• 2 months ago
00:00:30This is my story, it's the usual thing, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy meets another
00:00:53girl, well, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Don't think my life is all flowers and romance
00:01:00though, I wish. More and more my life is spent out here, fighting some of the worst the city
00:01:07has to offer. Sometimes it's just a mugger, sometimes it's a bigger problem. This is the
00:01:15city I protect, New York City. It's my home, my playground, my responsibility. And this
00:01:29is Mary Jane, the girl next door, the girl I love. But love is a tricky thing when you
00:01:36live part of your life behind a mask. Fate handed me amazing powers and I made a promise
00:01:43to use those powers to help people. With great power comes great responsibility. No
00:01:50matter how much I might wish things were different, there's only one Spider-Man. The city's been
00:02:02quiet lately, maybe my luck's finally changing.
00:02:32Isn't it beautiful, Rosie? This will be my gift to the world. Unlimited energy, the power
00:02:54of a sun harnessed for the good of all mankind. Don't forget the good of autumn. Eat something,
00:03:02the world will still be here in half an hour.
00:03:14Stop, thief!
00:03:16Well, that's convenient.
00:03:20Don't let them get the case.
00:03:25Give us the case and you won't get hurt!
00:03:28I got her! Let's clear out of here!
00:03:32Spider! We're gonna need more men.
00:03:36Hi, my name's Spider-Man and I'll be your rescuer today.
00:03:40Thank you so much for saving me! The briefcase, you got it back! Thank goodness!
00:03:47Why did they want this so badly?
00:03:49I'm sorry, I can't really talk about it.
00:03:52Alright, well at least try to be more careful from now on.
00:03:55Don't worry.
00:03:58Dr. Connors!
00:04:02I'm sorry for missing class. I was on my way, but...
00:04:06Peter, I don't want to hear excuses. You have a keen scientific mind, but your grades are slipping.
00:04:15You miss class half the time and when you do show up, you're asleep in your seat.
00:04:21Yes, Dr. Connors. I understand.
00:04:23Have you started your paper on Dr. Octavius yet? He's a good friend of mine, so you'd better know what you're talking about.
00:04:30Well, I've been thinking about it.
00:04:33Thinking isn't your problem. But that paper isn't going to write itself, Peter.
00:04:39And if you don't get your act together, you're in serious danger of failing this class.
00:04:44I know, Dr. Connors. I'll pull things together. I promise.
00:04:48I hope so. I'll see you in class.
00:04:54Hey, Parker. I have pizzas waiting to be delivered to customers because you weren't here.
00:05:00Hurry and deliver these and don't mess things up.
00:05:03You got it, Mr. Aziz. I'll deliver those pizzas before you know it.
00:05:12You actually turned out to be pretty good this time.
00:05:16Pizzas were delivered on time and all my customers are happy.
00:05:20Make sure you keep this up and maybe you'll get a bonus.
00:05:25I'm glad you're happy, Mr. Aziz. Thanks.
00:05:33Peter! You made it. Happy birthday.
00:05:37Hey, buddy. MJ and I had a bet going on whether you would actually show up.
00:05:42Thanks, Harry.
00:05:44Hey, MJ.
00:05:46I'm almost done.
00:05:47Hey, MJ.
00:05:49I'm almost afraid to ask, but who won the bet?
00:05:52I did, of course.
00:05:54Okay, Harry. Pay up.
00:05:56Alright, alright. Are you sleeping alright, Pete? You look beat.
00:06:00Just some late nights.
00:06:02Still palling around with that murdering bug?
00:06:05Harry, I know you think Spider-Man killed your dad.
00:06:08He did kill my dad. Someday I'll get him for it, too.
00:06:11Tell him that next time you see him.
00:06:12Yeah, uh, well...
00:06:15Hey, congratulations on those billboards, MJ.
00:06:18Oh, thanks. It's so unexpected.
00:06:22Everything's happening at once.
00:06:24The billboards, the play, which you have to come see, by the way.
00:06:28I'll get you a ticket for your birthday.
00:06:30Can you swing by later and pick it up?
00:06:34Oh, swing by, yeah. Thanks.
00:06:37Yeah, I promise I'll go.
00:06:38So, uh, what's up at Oscorp lately?
00:06:42I'm heading up special projects now.
00:06:44We've been providing funding and tritium for one of your heroes, Dr. Octavius.
00:06:48You want to meet him?
00:06:50Do I? That would be great, Harry.
00:06:52I'll set everything up, then.
00:06:54Hey, come on. Let's eat.
00:07:00...and MJ the truth.
00:07:02It was terrible! I just thought it was going to be a carjack!
00:07:04How could I?
00:07:09No! Please!
00:07:12Hey, I think the police are chasing someone!
00:07:14A car just came through here way too fast!
00:07:22Spidey, that man got hurt! Can you get him to the hospital?
00:07:32Here we are. I hope that wasn't too rough a ride.
00:07:35You're a real hero.
00:07:38Guns? Hey, someone's shooting over there!
00:07:42Drop your weapons!
00:07:44You ain't taking us in!
00:07:49Sorry I'm running a little late, MJ.
00:07:53I've gotten used to it.
00:07:55It was great seeing you and Harry again the other night.
00:08:00Anyway, I brought you the ticket for my play.
00:08:03Peter, I think you should know.
00:08:05I'm seeing someone now.
00:08:08A guy.
00:08:10Oh. Really? Huh.
00:08:17Is that all you have to say?
00:08:20Oh my gosh.
00:08:23I... I have to go.
00:08:25Of course you do.
00:08:27I'm really sorry, MJ.
00:08:29I really want to talk more. I'll call you later.
00:08:31I really want to talk more. I'll call you.
00:08:34Yeah. Sure.
00:08:56This may not be art, but I like it.
00:09:10You got nice moves.
00:09:12For a dork in tights.
00:09:14Are these yours?
00:09:21You always chase girls who brush you off?
00:09:24No. Only the naughty ones.
00:09:27I have standards, after all.
00:09:29Standard is the word.
00:09:32And here I was expecting...
00:09:40Got away with the ladies.
00:09:49Got away with the ladies, Spidey.
00:09:51Mr. Smooth.
00:09:54Hi, Pete.
00:09:56Pictures for the boss?
00:09:58Actually, I'm hoping he might have an assignment for me.
00:10:00Well, he's in a pretty good mood today.
00:10:03Maybe you'll get lucky.
00:10:05Go ahead in.
00:10:09Someone who hasn't been bamboozled
00:10:11by that media-grabbing glory-seeker, Spider-Man.
00:10:13This Quentin Becks,
00:10:15the special effects guy from Hollywood,
00:10:17says he's got Spider-Man all figured out.
00:10:19Sounds like a media-grabbing glory-seeker to me.
00:10:22Oh, Parker.
00:10:24I don't pay you for your opinion, Parker.
00:10:26I pay you for photos.
00:10:28Well, I...
00:10:29Let me guess. You don't have any pictures, do you?
00:10:31You're fired.
00:10:33Come back when you get me shots of that red-and-blue wacko.
00:10:40I think that's the third time
00:10:41JJ's fired me this week.
00:10:45Everything going okay?
00:10:47Hey, Robbie.
00:10:49Jonah beating you up again?
00:10:51Don't mind him.
00:10:53Listen, I have a job you could do for me.
00:10:55We need a picture for a story.
00:10:57I want a high shot of the whole city.
00:11:01If you have a map handy,
00:11:03I'll mark where I'd like you to take the picture.
00:11:05Can you get it for me?
00:11:07Sure thing, Robbie.
00:11:09I'll be back before you know it.
00:11:11Oh, this is great, Peter.
00:11:13I knew I could count on you.
00:11:15Take these photos to Jonah.
00:11:17And if you're ever having any trouble getting work from him,
00:11:19you come talk to me.
00:11:21You never know what I might have for you.
00:11:23Thanks, Robbie. I will.
00:11:25Hi, Pete. How are you doing today?
00:11:27Hi, Betty.
00:11:29I'm okay.
00:11:31Is Mr. Jameson around?
00:11:33Sure. Go on in.
00:11:36What do you want, Parker?
00:11:38Robbie said...
00:11:40Give me those.
00:11:42What is this garbage?
00:11:44Why are you bringing me shots of the city
00:11:46and not shots of Spider-Man?
00:11:48This is the sorriest excuse for...
00:11:50Oh, wait a second.
00:11:52Robbie wanted these, didn't he?
00:11:54Yeah, they're fine. Now get out of my office!
00:12:05Better check it out.
00:12:08Let's get out of here.
00:12:10Rhino, get that equipment back to base, understood?
00:12:13Spider-Man, huh?
00:12:17I've been dying to see what you can do.
00:12:19Let's go.
00:12:21I just tried to break through my armor.
00:12:24I'm gonna break your bones
00:12:26and make you cry for your mama.
00:12:31I'm gonna take a wild guess
00:12:33that you're strong but dumb.
00:12:37Oh, no.
00:12:39The boss is gonna kill me.
00:12:46Sorry to leave you hanging, Rhino,
00:12:48but I don't want to be accused of poaching.
00:12:50I think the police should be able
00:12:52to handle you at this point.
00:12:54Have fun.
00:12:56Jeez, you're pretty tough
00:12:58for such a scrawny little guy.
00:13:00I don't want to be accused of poaching.
00:13:02I think the police should be able
00:13:04to handle you at this point.
00:13:08you gotta stop those robbers.
00:13:10They're holding up an armored car.
00:13:14If I could just
00:13:16reach my utility belt.
00:13:18Give me a break.
00:13:20No problem.
00:13:23Start her up. We're out of here.
00:13:28Spidey, look.
00:13:30That person is going to fall.
00:13:34Save me!
00:13:39Fiddlesticks, I...
00:13:41I'm so sorry!
00:13:48About time you got here.
00:13:50Otto's a busy man.
00:13:52I don't want to keep him waiting.
00:13:54Sorry, Harry.
00:13:56Never mind. Let's go.
00:14:04It's good to see you again.
00:14:06Otto, your guests are here.
00:14:10Otto, Rose.
00:14:12Let me introduce my good friend, Peter Parker.
00:14:14It's a huge honor to meet you.
00:14:16Parker, hmm.
00:14:18My friend Dr. Connors told me
00:14:20about a brilliant student of his named Parker
00:14:22who can't seem to stay awake in class.
00:14:24I'm sure Kurt has beaten him up
00:14:26enough already, Otto.
00:14:28You're right, of course.
00:14:29This is my wife, Rosie,
00:14:31without whom I would be lost.
00:14:33She is my assistant and inspiration.
00:14:36Come and take a look at my masterpiece.
00:14:38There it is.
00:14:40Sustained fusion has never been possible before.
00:14:45Once the reaction reaches a certain point,
00:14:47it becomes impossible to contain and control it.
00:14:49Exactly. Until now.
00:14:51Using tritium in the core.
00:14:53Provided exclusively by Oscorp.
00:14:55Yes, of course.
00:14:57As I was saying,
00:14:59tritium in the core lends the reaction
00:15:01more stability.
00:15:03And these arms are the key.
00:15:08How do they work?
00:15:10Well, you see, Peter,
00:15:12we don't want to keep Otto from his work.
00:15:14In that case, Peter,
00:15:16won't you join us for dinner next time you visit?
00:15:18I'm sure Otto would be happy
00:15:20to explain more then.
00:15:22I would love to. Thanks.
00:15:24See you then.
00:15:26You dumb man!
00:15:27Can't you do something?
00:15:36Thugs are holding up that armored car!
00:15:41You really think you're going to win?
00:15:43It sure looks that way, don't it?
00:15:45Leave it.
00:15:47Get to the car!
00:15:53Spider-Man, there's a boat sinking out in the river!
00:15:58This does not look good.
00:16:04I need to be more careful.
00:16:06Swimming definitely doesn't suit me.
00:16:08It was terrible!
00:16:10I just saw someone being carjacked!
00:16:15Oh man, will somebody help?
00:16:17I'm being robbed!
00:16:19Spider-Man, some thugs,
00:16:21they're like shooting at the police!
00:16:24Surrender immediately!
00:16:25Eat lead!
00:16:28Get to the car!
00:16:34The cops are chasing some maniac!
00:16:37Can't you do something?
00:16:44Spidey, that man got hurt!
00:16:46Can you get him to the hospital?
00:16:49Oh, the pain!
00:16:51Make it stop!
00:16:52Make it stop!
00:16:54There we go.
00:16:56Get better, okay?
00:17:05Guess I'd better check out that alarm.
00:17:08I'd know that silhouette anywhere.
00:17:10I'd better catch her.
00:17:15Not bad.
00:17:17I actually had to push myself this time.
00:17:20Hand over those jewels you took.
00:17:24I saw you leaving that jewelry store.
00:17:26You know, the one with the alarm blasting?
00:17:29I don't have any jewels.
00:17:35Wait, what's your name?
00:17:39I'm Black Cat.
00:17:41And I just crossed your path.
00:17:43Now if you'll excuse me.
00:17:54I guess you're running late.
00:17:56Or else you thought we were meeting at the movies.
00:17:59Anyway, the movie's starting soon, and I don't want to be late, so I headed over there.
00:18:03Meet me there, if you aren't already there.
00:18:08I knew I was running later than I thought.
00:18:10I need to hurry. The movie's starting soon.
00:18:15Hey! Keep away from me!
00:18:17Peter! I wasn't sure you'd get here on time.
00:18:20I'm glad.
00:18:22I can.
00:18:27Hey Spidey, is your refrigerator running?
00:18:30Cause I sure am!
00:18:39Hey Betty.
00:18:41Is Mr. Jameson around?
00:18:44He just went in his office, and he was fuming that you weren't here.
00:18:47Better go see him.
00:18:49He was looking for me?
00:18:52Hi Mr. Jameson. I was...
00:18:54What are you doing here? Get down to the sports arena, now!
00:18:59Quentin Beck has publicly challenged Spider-Man to go and prove he's for real.
00:19:01He's broadcasting on TV right now. I want pictures.
00:19:04At the sports arena.
00:19:12Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the event of the century?
00:19:21Here he is, ladies and gentlemen.
00:19:24The man we've all been waiting for.
00:19:26That most outrageous of comedians.
00:19:29The unscrupulous.
00:19:31The unseemly.
00:19:35For those of you just joining us,
00:19:37Hollywood effects expert and Spider-Man critic Quentin Beck
00:19:40has issued a public challenge to the web-slinger.
00:19:43Bob, what do you think?
00:19:45Well Steve, it's a bold move. No doubt about it.
00:19:47Personally, my money's on Spider-Man.
00:19:48All right. We'll have to see how it plays out.
00:19:51Here comes Quentin Beck now.
00:19:53And now, your MC and host for this evening.
00:19:57You know his legendary work from such films as
00:19:59Cyborg Babysitter and Tears of an Alien Bounty Hunter.
00:20:02A man who has worked tirelessly for the entertainment of all mankind.
00:20:05Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce
00:20:08that master of film magic and illusion,
00:20:11that expert of the unknown,
00:20:13the one, the only,
00:20:15Quentin Beck!
00:20:17Thank you for coming, Spider-Man.
00:20:19I knew you couldn't resist.
00:20:21I don't like people building a career
00:20:23off badmouthing Beck.
00:20:25What about that newspaper man, Jameson?
00:20:28JJ? He just has a knack for hiring good photographers.
00:20:31Well, Spider-Man, now that you're here,
00:20:34let's get right to it.
00:20:36Your first challenge will be something
00:20:38you're supposedly quite good at.
00:20:40Rounding up criminals.
00:20:42That's it.
00:20:44All right. Whatever.
00:20:46Well, there's more to it than that.
00:20:48After you collect each criminal,
00:20:50deposit him in one of the three holding pits here.
00:20:53And by the way,
00:20:55you'll only get a point if you use the pit with the green light.
00:20:58I'll be competing against you,
00:21:00and there will be three waves of criminals.
00:21:02If I, with no so-called superpowers,
00:21:05collect more criminals than you in the allotted time,
00:21:08then the world will be able to see clearly
00:21:11what a sham you are.
00:21:13I don't know what happened to make you so delusional, Beck,
00:21:14but bring it on.
00:21:16Well, it looks like they're getting ready to start.
00:21:18According to the press release,
00:21:20the city's Department of Corrections
00:21:22provided the criminals Beck and Spidey will be collecting.
00:21:24Right, Steve.
00:21:26And virtually every one of these convicted criminals
00:21:28is someone Spider-Man helped capture,
00:21:30including one celebrity criminal, Herman Schulls,
00:21:33a.k.a. the Shocker.
00:21:35Well, it should be interesting
00:21:37to see how that affects the results.
00:21:39Oh, and it looks like they're starting.
00:21:45Spider-Man has taken an early lead.
00:21:47Clearly, this is one hero
00:21:49who knows what it takes to control a situation.
00:21:56They're on the third and last wave of criminals,
00:21:58with Quentin Beck leading.
00:22:00Spidey is going to have to really work for it
00:22:02if he's going to pull this off.
00:22:05That's all of them.
00:22:07How about it, Beck?
00:22:09You're very clever, Spider-Man.
00:22:11You obviously have more tricks up your sleeve
00:22:12than I expected.
00:22:14Still, this last challenge will prove
00:22:16who is the better man once and for all.
00:22:18Is that what this is really about, Beck?
00:22:20Proving that you're better than I am?
00:22:22I don't have to answer that.
00:22:24You're the one being tested here, not me.
00:22:26Whoa, sounds like I hit a nerve.
00:22:30This is our last challenge, ladies and gentlemen.
00:22:34You've seen how cleverly Spider-Man
00:22:36can maintain his illusion of heroism.
00:22:38But now, all your supposed skills
00:22:39and abilities will be put to the ultimate test
00:22:42in a one-on-one challenge against me.
00:22:45Here are the rules, Spider-Man.
00:22:47I have built an obstacle course.
00:22:49You will start here.
00:22:51All you have to do is reach the end of the course,
00:22:54hitting these switches along the way.
00:22:56I, meanwhile, will be manning an electric cannon.
00:23:00If I see you, you can be sure
00:23:02I'm going to hit you with the cannon.
00:23:04Don't worry.
00:23:06The cannon's not going to hit you.
00:23:07But once I hit you three times,
00:23:09the contest is over and I win.
00:23:11That cannon doesn't sound too great,
00:23:13but if I back out now, I'll never live it down.
00:23:16Let's get this over with.
00:23:18Well, I don't know about you, Bob,
00:23:20but from where I sit,
00:23:22things don't seem to be going so well for Quentin Beck.
00:23:24I agree, Steve.
00:23:26He's going to have to do
00:23:28some pretty fancy shooting here
00:23:30if he wants anyone to take his claims seriously.
00:23:32All right.
00:23:34Now that you're in position, let's begin.
00:23:36Made it.
00:23:38And as for you, Beck,
00:23:40stick with the movies.
00:23:42It's obvious reality is way too much for you to handle.
00:23:44How could he?
00:23:46It isn't fair.
00:23:48He doesn't deserve the spotlight.
00:23:50It just isn't fair.
00:23:52Oh, he can't win.
00:23:54He won't win.
00:23:56That smug bug.
00:23:58Let's see how he likes it
00:24:00when I turn this cannon to maximum power.
00:24:09The laser is overheating?
00:24:11Stupid machine!
00:24:13Work! Work!
00:24:15Come on, work!
00:24:17Problems with your laser, Beck?
00:24:19I hear there are pills for that now.
00:24:26This was too easy, Beck.
00:24:28I guess I should thank you, though.
00:24:29I really needed some good press for a change.
00:24:31See ya.
00:24:33No, that's not fair.
00:24:35It's not fair.
00:24:37He shouldn't have won.
00:24:39All the work, the obstacle course.
00:24:41Yes, the obstacle course was good.
00:24:43Oh, the electric cannon, the electric cannon.
00:24:45Why, why?
00:24:47Hey, Beck, what was it like competing with Spider-Man?
00:24:49Is there anything that guy can't do?
00:24:53Beck, what does this do to your theories about the web-slinger?
00:24:55Are you ready to admit you were wrong?
00:25:05Ah, Peter. Welcome.
00:25:07Otto and I have been looking forward to seeing you again.
00:25:10You two chat. I'll go check on dinner.
00:25:12Thank you for having me.
00:25:14I don't know how I would manage without Rosie.
00:25:17When you find the woman for you, Peter, don't let her go.
00:25:21I digress. Here, let me show you something.
00:25:25Actually, Dr. Octavius, may I ask you something?
00:25:31The fusion reactor is brilliant, but how will you control the reaction?
00:25:35Ah, that is the secret, isn't it? I...
00:25:39I'm afraid the lecture will have to be delayed. Dinner is ready.
00:25:43Ah. Well, I'll explain it over dinner, Peter. Shall we?
00:25:54Covered from here. Let's do this.
00:26:08You okay?
00:26:10No, I'm fine, but they're getting away with my diamonds!
00:26:18Stopping? I guess I finally have your attention.
00:26:30John Jameson! What are you doing here?
00:26:34Well, there's this beautiful girl in the cast.
00:26:37Did she say Jameson?
00:26:40Someone shoot me now.
00:26:43Stalking girls now?
00:26:46Well, that's pretty pathetic, don't you think?
00:26:49Or is she on your naughty list, too?
00:26:52Not exactly. What do you care, anyway?
00:26:55No reason. I'm just dropping by to say hi.
00:26:59By the way, remember those guys you beat up the other day in the art gallery?
00:27:03I remember.
00:27:05Well, it turns out there's a whole ring of them. I just happened to find their hideout the other day.
00:27:10I could show you. If you could take a break from the peeping Tom routine, that is.
00:27:15Uh, sure.
00:27:18I really wasn't spying, you know.
00:27:21I think we got off on the wrong foot.
00:27:23What made you come get me?
00:27:25Isn't that what you do?
00:27:27Well, yeah, but...
00:27:29Hey, I can be nice. I don't always bite.
00:27:34Unless you want me to.
00:27:37Come on, now. Don't fall behind.
00:27:45There they are. As advertised.
00:27:49Get the rest of the stuff.
00:27:51Get the rest of the stuff in the truck.
00:27:54We gotta get out of here before Spider-Man shows up.
00:27:57Hmm. Nice sculpture.
00:28:04You know, we actually make a pretty good team.
00:28:09She took that statue.
00:28:12I must have Sucker tattooed on my forehead.
00:28:15Wasn't I watching her? I knew Cat was a thief.
00:28:17I knew Cat was a thief.
00:28:19I think the police are chasing someone.
00:28:21A car just came through here going way too fast.
00:28:31Spidey! I just saw, um...
00:28:34I saw, uh...
00:28:36I can't do it! I'm sorry, Spidey!
00:28:41There's some kind of gunfight happening over there.
00:28:44Come out with your hands up!
00:28:47You ain't taking us in!
00:28:50Spider-Man! Thank goodness you're here.
00:28:53That man needs to go to the hospital. Fast!
00:29:02Here we are. I hope that wasn't too rough a ride.
00:29:05Thank you, Spider-Man. We'll take it from here.
00:29:08Help! An armored car robbery!
00:29:14You won't get away with this.
00:29:16You sure about that?
00:29:20Back to the car! On the double!
00:29:26Oh, Spider-Man, you gotta help those people.
00:29:29They're trapped on that sinking boat.
00:29:34The boat is sinking! Somebody help!
00:29:39It was terrible. I just saw someone being carjacked.
00:29:44Help me! Somebody help me!
00:29:48Well, no one's around. I better check...
00:29:50Hi, Pete. You're looking a little down.
00:29:53Girl trouble.
00:29:55Huh? Uh, something like that.
00:30:01I'm right here, Mr. Jameson.
00:30:03Don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open!
00:30:05Beck is having a news conference, and I need a photographer down there!
00:30:08Another one? But didn't Spider-Man pass his tests?
00:30:11They were rigged! Get down there, now!
00:30:25What do you think Beck's got this time?
00:30:28Who knows? He's a little loopy, right? Hollywood types.
00:30:32People of New York, I am Mysterio.
00:30:36I will determine that your planet is ripe for conquest.
00:30:44Now I've seen everything.
00:30:47Beck! Do not mock me, give me your faith!
00:30:50Your fate is sealed!
00:30:53I'm not afraid of you!
00:30:55I'm not afraid of you!
00:30:57I'm not afraid of you!
00:30:58Your fate is sealed!
00:31:05Run for your lives!
00:31:07Run for it!
00:31:32Okay, I'll bite.
00:31:34How did the fishbowl get stuck on your head?
00:31:37Inside, human. You are no match for the power of Mysterio.
00:31:44I think I had a bowl of Mysterios for breakfast.
00:31:47I'm not going to make it!
00:31:50I'm slipping!
00:31:52A futile gesture, spider-human.
00:31:55Even as we speak, my armada is advancing on your city.
00:31:59Our first target will be your Statue of Liberty.
00:32:05You have no chance to survive. Make your time.
00:32:15A UFO invasion.
00:32:20It seems you're a more formidable opponent than I've given you credit for.
00:32:25I will have to deal with you personally.
00:32:28Come to my hidden fortress.
00:32:31There, I will defeat you once and for all.
00:32:55UFOs? Hidden fortress?
00:32:58Give me a break.
00:33:00This guy is watching way too much late-night TV.
00:33:04Now, how do I get back from here?
00:33:16Hey, buddy. Can you give me a lift?
00:33:19I left my wallet in my other costume.
00:33:26Wow. Mysterio's hidden fortress looks just like an apartment.
00:33:36A hidden door concealed by a bookcase?
00:33:39Mysterio, you brilliant fiend!
00:33:43Well, I guess I'd better check it out.
00:33:59Glad no one was around to see that.
00:34:02Where the heck am I?
00:34:03Welcome, Spider-Man. So glad you could drop in.
00:34:08Hey, it's Mysterio. The cliché who walks like a man.
00:34:13Silence! Prepare to meet your end in my Funhouse of Doom!
00:34:21Funhouse of Doom? I thought you were an alien.
00:34:27As I was saying, even as we speak, I am watching you from my hidden control room.
00:34:33Perhaps you can find me, if you survive.
00:34:38Let's begin, shall we?
00:34:40Let me introduce you to my friend, Mr. Hoppenack.
00:34:44Such a cheerful fellow, isn't he?
00:34:47You'll soon discover that he's quite the cut-up.
00:34:50Horrors that await you!
00:34:56Look at this place.
00:34:58Let me guess, you're trying to make the cover of Super-Villain Decorator Monthly.
00:35:03Right, Mysterio?
00:35:09You're doing rather well, aren't you?
00:35:12Still, your run of luck can't last forever.
00:35:15How much longer before my traps bring you down, Spider-Man?
00:35:20The only thing bringing me down is your crummy attitude, sourpuss.
00:35:24Back to normal at last.
00:35:27Looks like that chute is my only way down.
00:35:34Ready or not, Mysterio, here I come!
00:35:43I think I've lost him.
00:35:46I'm sorry, Mr. Hoppenack.
00:35:49Huh, I think I've lost some weight.
00:35:52Okay, fun time is over.
00:35:55I need to figure out how to get out of here so I can find Mysterio and knock some sense into that domed head of his.
00:36:04What was that?
00:36:05Now, prepare to meet the most dangerous adversary, yourself.
00:36:12Looks like I found the exit, finally.
00:36:16A hologram? Why should I be surprised?
00:36:21You may have foiled my plans this time, Spider-Man, but I'll be back.
00:36:26I promise you that!
00:36:33Uh-huh, heard it before.
00:36:36I'm going to get you for this, Spider-Man.
00:36:40Uh-huh, heard it before.
00:36:43Call the army! Martians are attacking people! It's the end of the world!
00:36:50I don't want to die!
00:36:56There was a chase that just sped right past here! Someone almost got hit!
00:37:04If that chase is over, I'll be back.
00:37:09To be continued...
00:37:39To be continued...
00:38:09To be continued...
00:38:30Wait, a minor hiccup. Nothing to be alarmed about.
00:38:38Watch it! Get out of here, you maniac!
00:38:46Rosie! No!
00:38:59Oh, man...
00:39:04Phew, I did it.
00:39:06But what a mess.
00:39:08Dr. Octavius...
00:39:11It sounds like an ambulance is coming.
00:39:13I'd better get out of here. Somehow I just know I'm going to get blamed for this.
00:39:16Octavius must be devastated.
00:39:18There's some kind of gunfight happening over there!
00:39:20I hope he's okay.
00:39:24Let us go!
00:39:25Stow it!
00:39:29Executing escape plan Epsilon!
00:39:34Oh, Spider-Man! Some kind of robots are attacking people!
00:39:40I don't want to die!
00:39:49Help me.
00:39:50Otto? Are you alright? I heard on the news that...
00:39:55I... killed them.
00:39:58You're right, Otto. Just calm down.
00:40:01Let's call the police and...
00:40:04Police? No! No police!
00:40:07Those tentacles...
00:40:10Otto, we need to get you help.
00:40:13You're obviously not well.
00:40:16Get away from me, you traitor.
00:40:19Yeah, he wants to turn me into the police.
00:40:24Is this how you repay my friendship?
00:40:29Yes, of course.
00:40:31That murderous arachnid Spider-Man...
00:40:34He killed Rosie.
00:40:36Destroyed my life's work in an instant.
00:40:39I'll rebuild it, though, and kill him.
00:40:43It shouldn't have been like this.
00:40:46You're right.
00:40:48If I'm a criminal, then I will have to act as a criminal to do what I must.
00:40:53I need to get out of here.
00:40:57I need money.
00:40:59I need to rebuild...
00:41:02for Rosie.
00:41:06Dr. Connors, I'm sorry I'm...
00:41:08Dr. Connors!
00:41:12Otto... No!
00:41:16Otto? What the heck did he mean by that?
00:41:19Safe spot to change.
00:41:22Hi, Betty. Any chance I can get in to talk to Mr. Jameson?
00:41:26Hey, Pete. He's in a meeting with Robbie, but it's nothing important. Go ahead in.
00:41:31Octavius! Four extra R-Ms!
00:41:34Dr. Octopus! It's like he was asking for it!
00:41:37Page one, Robbie! Dr. Octopus rampages!
00:41:41You got it, Jonah.
00:41:42What are you talking about?
00:41:43Oh, Parker. That Froot Loop physicist went nuts, killed the doctors who were working on him, and ran out of the hospital.
00:41:49Killed them? That can't be.
00:41:52It's true, Pete.
00:41:53All right, get out of my office! This is a newspaper, not a knitting circle!
00:41:59How's it going, Robbie?
00:42:01I don't suppose you have any work for me?
00:42:04Can things get any worse?
00:42:05Yeah, I do, actually.
00:42:06Don't wait.
00:42:07This is a hot tip, and it won't be good forever. Let me mark your map so you know where to go.
00:42:13Got some pictures for the boss?
00:42:15I hope so. I could use the money.
00:42:17Good luck!
00:42:21All right, Parker. Show me what you have, and it better be good.
00:42:26Did you leave the lens on when you took these?
00:42:28It's sheer charity, but here.
00:42:30Robbie, new page one.
00:42:35Hey, Robbie. Need any pictures? I'm trying to scrounge rent.
00:42:40Yeah. Actually, we've had Eddie on assignment all week with no luck. Maybe you can do better.
00:42:47Here, I'll mark where you need to go on your map. Get there as soon as you can.
00:42:54Hi, Pete. Need to see Jonah for something?
00:42:57Yeah. Mind if I go in?
00:42:59It's okay with me. Have fun.
00:43:04All right, Parker. Show me what you have, and it better be good.
00:43:09Did you leave the lens on when you took these?
00:43:11It's sheer charity, but here.
00:43:13Robbie, new page one.
00:43:29Aunt May. Sorry I'm late.
00:43:32Peter, don't be sorry. I was just worried about you. Thank you for taking the time to help me.
00:43:38It's no problem, Aunt May. Let's go in.
00:43:48Now, about your loan, Mrs. Parker.
00:43:52Oh, no!
00:43:54I've got to get away!
00:43:57Ladies and gentlemen, I am making a withdrawal.
00:44:00Kindly remain calm and silent so that we can avoid unnecessary collection.
00:44:08Peter, where are you going?
00:44:11Your boy is quite the hero.
00:44:13Your boy is quite the hero.
00:44:21I don't have time to bother with you. You interfere with me at that old woman's peril.
00:44:37Be quiet, and no harm will come to you.
00:44:47I hope for your sake that he cares more for your life than he did for Rosie's.
00:45:14You'll be alright now.
00:45:20Spidey! Someone's car is being stolen!
00:45:27No! Please!
00:45:31Spider-Man, thank goodness you're here. That man needs to go to the hospital. Fast!
00:45:37Oh, the pain! Make it stop! Make it stop!
00:45:41Oh, better...
00:45:42Here we are. I hope that wasn't too rough a ride.
00:45:45I'm... safe.
00:45:49Oh, Spider-Man! Some kind of robots are attacking people!
00:45:55I'm not worth your trouble. Really!
00:46:02There was a chase that just sped past here. Someone almost got hit!
00:46:12Spider-Man! Some thugs are shooting at the police!
00:46:17Surrender immediately!
00:46:18Come and get us, cop!
00:46:24I just saw someone get his car stolen. At gunpoint. They went that way.
00:46:32I've been robbed! Please, help!
00:46:42Parker, drop everything. I don't care what you're doing. I need a photographer to cover my son's charity ball.
00:46:48Uh-oh. It's already starting.
00:46:54Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very pleased to introduce you all to Miss Mary Jane Watson.
00:47:00Mary Jane has just agreed to marry me, and I couldn't wait to share my happiness with everyone.
00:47:07So what's the hunk's superpower?
00:47:11He threw a football on the moon.
00:47:14Uh-huh. Red is easily impressed, isn't she?
00:47:19Shouldn't you try to find somebody more your speed?
00:47:22Just what I needed. Love advice from a thief.
00:47:25Are you still sore about that statue? I gave it to the cops already.
00:47:30I was just having some fun with you. You look kind of cute, trying to figure out what happened back at that warehouse.
00:47:36Anyway, my original point was, why are you still bothering with a normal girl? Normal is boring.
00:47:44Normal is half my life. At least, it's supposed to be.
00:47:49Why? I mean, seriously. Why settle for being some schmo when you can be a superstar?
00:47:57Forget it. I was going to tell you about Shocker, but you're obviously busy sulking.
00:48:02Shocker? What about him?
00:48:04Oh, just that he broke out of prison a little while back, and he's back in the city.
00:48:08I was going to show you where he's hiding out, but...
00:48:11Show me.
00:48:12Oh, that's the spirit. Trust me, kicking his heavily padded butt will make you feel better.
00:48:18Yeah, you're probably right. Let's go.
00:48:21Let's go.
00:48:30Spider-Man! I don't know how you found me, but there's no way you're getting me this time!
00:48:36Hey, Shocker. You look different somehow. Have you been reupholstered?
00:48:41Still a comedian, huh?
00:48:44Come on, Spider. Let's take this guy out.
00:49:08You okay?
00:49:10Oh, yeah. He just caught me off guard. I'll be ready for him next time.
00:49:16Listen, I gotta get going. I have some things I need to do. See ya.
00:49:24Spider-Man! Thank goodness you're here. That man needs to go to the hospital, fast!
00:49:31Oh, it hurts.
00:49:35I'll get him.
00:49:36Here you go. You'll be alright now.
00:49:38Thank you. Bye.
00:49:41The cops are chasing some maniac! Can't you do something?
00:49:53Spider-Man! There are costumed thugs attacking people!
00:49:57I'm not worth your trouble. Really!
00:50:01Anyone messes with us, they're going down!
00:50:05People ain't...
00:50:06An armored car down the street is being robbed!
00:50:10If I could just reach my utility belt...
00:50:14Give me a break.
00:50:16Leave it to me.
00:50:19Harder up! We're outta here!
00:50:24Spidey! I just, um, saw... I... I can't do it! I'm sorry, Spidey!
00:50:31Spidey, look! That person is going to fall!
00:50:35That person is going to fall!
00:50:38I'm slipping!
00:50:43Spidey! Someone's car is being stolen!
00:50:50Help, please!
00:50:59Peter! Great timing. Jonah was just yelling for you. Go on in.
00:51:05Thanks, Betty. You were looking for me, Mr. Jameson?
00:51:09Parker! Where were you 15 minutes ago?
00:51:12There's a Latverian diplomat coming into the city by helicopter.
00:51:15He's landing any moment, and I need a photo.
00:51:17Now get over there like your job depended on it!
00:51:19Got it, Mr. Jameson.
00:51:25Help! Martians are robbing the Speedy Mart!
00:51:29Make no sudden movements, Earthling. I require large amounts of your currency.
00:51:35Sure, Space Dude, whatever you say. Just don't disintegrate me or whatever.
00:51:39How low the mighty have fallen.
00:51:42You dare to challenge the infinite might of Mysterio? I will destroy you utterly.
00:51:49You will bear witness to the majesty and glory of my power. Prepare to die.
00:51:58You betcha.
00:52:04Whoa! That was sick, dude! You rock so hard, Spidey!
00:52:10Oh, I give up. Don't hit me again.
00:52:15Quentin Beck, I presume. Say cheese!
00:52:24I have to see Jonah. I have pictures of Spider-Man for him.
00:52:27Okay, Pete. Go on in.
00:52:30Parker, what do you want?
00:52:32I have some photos you might want to see. Remember Quentin Beck? Turns out he was Mysterio.
00:52:45So, Beck and Spider-Man weren't cahoots all along.
00:52:48How can you look at those pictures and say that?
00:52:51I don't have time for your moral outrage, Parker.
00:52:54I'm trying to run a paper here and make sure my son's wedding to Jean Marie doesn't bankrupt me.
00:52:58Her name is Mary Jane.
00:53:00Yeah, right, right. I'll give you 200 for the lot. You can collect your money on your way out.
00:53:06What did I ever do to Jameson? What could he possibly have against me?
00:53:14Help me! Someone help me!
00:53:20Need a hand?
00:53:23Don't hurt me!
00:53:28Wait, I'm trying to help.
00:53:32I'm so sick of everyone hating me.
00:53:36I'm going to go give the Bugle's esteemed publisher a piece of my mind.
00:53:41He's messed up my reputation long enough.
00:53:50Hey, where's the fire?
00:53:52I don't have time to talk. I need to have a word with the publisher of the Daily Bugle.
00:53:56Whoa there, Mighty One. Take a deep breath.
00:54:00That paper has turned half the city against me. I'm sick and tired of it.
00:54:06Well, I'm sure that bursting into the Bugle offices and yelling will clear everything up.
00:54:13All I'm saying is, you may want to calm down.
00:54:17You seriously need to loosen up. Have more fun.
00:54:21You're a superhero. You swing through New York City in brightly colored tights.
00:54:25I like my costume.
00:54:27The point is, here you are. Powers far beyond those of mortal men.
00:54:33And you're pouting on a rooftop. What's up with that?
00:54:37I guess you're right. What did you have in mind?
00:54:41What did you have in mind?
00:54:43Well, I did find Shocker again. And I'm dying for some payback.
00:54:50Sounds good.
00:54:51All right! Showtime, baby.
00:54:57Whoa, this is an old Oscorp research lab. Shock's moving up in the world.
00:55:02Yeah, some kind of space propulsion thing. I wasn't really paying attention.
00:55:09I'm gonna find another way in. I'll meet you inside.
00:55:16About time you losers got here. I must have told every lowlife in New York where to find me.
00:55:25A trap?
00:55:26Don't take it too hard, Cat. Shocker's a crafty one. No, wait, I'm thinking of someone else.
00:55:34Get ready. Here comes the pain.
00:55:38I hate it when he says that.
00:55:45I was right! Look at that shield go down. Let's go teach Shocker a lesson, right?
00:55:54Was that as good for you as it was for me?
00:55:57I have to admit, you were right. I feel much better.
00:56:01You see? I told you, baby. Stick with me and you'll be fine.
00:56:06Come see me next time you're feeling down, all right? I'll see you around.
00:56:13She's pretty amazing, don't you think, Shock?
00:56:16I think my career has just hit a new low.
00:56:19Ah, who cares what you think.
00:56:26I can't believe I missed it again.
00:56:29Good night, guys. See you all tomorrow.
00:56:33What's up, Garley? Give me your money.
00:56:36Leave me alone!
00:56:46You okay?
00:56:47Yeah. Great timing. What are you doing here?
00:56:53You know me. Always hanging around.
00:56:56I'm getting married. I don't know if you heard.
00:57:00Oh, really? What's he like?
00:57:03He's... there. He loves me. And he's there.
00:57:10I see. I, um... I have to get back to my patrol. See you around.
00:57:17Yeah. Next time a bunch of thugs try to jump me.
00:57:20It's a date.
00:57:27Hey, what took you so long?
00:57:30Running late seems to be part of my idiom.
00:57:32You work too hard. Ditch the mild-mannered civilian routine.
00:57:36This life is so much more fun.
00:57:38Look at me. Sure, I can play hero if I want.
00:57:42But if I don't feel like it...
00:57:48Give it a try. Take the weight of the world off your shoulders.
00:57:51You don't understand. You don't know why I do this.
00:57:55What? Parents got killed by a mugger? Abducted by aliens? Sold you to the circus?
00:58:01It doesn't matter. Whatever the reasons, you can't change the past.
00:58:06What's done is done. You have to live for the present.
00:58:13All right, fine. Don't cheer up.
00:58:16All I'm saying is, you're gonna get an ulcer or something.
00:58:19I suppose, as usual, that you have the perfect thing to take my mind off my problems.
00:58:24Now that you mention it, there is a little something I know about.
00:58:29You know that warehouse on the west side near the convention center?
00:58:33Something big is going down. I'll race you there.
00:58:37All right, Moonbeam. You're on. Let's go.
00:58:44Oh, another stunning win for Black Cat.
00:58:49Not that you're bragging or anything, right?
00:58:52All right, let's get going.
00:59:12Supposedly, whatever they're selling is a pretty big deal.
00:59:22All right, let's go.
00:59:37All right, people. You all know why you're here. Let's start the bidding.
00:59:42I'll bid a shiny nickel and a kick in the head.
00:59:45Waste them!
00:59:52What were you doing? We had to drop on them.
00:59:55It was more fun my way.
00:59:57That's totally irresponsible.
00:59:59What are you so upset about? We won!
01:00:06Well, excuse me for trying to get you to enjoy yourself... for once.
01:00:17I was wondering if you were gonna show up.
01:00:20We need to talk.
01:00:22Oh? Okay. Talk, then.
01:00:27I don't think I can see you anymore.
01:00:30Hysterical blindness?
01:00:33What? Oh, nothing like that.
01:00:37I just finally realized something.
01:00:40I'm not like you. I can't live the life that you do.
01:00:44My powers came with a responsibility, and I need the balance of a normal life.
01:00:49Being Spider-Man is who I am.
01:00:52But being just me, that's who I am, too.
01:00:59Let's skip ahead to the part where you ask if we can still be friends.
01:01:03Can we still be friends?
01:01:06Don't sound so dejected.
01:01:09Once I cross your path, I'm not so easy to get rid of.
01:01:15Go. Find your girl.
01:01:18That's what you want to do, right?
01:01:20You finally started listening to me.
01:01:23You're doing what you want.
01:01:25I... Thanks, Kat.
01:01:28See you around.
01:01:49MJ, there's something I have to tell you.
01:01:52I know I haven't always been there.
01:01:54It feels like I've been going in two directions at once.
01:01:57I just figured everything out, though.
01:01:59I know what I want to do. I know who I want to be.
01:02:02And I know who I want to be with.
01:02:04I want to be with you.
01:02:09I'm getting married to John.
01:02:11I can't. I can't do this. I'm sorry.
01:02:15I'm sorry, Peter. Good night.
01:02:39Who's there?
01:03:01Hello, Harry.
01:03:03So nice to see you again.
01:03:06Glad to see you still remember me.
01:03:08Now, I have a problem, and you seem to be the only one who can solve it for me.
01:03:13Tritium. You need Tritium.
01:03:16Bright boy. Very good.
01:03:21Make a deal. We want the same thing.
01:03:25Oh? And what would that be?
01:03:38Please, elucidate for me.
01:03:44You hate Spider-Man as much as I do.
01:03:47Both of us have lost someone we love because of him.
01:03:50If you bring him to me, alive, the Tritium is yours.
01:03:56We have a bargain.
01:03:58Now, how to catch the freak.
01:04:01Go find Peter Parker.
01:04:03He takes pictures of that bug for the bugle.
01:04:06He'll know where to find him.
01:04:11Don't hurt him, though.
01:04:18Spider-Man! There's a boat sinking out in the river!
01:04:24Oh, no. What am I going to do?
01:04:29Hi, Peter. I've been thinking about what you said, and I think we need to talk.
01:04:35Maybe at the diner we used to go to all the time.
01:04:38Well, I guess she's still talking to me, at least.
01:04:41I'll get to apologize for being a jerk after all.
01:04:50I've been thinking about what you said the other night.
01:04:56Watch out!
01:05:08Parker, pass a message along for me.
01:05:13If you ever want to see this girl alive again,
01:05:16tell your photogenic arachnid friend that he will meet me alone at the Enric Towers.
01:05:21Three o'clock this afternoon.
01:05:31Okay, Doc. I'm here. Where is she?
01:05:35Oh, she's safe. For now.
01:05:39Why don't you come and get her?
01:05:49No more stops between here and the end of the line.
01:06:08I've got to stop this train. Everyone on board will be killed.
01:06:45Back, Theons. I have business with your savior.
01:06:55You did it!
01:06:56Of course. And not to conclude our business.
01:07:00I have the tritium in here.
01:07:07A pleasure doing business with you one final time, Osborn.
01:07:10I leave you to your business and go attend my home.
01:07:20Before I kill you, I want to see who you are.
01:07:26Peter? How can you be Spider-Man?
01:07:30Spider-Man killed my dad.
01:07:34My dad loved you like a son. Like a son.
01:07:39Harry, we don't have time for this. Octavius has MJ. You have to tell me where he is. I have to save her.
01:07:46Mary Jane. Octavius. He has a lab that he set up on an abandoned pier. She's probably there.
01:07:54We'll talk later, Harry. I promise.
01:08:11At last. My masterpiece recreated. Oh, Rosie, if only you could see it.
01:08:33Don't worry, MJ. I'll get you out of here.
01:08:46None of your cheap theatrics today, cretin. I see Osborn was too weak-stomached to kill you. No matter. I'll take great pleasure in rending you limb from limb myself.
01:09:03Well, well. Parker, you've been sabotaging me all along. You killed my Rosie. I'm going to kill the woman you love, and then I'm going to kill you.
01:09:16No one else is going to die. This ends now.
01:09:19Indeed it does.
01:09:23That should do it. Wait a second. The reactor. The energy field is super-concentrating. I think I'm in trouble.
01:09:37Why didn't that work? I switched everything off, just like last time. It just isn't fair.
01:09:44No. My shield.
01:09:47No more shield, huh? That sounds like my cue.
01:10:00What have we done? What have I done?
01:10:06Dr. Octavius, we have to stop that reactor before it's too late.
01:10:10This is bad.
01:10:12There's only one thing to do. Get the young lady out.
01:10:16I'm sorry, Peter. You weren't to blame for the accident. My hubris, my vanity cost Rosie her life. Now I must set things right.
01:10:42Hang on!
01:11:06I'm sorry I didn't tell you, MJ. I wanted to. I even tried a couple of times, but...
01:11:13I think a part of me always knew.
01:11:16Now you see why I can't be with you. It wouldn't be fair to you. I was selfish to ask you. You should marry John.
01:11:41Come on in. It's open.
01:11:45Expecting someone?
01:11:47MJ? You're supposed to be getting married. You...
01:11:53I've made a decision. This involves both of us, Peter. And you need to trust me to make my own choice.
01:12:00I know who you are. I know the life I'm choosing. And I want to be with you. That's the way it is. Deal?
01:12:15Go get him, Tiger.
01:12:18I met Jane. The girl next door. The girl I love. And now the girl waiting for me at the end of the day.
01:12:26Fate handed me amazing powers. And with those powers came a burden of responsibility.
01:12:33Somehow though, having her with me makes that burden lighter.
01:12:37Still, in the end, it's mine to bear.
01:12:41There's still only one... Spider-Man.
01:16:11Fast Time Travel
01:17:47I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:18:17I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:18:47I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:19:17I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:19:47I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:20:17I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:20:47I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:21:17I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:21:47I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:22:17I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:22:24I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:22:32I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
