• 2 months ago
নিত্যদিন মদে ডুবে থাকত শেখর ৷ বারণে বিরক্ত হয়ে স্ত্রী ও মেয়েকে খুন ৷ 6 বছর পর তাকে যাবজ্জীবন সাজা দিল বারাসত আদালত ৷


00:00This is a case of rape. It happened on 18th March 2018.
00:10The father killed his wife and daughter with a stick in his head.
00:16When the mother went to the market, the daughter was giving her medicine.
00:19At that time, the father hit the daughter with a stick in his head and then strangulated her with a rope to confirm her death.
00:29When the mother came back, the father hit the daughter with a stick in his head and then strangulated her with a rope to confirm her death.
00:42She was hiding under the tree.
00:44This is a case of 2018.
00:47This is a case of March 2018.
00:49The investigation has been going on for a long time.
00:52It was under the Habra Police.
00:54They have done a good investigation.
00:56The P.B. of this case, Mr. Minal Kanti Das, said that he could not be here today.
01:03But he did a hearing in an online Google Meet.
01:07On Saturday, March 18, 2018, he was sentenced to 302-201 years in prison for rape and murder.
01:21He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
01:24He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
01:31The motive is that there were various family problems.
01:37He was in a very drunken condition.
01:41There was a lack of education, education, and education.
01:45But this is the reason.
01:47No other motive can be seen.
