• last year
এতদিন DVC-তে তো রাজ্যের সদস্য ছিলেন, মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মিথ্যে বলেছেন তা আবার প্রমাণিত!: সুকান্ত মজুমদার



00:00It is nothing that the politician stands by the Mamata Banerjee.
00:04Every time these areas, especially the Ghatal and the surrounding area, they get flooded with this.
00:12Every time they get flooded. But the thing is that, and Mamata Banerjee used the same word every year,
00:18it is a man-made flood. It is a man-made flood.
00:21If it is a man-made flood, you know, in the next year also, this man-made flood will happen.
00:27Then what initiative have you taken to counter this man-made flood?
00:33Last one year, ask Mamata Banerjee, whether have you taken any action or any letter you have written to the ministry
00:43or the Sarkar government to counter this?
00:47They did nothing. Even you ask the common people.
00:51Even they did nothing in case of the dams.
00:54Because the dams are, you know, it is an old dam. They are getting older.
01:00So you need the kind of work, repairing work.
01:04Some siltation happened. To lift up the siltation is very much necessary to maintain the capacity of a dam.
01:12But the Hojibangal government, due to the lack of money, they did nothing.
01:16And that is why this kind of flood is happening.
01:19And why she is repeating the same?
01:22Nothing but the political stunts. Political stunts because she did nothing.
01:28Even she had not implemented the Dhatal Master Plan.
01:31They are not getting the money from the central.
01:35At least they have initiated, they have taken some kind of initiative.
01:39Have they taken any kind of initiative? Nothing has been taken by them.
01:43What do you like to say regarding the future of this Hojibangal incident?
01:47Adityanath also alleged that she is not satisfied with the investigation done by the CBI.
01:54The CBI is doing the investigation.
01:56But the thing is that investigation, any kind of investigation, that depends upon the availability of the circumstantial evidences.
02:06No agency can deliver justice if the evidences are not there.
02:12If the evidences are not available.
02:15Here also, as mentioned by the Tushar Mehta, the council of the CBI in the Supreme Court,
02:22the tampering has been done with the evidences of the Adigar incident.
02:27Even almost 1,000 footprints were recovered by CBI from the occurrence place.
02:35If 1,000 persons roam around a crime scene, it is not possible for any agency to recover any kind of evidences from that area.
02:50That infested area rather I should say.
02:52But the thing is that the investigation of the corruption is going on.
02:57And we feel already two arrests have been done.
03:01So I feel the investigation will move in the right direction.
03:05CBI has shown Dr. Varun D'Souza, who was the member of this post-mortem of this lady.
03:12See, investigation is going on.
03:14You know the post-mortem was done in some peculiar situation.
03:22Because the one lady doctor, she opposed this post-mortem because according to the verdict of Supreme Court,
03:29after 6 p.m., post-mortem is not legal.
03:33You need special permission for this.
03:35So the question is now, why such hurry was there?
03:40That is the thing.
03:42And the post-mortem thing is, the post-mortem happened under peculiar circumstances.
03:49And the doctors have been compelled to do the post-mortem.
03:53Did the doctor also get threat calls that the post-mortem should be done within the hour?
04:00Yes, that lady doctor also got the threat from the TNC counsellor that if you could not perform the post-mortem within that day, then you will face the attack.
04:12So this kind of pressure was there.
04:16And that is the reason doctors were compelled.
04:18That is why I am telling.
04:20Doctors, especially that lady doctor, was not ready to perform the post-mortem illegally.
04:27But she has been compelled to do so.
04:30Sir, what about Bengal's new Congress president?
04:34Congress is confined to 2-3 districts.
04:37I think in the morning, it is not necessary at all to discuss the matter of Congress.
04:42One last question.
04:43The two representatives from the West Bengal government, they have stepped down from the DVC.
04:47It is unconstitutional.
04:49Because from the beginning or the inception of the DVC, it is the rule of the country that two people, they will remain the member.
04:58And that also proves that.
05:00Mamata Banerjee was lying.
05:02Previously, she was informing the people of West Bengal that the government of West Bengal was not informed.
05:09But being a part of that committee, your chief secretary and the chief engineer,
05:15obviously they must be informed.
05:17Without their information, the release of water could not take place.
05:21So, this decision by the Mamata Banerjee itself proves that the Mamata Banerjee was lying.
05:28Do you think the change of guard in the West Bengal Congress to protect the Tamil Congress because of the hard stand taken by...
05:34Maybe Adi Chaudhary's anti-Mamata stance actually ruined the Indy alliance in the top.
05:44Maybe this may be the reason.
