• 2 months ago
शासकीय कन्या पीजी यूनिवर्सिटी के छात्राओं ने देश के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में परचम लहराया है. इसकी स्थापना 1961 में इंदिरा गांधी ने की थी.


00:00I have studied in Mahavidyalaya and I am also a student here.
00:05I want the main development of Mahavidyalaya to be that of the students.
00:15Only when the students develop, the name of Mahavidyalaya will be established.
00:19Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
00:33Students from Mahavidyalaya are in high positions, be it in administration, politics or music.
00:42In administration, we have DSP, Chanchal Nagar, Asma, who was the president, is also in high positions.
00:56She is a judge, a student of Mahavidyalaya and is in administrative positions.
01:01In politics, we have Riti Pathak, who has been an MP twice.
01:06Sheela Tyagi is also an MP from Mangala.
01:16Rama Dubey is also an MP from Mangala.
01:20Students from Mahavidyalaya are also in high positions.
01:26Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
01:42Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
01:54Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:23Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:28Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:31Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:33Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:35Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:37Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:39Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:41Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:43Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:45Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:47Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:49Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:51Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:53Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:55Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:57Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
02:59Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
03:01Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
03:03Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
03:05Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
03:07Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
03:09Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
03:11Students from LCC, NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Sports, etc. go to the national level.
