• 2 months ago
बेतिया में पिछले कई दिनों से फरार पूर्व डिप्टी सीएम के भाई पिन्नू को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया है. जानें कहां छिपा था पिन्नू.


00:00They are making fun of me, making fun of me.
00:12Sir, what happened in the Pinnu case?
00:14As you can see, in front of you, the criminals, Ravi Kumar and Pinnu,
00:21were surrendered in my office.
00:26As you can see, we have been working on this for the past few days.
00:30We made a small mistake in the court.
00:32We got the warrant within a day.
00:36After that, they tried to surrender after two days.
00:39The police presence in Malindiya Nalai is very limited.
00:43Because of this, we were not able to do the things that we were supposed to do.
00:47We took advantage of that and left.
00:49But after that, we were continuously pressuring them.
00:52Yesterday, our team went to Nepal.
00:54I also contacted the Farsa SP.
00:56After that, they changed their movement from Nepal.
01:00Today, they have come and made an advertisement through the GPO.
01:04Because today, we are carrying out the investigation on the Kurkis.
01:10So, because of this fear, Pinnu, who is a criminal,
01:15and the pistol that was used to kidnap him,
01:19and the unlawful land that was written,
01:21and who claims to be a white post,
01:24and he is the head of a big school,
01:26and his wife was also involved in this.
01:30Now, we are trying to recover the pistol.
01:33As soon as it is recovered, we will inform you.
01:36I would like to tell you that since this incident started,
01:40for the past 6-7 days,
01:42the police chief and the police officers,
01:46all the SHOs of the town,
01:48and my DIU team,
01:50were continuously trying.
01:52We united day and night.
01:54And because of this,
01:56we were able to achieve this success today.
01:59And through you,
02:01whoever is committing such crimes in Betia district,
02:05or intends to do so,
02:07we would like to give them a strict instruction from the Betia Police,
02:11that whoever you are,
02:13whoever you belong to,
02:15you are only a criminal after committing a crime,
02:17and you are under the law,
02:19and you will be subjected to the strictest of punishments,
02:22which is against a criminal,
02:24and you will be given a punishment by the Betia Police,
02:28and the administration.
02:30Along with this, I would like to tell you that
02:32we have received information about the license of the pistol.
02:35And we are also looking at the license,
02:38how it was issued,
02:40and how the NOC was issued by the police,
02:44and we are also thinking about that.
02:47And the SHOs of the town,
02:50their license for cancellation,
02:52the proposal has also been sent to you,
02:55which I would like to submit to the District Chief.
