• 2 months ago
‘বাংলাদেশ যে ভাষায় বোঝে, সেই ভাষাতেই কেন্দ্র যেন জবাব দেয়। কিন্তু কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার এই ক্ষেত্রে কিছুই করছে না’, অভিযোগ অভিষেক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের

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00:00Look, if the thought process becomes weak anywhere,
00:03it is impossible to stop the decline of the country.
00:07We have seen at various times that if the thought process is not neutral or impartial,
00:13if the thought process becomes insatiable or pessimistic,
00:19then it is impossible to stop the decline of the country or society.
00:26But I want the central government to do this.
00:29We have clarified this situation several times.
00:34The central government should talk to the international government of Bangladesh,
00:42and talk to the people who are committing gandhami,
00:45atrocities, masthani, rahajani,
00:48and to the people of Bangladesh,
00:51and to the people of Bangladesh who are destroying their homes and temples,
00:57who are attacking them,
00:59who are surrounding their homes.
01:01The people who are committing these massacres,
01:05who are creating new systems against them every day,
01:12so that the international government takes action,
01:15and this step should be taken by the central government.
01:19The foreign secretary went to Bangladesh a few days ago.
01:23The rule is that if any minister or any high official of the government
01:32goes to any place or any country and visits it,
01:39the parliament should act accordingly,
01:41and it is the policy of the parliament that the parliament should come and update the house.
01:48What has been said, what has been resolved, what should be done.
01:53There is no statement of any kind.
01:56The foreign minister is silent, the foreign secretary is silent,
01:59the foreign minister is silent, the foreign secretary is silent,
02:03the prime minister is silent, the defence minister is silent, everyone is silent.
02:11What fish has he eaten? He has complained about the fish so many times.
02:15He has complained about the fish so many times.
02:21Only he can say what has been eaten.
02:24But I have to match my action with my words.
02:30If there is so much difference in the words of the workers,
02:33who will be hanged upside down?
02:35Who will do this? Who will do that?
02:38And for so many days, all the human rights activists have been silent.
02:41If India did not exist, it would have been an old Pakistan.
02:45There would have been no freedom.
02:47Those who are rejecting the constitution of India,
02:50those who are rejecting history,
02:52they should be punished.
02:57They are torturing the people of the country.
03:02They are belittling the country.
03:04They are threatening the country.
03:07But the government is not interested.
03:08They say, nation first.
03:11BJP says, nation first, party second, self last.
03:16Where is nation first?
03:18Have you ever heard,
03:20that before 2014, a country like Bangladesh is torturing India?
03:26Is it torturing India?
03:28Is it threatening India?
03:32You have made the name of this country proud.
03:36You have made it proud.
03:38In the world.
04:06I have a right.
04:28Who will represent me?
04:32Everything is being done by force.
04:34This cannot go on indefinitely.
04:39And today, our government is not taking up the issue with them.
04:45It is being forced.
04:48Those who claim to be the protectors of Hindus,
04:53those who claim to be the guardians,
04:55why are they silent today?
04:59Those who lied that there is no Durga Puja in Bangladesh,
05:02why are they silent?
05:04And in UNESCO,
05:06the Bangla Durga Puja has been banned in the world.
05:09The government is not taking up the issue.
05:12We did not say, we will do it.
05:19And they are just giving big speeches.
05:23And they will not do anything.
05:25Today, as many as we have 500 countries,
05:30who share a border with India,
05:35we have a bad relationship with all of them.
05:38I have no right to say anything about foreign policy.
05:42I do not even want to say.
05:44But those who were in politics with CAA,
05:47with NRC,
05:50with NPR,
05:51those who were in politics,
05:53those who said,
05:55Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
05:57Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Christians,
06:02as long as the Modi government has been in power,
06:05we will not allow anyone to be harassed.
06:07Why are they silent today?
06:11I think there is another question.
06:13I will not say everything today.
06:17I will say it correctly for the time being.
06:19It is good to say something with expectations.
06:27Why is the Indian government silent?
06:30Silence is not a sign of acceptance for a long time.
06:34Why this silence?
06:36Why this silence?
06:42Those who were trying to sell the country,
06:45those who were trying to sell the country,
06:47those who were trying to divide the religions,
06:49today when the poor are being killed,
06:55political, religious violence is happening,
06:58why are they silent?
07:01Forget about Bangladesh.
07:05It has been almost 20 months since Manipur happened in our country.
07:07Not a single day has anyone from the Kendo government
07:10stopped four people.
07:12How many people have died?
07:13The fire is still burning there.
07:15Isn't the government right?
07:20Which authority has the Chief Minister still in power?
07:24Which authority has the Prime Minister still in power?
07:29It is for everyone to see.
07:31You ask your conscience.
07:33Has it done anything?
07:35You don't need to ask me.
07:37Everyone knows
07:39the kind of atrocities,
07:40the kind of anarchy
07:42that has been going across Bangladesh
07:46and the silence of central government
07:50or the union government
07:52is adding to the speculation.
07:54The Prime Minister has always said about us
07:57powerful government,
07:5956 inch chest.
08:01Now we want to see
08:04the central government reply
08:07or rather give a befitting reply in the language
08:10that perhaps Bangladesh understands.
08:12Who is stopping them?
08:14And from our party's perspective,
08:17we have made our stand absolutely clear
08:21from day one
08:23that it is a union subject,
08:26external or foreign affairs
08:29falls under the purview of union government.
08:32Whatever step the union government takes
08:36Trinamool as a party
08:38will completely support
08:41the union government
08:43for the safety, security of every Indian.
08:47And we want them to reply
08:50to the people who are torturing us,
08:53showing us their red eye
08:55in a language they understand.
