HMPV নিয়ে অযথা ভয় পাবেন না, শরীরে গুরুতর ক্ষতি করে না এটি: কর্নাটকের স্বাস্থ্যমন্ত্রী দীনেশ রাও
00:00This is not something which is unknown, the HMPV virus, it's a flu virus which is there
00:07and certain percentage of people catch respiratory problems and cold due to this virus.
00:15It was first found out in 2001 in Netherlands.
00:20So this is not something that is new.
00:23And as far as we know, even the people, the child also in Baptist Hospital who had the HMPV symptoms
00:34is also very normal. Tomorrow I think most probably they'll be discharged.
00:39So let us see, I mean, we should not press the panic button or create any confusion.
00:45And I'm having a meeting now with our officers because I've told them to also have a further discussion with ICMR
00:52and Government of India and see anything new is there.
00:55And as far as this goes, these are regular kind of symptoms and no fatalities and no serious health.
01:04So far, I would say this is not a serious public health issue as of now.
01:11And we should not be over, you know, dramatizing it or making it unnecessarily creating a lot of confusion.
01:23This is an existing virus. This is not like it has been reported. It is the first case.
01:27It's not like it's the first case. It's been there from before.
01:30And whether it's connected to China or not, that we don't know.
01:35And these people have got no history of travel.
01:38The first child, I think, had gone to Tirupati and come back.
01:41So there's no history of travel abroad or coming in from some airport or anything like that.
01:45So there is no guideline, basic prevention, that issues have already been issued.
01:51Advisory has been already issued. Guidelines have been, that basic guidelines have been issued.
01:55So anyway, let me have a discussion further.
01:57I don't think you should panic. I don't, no emergency.
02:03I just told them to just discuss with ICMR or anything and what is it.
02:08And so far even Government of India also has said not to create any way, you know, get into some sort of scare or anything.
02:15Nothing like that is there.
02:17See, all those things will have to be done by them.
02:21If anything they need to, because it depends. These are all there existing in the viruses in our country.
02:27But whether, what is the strain that is there in China?
02:30And is that new strain? How is it playing out there?
02:35So that is something which they'll have to do.
02:37So I would say that people should stay calm.
02:41Did you get the report of that kid, sir? Eight month old kid?
02:44Yeah, kid is fine, doing well. Tomorrow the kid will be discharged and there's no problem.
02:49Sir, the release says that both the cases are being monitored by the…
02:53Monitored means they will just keep a track, I think.
02:57Because it has been, they have sent that flu, the virus for testing.
03:03And in the panel thing, various tests are done and this has come as positive.
03:07But it is not some new virus and it is not that it is for the first time.
03:11And so it is there. So let us not create any scare right now.
03:18The father of the kid was saying, sir, I was supposed to leave the hospital and everything was clean.
03:23And hospital forced me to do the test and we did it.
03:27That's all, that's all. So now the thing is, I would not say this is really a public health issue right now of serious concern.
03:36We will look at it on a daily basis and see if there is any such cause of concern, we will inform.
03:41But right now it is a regular issue and let us not overblow it, blow it out of proportion.
03:48What is going to be the agenda in the meeting today?
03:50Generally what Government of India, ICMR and what else we have to do.
03:54And any other precautions whether we have to take and try and get in more information.
03:59But as of now, I think there is, hopefully there is nothing more.
04:03But if anything is there, definitely I will inform.