• 2 months ago
সন্তোষ ট্রফি জয়ী বাংলার ফুটবলারদের ৫০ লক্ষ টাকা পুরস্কার দিলেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়। সন্তোষ ট্রফি জয়ী ফুটবলাদের চাকরি দেওয়ার কথাও ঘোষণা করেছেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী।

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00:00On the occasion of the victory of Santosh Trophy, the Bangla Dal, led by Sanjay Sen, has returned to the city.
00:06The Chief Minister, Mamata Bandopadhyay, welcomed the Bangla Dal at the Rihosh Patipan Navanna Sabha Ghar in India.
00:14After the March of 17, 2016, the Chief Minister, Mamata Bandopadhyay, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy.
00:24On this day, the Chief Minister was accompanied by Chief Minister Arun Biswas, DG Rajiv Kumar and the administration.
00:35The IAF officials were also present on this day.
00:38It was a pleasure to take this day in the hands of all the football coaching staff.
00:44On the occasion of the victory of Santosh Trophy, the Bangla Dal, led by Sanjay Sen, has returned to the city.
00:49The Chief Minister, Mamata Bandopadhyay, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy.
00:55The Chief Minister, Mamata Bandopadhyay, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy.
01:02As a special package, I would like to give you 50 lakh rupees from the Government Sport Department.
01:22I would like to give you 50 lakh rupees from the Government Sport Department.
01:46And I think everyone will learn from this.
01:50And slowly, the sport will come to a new level.
01:55On this day, the Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was accompanied by the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:04The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy.
02:11The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:15The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:18The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:20The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:22The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:24The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:26The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:28The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
02:58The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:00The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:02The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:04The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:06The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:08The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:10The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:12The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:14The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:16The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:18The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:20The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:22The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:24The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:26The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:28The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:30The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:32The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:34The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:36The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:38The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:40The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:42The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:44The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:46The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:48The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:50The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:52The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:54The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:56The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
03:58The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:00The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:02The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:04The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:06The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:08The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:10The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:12The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:14The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:16The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:18The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:20The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:22The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:24The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:26The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:28The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:30The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:32The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:34The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:36The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:38The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:40The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:42The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:44The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:46The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:48The Chief Minister, Arun Biswas, was again excited about the Bangla Santosh Trophy, led by Sanjay Sen.
04:50The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
04:58The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:00The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:02The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:04The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:06The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:08The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:10The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:12The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:14The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:16The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:18The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:20The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:22The Bangla Santosh Trophy is not just a trophy, it is the pride of Bangladesh and the pride of the country.
05:24Bureau Report, Waningda, Bangla
