of Director General for Health
01:19Services on 4th of January 2025 to review the situation.
01:25The health systems and surveillance networks of the country remain vigilant, ensuring the
01:32country is ready to respond promptly to any emerging health challenges.
01:37There is no reason to worry.
02:37There is no correlation as of now.
02:42How dangerous is it for people?
02:49This is a good question.
02:51I would like to say that this is not a corona-like or worrying virus.
02:56Even in normal colds and coughs, such reports are positive.
03:02As an ICU practitioner, we have seen infections of such viruses.
03:07But not all viruses are corona-like or troublesome like swine flu.
03:13This was a simple cold-cough virus.
03:16This child was already on ventilator support when he was born.
03:21He was admitted to the NICU for almost 25 days.
03:24He just got infected at home for a few days.
03:26This is due to premature lungs or early stages of BPD.
03:30This is the reason why a child can easily get infected with any virus.
03:34We do not think there is a chance of normal cold-cough in such routine healthy babies.
03:42What is the basic precaution?
03:45Normally, when we have a cold-cough or a virus outbreak, just like it has happened now,
03:50we have to take care of our routine.
03:53If you have a cold-cough or a fever for more than two days,
03:56kindly visit your doctor or a pediatrician.
03:58If you are an elderly person, take them to the doctor.
04:00The second most important thing that we prefer in the ICU is that
04:03everyone should do frequent hand-washing.
04:06If you have a mild cold-cough, you can always use a mask.
04:10A simple cloth mask is also enough.
04:12Not always, necessarily, a N95 mask.
04:15I said hand-washing.
04:17The basic antipyretics are fever medicine, paracetamol, cold medicine.
04:21You have to take them.
04:22There is no need to taste them.
04:24This is a benign infection.
04:26Normally, in 2-3 days or 4-5 days, it becomes self-limiting and reduces.
04:30What are the chances that the baby will be out of danger?
04:33The baby is alright right now.
04:35The baby is out of danger.
04:37More than that, the baby is being discharged.
04:40There are no symptoms, no pain, no heavy medicine.
04:43The baby is being discharged with just basic supportive medicine.
