• 2 months ago
‘প্রাথমিকে কোনও সেমিস্টার হবে না’। প্রাথমিকে পরীক্ষা ব্যবস্থা বদলের ঘোষণা নিয়ে শিক্ষামন্ত্রী ব্রাত্য বসুর প্রতি ক্ষোভ উগরে দেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী

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00:00We have given permission to about 10,000 schools in our state to start digital education from
00:08How far has that work gone?
00:11I will tell the school education department, if the work is still left, start it immediately.
00:19I saw two papers.
00:21I didn't know.
00:22I asked the chief secretary.
00:24I didn't even know the chief secretary.
00:28At first, he was a semister.
00:31Now he is the education minister.
00:35But please remember, if there is a new policy decision, please consult us.
00:44I saw the paper.
00:46I spoke to the secretary the day before yesterday.
00:48I placed it with the chief secretary the night before yesterday.
00:50If you give consent, there will be a notification.
00:52How did the paper come out earlier?
00:54I did a press conference.
00:55I don't want to hear anything.
00:56The public has already known.
00:57The message that has gone, it will not happen.
01:01Okay, sister.
01:02Four people said it with the principle of an advisor.
01:08And it happened.
01:11I want to reduce the burden of the children.
01:14Reduce the burden on their shoulders.
01:16If we increase the burden on them, the burden of education is too much now.
01:22Those few children can't even speak.
01:25Twinkle, twinkle little star can't speak.
01:28They have to study.
01:30They have to learn.
01:31He will say semester.
01:33Will a one-year-old give a semester?
01:35Or will a two-year-old give a semester?
01:38What is going on in the college is not going on in the school.
01:43No, sister.
01:44I said.
01:45These things don't happen in the school.
01:47Whatever is going on in the school, it will go on.
01:50It started in the college university.
01:54They have become objects.
01:57They know.
01:58Many of them have become modernized in today's age.
02:04They know things.
02:07And it has already started.
02:09So, they don't have a problem.
02:11But the children have a problem.
02:13Of course, the children of the school will have a problem.
02:16There will be no semester in the school.
02:22And I will say.
02:24If you take a new policy in education,
02:27please let us know first before press.
02:30When a subject goes to the press,
02:32people think it is true.
02:35As if it is a conspiracy.
02:38You have to understand this.
02:40I gave a news to the press.
02:42Now, people eat it regularly.
02:45They don't eat rice.
02:47They eat news.
02:49What is the news?
02:51Amogh Dada sent the news from there.
02:53Amogh Didi sent the news.
02:56You have to tell in front of everyone.
02:58What is the problem?
03:00And this.
03:02I will request the press media also.
03:05If you don't get the correct information
03:08by listening to someone,
03:11by not listening to the people,
03:14please don't depend on
03:17who sent the news
03:19and who didn't.
03:23When the government does something new,
03:26it is discussed at the government level.
03:29Everyone has their own principles.
03:34Those who send from behind,
03:36they are backdated.
03:38Their backbone is weak.
03:44And those who face from the front,
03:47their merudendo is weak.
03:49And that is true.
