• 2 months ago
Freddy Wexler & Sacha caught up with Billboard's Tetris Kelly at the 2025 Golden Globes.


00:00Nominated tonight for Better Man, you guys created music for the soundtrack, how was it to work with Robbie and create music for this iconic film?
00:07I mean, amazing. Robbie's such a legend. He's so unapologetically himself. He's authentic, he's raw, he's funny, and he's got a hell of a voice.
00:17I was honestly blown away recording his vocals. He's 50 years old, he sounds like he could be 25. It's amazing.
00:24What do you feel like Better Man says as a song?
00:28I think it was a very personal song that we did for Robbie. It's the end song, which is about his whole life.
00:38It was trying to create, as the director had said to us, he wanted it to feel like a hug at the end of the film.
00:44So we were really trying to get that across and then get the whole of Robbie's rollercoaster of a life that he's had.
00:51And then Freddie, obviously you work with Ariana Grande a lot, so how was it to see her success with Wicked?
00:55Oh my gosh. Well, first of all, I saw her at the Golden Globes luncheon. I took a photo with her and Rob.
01:01She's unbelievable. I DM'd her the other day and I was just like, you are so talented. It's insane.
01:07So I'm so happy for her. She's such a professional. She's so talented.
01:11And about the song real quick, Forbidden Road, I think it's really about the kind of unconventional paths that shape who we are.
01:18And Rob's life is a lot of crazy paths, good, bad, boulders in there.
01:23But it landed him where he is tonight and where we are tonight. And so that's really what it's about.
01:28Congratulations on the film and the song, guys. Have a good night.
