• hace 2 meses
Hoy conoceremos la increíble historia de los hermanos Mucutuy, quienes sobrevivieron 40 días en la selva amazónica tras un accidente aéreo que impactó a Colombia y al mundo. Exploraremos cómo los soldados y exploradores indígenas superaron diferencias culturales para unir esfuerzos en el rescate, enfrentando los desafíos de la selva amazónica, desde fauna salvaje hasta grupos armados.


00:00Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will know the case
00:15of the four Mucutui brothers who survived for just 40 days in the Colombian Amazon jungle.
00:29This event that shook Colombia was followed closely by news from around the world, leaving
00:35lessons of hope, resilience and the importance of cultural roots.
00:47The Mucutui brothers.
00:58On May 1, 2023, the 13-year-old Leslie brothers, 9-year-old Soleini, 4-year-old Tien Noriel
01:06and 11-month-old Cristin, were traveling on a plane that crashed into the Colombian Amazon jungle.
01:12The accident claimed the lives of all the adults on board, including their mother Magdalena
01:18Mucutui, leaving the children completely alone in one of the most inhospitable and extensive
01:24of the planet.
01:33During the next 40 days, they faced torrential rains, wild fauna and the lack of basic resources.
01:40However, the brothers managed to survive thanks to their connection with ancestral knowledge
01:46of their Huitoto community, taught by their mother.
01:50Among the techniques learned, Leslie, the eldest, stood out as a leader in identifying
01:55safe food and protecting her younger brothers.
01:59This resilience and responsibility surprised both the rescuers and the whole world.
02:05survival in extreme conditions.
02:21The Amazon jungle, although majestic, represents a formidable challenge.
02:26Its vastness, the threat of wild animals and the intense daily rains made the
02:32children's odyssey both a struggle to survive and a demonstration of the connection
02:37between nature and its culture.
02:50The videos of the operation and the reconstructions of the facts showed how indigenous wisdom
02:56was crucial to guarantee their survival, reaffirming the importance of preserving
03:02and transmitting this knowledge to the new generations.
03:06The search operation also had to face another danger, the presence of armed groups
03:11illegal as the FARC dissidents operating in the area.
03:29This context forced the military forces to work cautiously and silently in the first
03:34stages of the search to avoid alerting these groups.
03:38In spite of this, hope and commitment prevailed.
03:42Stories of the rescuers mention how the jungle seemed to prevent their progress, whether
03:48because they did not want their presence or because the natural entities protected the
03:53children from other dangers.
04:10These beliefs reflect a spiritual vision of the jungle, seen by indigenous communities
04:16as a living being with their own will.
04:19The role of the community and hope.
04:39The initial search began with a small group of indigenous explorers and the stepfather
04:44of the children, Manuel Ranoque, who worked independently of the military forces.
04:51The indigenous explorers were the first to find the plane, which allowed
04:56establish a more defined search perimeter.
05:19Later, more than 100 soldiers and 85 indigenous people joined together, collaborating in an
05:24operation that exemplified the importance of cooperation between sectors.
05:34Although at first there were tensions between the two groups due to cultural differences
05:39and mutual distrust, the deep knowledge of the indigenous people about the jungle was
05:46The union of military strategies and ancestral wisdom showed that effective collaboration
05:51can overcome barriers in favor of a common goal.
06:18The history of the Mucutui children transcended the borders of Colombia and captured the attention
06:24of international media, who highlighted both the courage of the little ones and the complexity
06:30of the rescue operation.
06:43This coverage also put a focus on the indigenous communities of the country, their ancestral
06:48knowledge and their historical marginalization, leading many to reflect on the importance
06:54of preserving these cultures and learning from them.
07:09After the rescue, the children were transferred to Bogotá, where they received specialized
07:26medical and psychological care.
07:29The prolonged exposure to extreme conditions and the loss of their mother posed significant
07:35emotional and psychological challenges.
08:00Experts highlighted the importance of a comprehensive approach to their recovery, which would include
08:05both psychological care and strengthening their connection with their cultural roots.
08:11Aspects of the rescue
08:19The search operation used advanced technologies such as GPS devices and speakers to reproduce
08:26messages from the grandmother of the children, urging them to stay in a safe place.
08:49However, it was indigenous knowledge that made the difference, demonstrating that in
08:55such a hostile environment, technology alone is not enough without a deep understanding
09:01of the terrain.
09:02We have not reached the end yet, but almost, just do not forget to subscribe to our channel
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09:12Now yes, let's go to the end.
09:15The stepfather and the abuse complaints
09:23After the rescue, history took a dark turn with the arrest of Manuel Ranoque, accused
09:29of sexual abuse against Leslie, the eldest daughter, and pointed out by the grandmother of the children
09:34for mistreating Magdalena Mucutuy, his wife.
09:38According to the complaints, these acts were part of a pattern of violence prior to the
10:00According to indigenous beliefs, the jungle rejected the stepfather, interpreting it as
10:05a punishment for his acts.
10:19Did you already know all the details of this case?
10:22Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other original videos of Watch Mojo Español.
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