• 2 months ago
CG Naxal News : नक्सलगढ़ की राजधानी कहे जाने वाले छत्तीसगढ़ के नारायणपुर जिले के अबुझमाड़ (Abujhmad) क्षेत्र में 5 जनवरी को नक्सलियों और सुरक्षाबलों के बीच मुठभेड़ (Naxal Encounter) हुई। इसमें सुरक्षाबलों ने चार नक्सलियों को मार गिराया, वहीं एक जवान शहीद (Shahid) हो गया। मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने रायपुर (Raipur) में कहा कि हमारे जवान बहादुरी के साथ नक्सलियों से लड़ रहे हैं। सीएम साय ने शहीद जवान को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की है।


00:00Four Naxalites have been killed and one soldier has been injured.
00:09It's been more than a year.
00:13Our security forces are constantly fighting against the Naxalites.
00:21The government has a double-engine, and we are benefitting from it.
00:26We pay our respects to the four Naxalites.
00:37One of our soldiers has been martyred.
00:40We pray to God to give peace to his soul,
00:44and to give strength to his family.
00:49Similarly, a journalist has been killed in Bijapur.
00:55The Naxalites have been arrested.
01:01The Naxalites are being investigated by the government.
01:06The Naxalites have been arrested.
01:10No Naxalites will be released.
01:13All accounts of the Naxalites have been sealed.
01:19The Naxalites have been released.
01:22The Naxalites have been released.
