• 2 months ago
👉 Un niño de dos años desapareció en la localidad de Salsipuedes el 1 de enero, generando una alerta a nivel nacional. Tras siete horas de búsqueda, el pequeño fue hallado por una vecina en un campo cercano, habiendo recorrido al menos tres kilómetros. Las circunstancias exactas del hallazgo aún están bajo investigación. Habló Franco, su papá quien duda de la situación.

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00:00Yes, we are in Salsipuedes, yesterday a desperate day, January 1st, and the whole town of Salsipuedes
00:07looking for a two-year-old boy, Javi, who yesterday had been lost around 16.30, 17 hours.
00:15He appeared after seven hours in a field where he had walked at least three kilometers.
00:22Javi, imagine the despair of the family and the protocol that has been activated here, the operation,
00:28better said, even also with the Sofía alert.
00:31We are with the father, here we are with Franco, and look, we are going to show you the image,
00:35because we also have Leonel here, who is super naughty, I tell you Javi, he does not get down,
00:40he goes up the stairs, but he is in perfect condition, which is the positive, right?
00:46Franco, good morning.
00:47How are you? Good morning. Yes, yes, thank God.
00:50Well, as you will see, he is with all the batteries, he is fine.
00:54Last night I did not sleep all night because I was with him during the period since he was lost,
01:00until he appeared, and well, congratulations that he is with me, and thank God he is fine.
01:07And what happened? Franco?
01:11Yes, I hear you.
01:12Well, first, what a joy to see you with that smile on your face.
01:15Ask yourself what happened, remind us how you get lost, Franco.
01:21They give me the news because it happens that I am at work,
01:27and when I leave my work to ask for permission, he is already lost.
01:33He was in your house, taking care of whom?
01:38Yes, he was with my wife, and well, I neglected him for ten minutes.
01:44But what did he do? Did he go out the door? Did he go out a window? How did he get out of the house?
01:50He went out directly through the front door of the house, like a naughty boy,
01:56because there is a dog that we want him to play with, and he saw that the dog was following him,
01:59and he got lost in a field through the ground.
02:03How long was he missing?
02:05Now, Javi, I add this because Franco just ...
02:08Sorry, Javi, I just wanted to add this data because Franco is even with some doubts,
02:13because Len is in perfect condition,
02:15and the house is right next to a field, we could say,
02:21and Len escaped through there, or we did the route, there are some images too,
02:25I don't know if you will be able to see, but there are really many bushes, tall pastures,
02:30that's why Franco even comes to doubt,
02:33because of course, Len does not have any kind of scratch, he did not fall, he is in perfect condition, really.
02:39Yes, even when last night they saw the alert that they found him,
02:43he was already dressed, he was fine, as he says.
02:47Now I have doubts about what happened, I don't know if he was alone, maybe he saw him or kidnapped him.
02:54But Franco, I have a question, Len is your son, he leaves your house, he leaves.
03:02First, how long was he missing?
03:10From the time he started tracking, until one in the morning.
03:15Let's say all day yesterday.
03:19Yes, of course, until one in the morning, he was a neighbor who alerted him, who had him in his power.
03:29But did he show up with the same clothes as he was? Didn't they change his clothes?
03:33No, they didn't change his clothes.
03:36Did they change his clothes?
03:38But do you know who changed his clothes?
03:40Yes, because he had put on a shirt and some crocs.
03:44And how did he show up?
03:47Yes, yes, yes, he showed up.
03:50But how did he show up? I mean, with other clothes, another color of clothes,
03:53other clothes that were not the one you had bought him?
03:56With a red bust, with a red bust, and he showed up with blue jogging pants.
04:04And what do you think?
04:06Did he stay at someone's house or not?
04:11Of course, because to be guarded for so many hours and to show up at the last minute,
04:16yes, I think he was guarded there.
04:18What I'm going to say is that when the alert was given, he should have shown up.
04:26It's easy, if you give the alert, let's say, of course,
04:29the creature showed up at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
04:33which is the alert at the country level, with social networks and everything.
04:37Now, if you tell me that at that moment you don't see him,
04:42neither through social networks nor do you see him through the press,
04:45then there was something.
04:48And this neighbor who finds him?
04:50And the creature showed up at 1 a.m.
04:52This neighbor who finds him at 1 a.m., did he have him at home?
04:55What did she say, where did she see him, where did she find him?
04:58What did she tell you?
04:59No, I didn't have any kind of interview with her,
05:01because when they give me the OK that they find him,
05:06inside the...
05:07They say they love you, beautiful.
05:09Inside the authority that was there,
05:11with the issue of the rake and all that,
05:13I don't know the lady.
05:15She's a neighbor, but I don't even know her personally.
05:17Well, let's see.
05:18That was still within the criteria that she had to do...
05:22Yes, it's wrong.
05:23She was still within the criteria that she had to make a statement to the police station
05:26so that, well...
05:27Of course, yes.
05:28Because she found him.
05:30But there is a mountain area,
05:32from what we are seeing,
05:33the route that Belén made.
05:35And it is rare for a boy to get in the middle of the rake.
05:39They always look for, when they get lost,
05:41in larger, more spaced places,
05:43for example, a path or a street.
05:46It is rare that they get in between, you see,
05:49a very closed rake and so on.
05:51Unlike animals, who can do it.
05:54Yes, yes.
05:55Yes, yes.
05:58Why the rake?
06:00Why does he do the same route when I go out shopping?
06:05And it's weird that he's already gone around.
06:07Of course.
06:08Let's be clear.
06:09It's like you tell me,
06:10I always take the same route with the same creature,
06:12with the creature, with him.
06:14I take the same route to go shopping,
06:16and he already knows my memory.
06:18Now, if you tell me that I take the route,
06:21behind where I live,
06:22that all that rake is high,
06:23that you see,
06:24I never, I don't know around there.
06:26I never get in.
06:27Besides, I don't have to get in,
06:28because to be in a private field,
06:30it is forbidden to get in.
06:31Of course.
06:32Let's be clear.
06:34And he went back there,
06:35through that rake.
06:36I mean, the curious thing is that ...
06:37He went back there.
06:38He went back there,
06:39he didn't go the way they always go.
06:41Because let's suppose that maybe the dog ...
06:43No, no.
06:44... has gone to that rake.
06:45Could that be?
06:46Of course.
06:47Where the rake is,
06:48he wants to go back.
06:49Of course.
06:50And how far is the house of this woman
06:53who had it, from your house, for example?
06:57About three kilometers, it is estimated.
06:59It's a lot.
07:00A lot.
07:01It's a lot.
07:02Well, I remember, for example ...
07:03A lot.
07:04A lot, because you had two years that walk like this.
07:06I remember the two-year-old boy in Bariloche.
07:09The boy had much more time.
07:10He spent a whole lost night.
07:1119 hours.
07:12And he also appeared,
07:13without a scratch, practically, right?
07:15But you were lucky that you found him faster.
07:18Yes, yes, yes.
07:19And what do you think?
07:20That he stayed,
07:21that someone stayed,
07:22that, I don't know,
07:23that he saw him,
07:24and instead of calling the police,
07:25he stayed in the house?
07:29Well, that's another one, too.
07:30Because, I repeat,
07:31if this, in social networks,
07:33in the press,
07:34it came out in the act,
07:36in the Sofia Alert,
07:37as it has to be,
07:38someone calls you,
07:40I have your son,
07:41your daughter,
07:42in such a place.
07:44You can come and look for the authorities.
07:45That's why I say.
07:46Or even the same family.
07:47In other words,
07:48something that someone wanted to take away.
07:50And how it started to come out
07:51in the media,
07:52according to the national media,
07:53the Sofia Alert said,
07:54this baby,
07:56we're going to have problems
07:57if we stay with him.
07:58It's a burning body.
07:59Were you afraid
08:00that they had stolen the baby from you?
08:03Yes, yes,
08:04I have the same thoughts.
08:05I have the same hypothesis.
08:06I don't doubt that.
08:07I don't doubt that.
08:08I don't doubt that.
08:09I don't doubt that.
08:10I don't doubt that.
08:11I don't doubt that.
08:12I don't doubt that.
08:13I don't doubt that.
08:14I don't doubt that.
08:15I don't doubt that.
08:16And I don't know
08:17what he experienced around me.
08:18But that touches me
08:19and that's what happened.
08:21That touches me.
08:22The key is this woman's story.
08:24To know what happened,
08:25how they got home,
08:26how they find him.
08:28And did she change
08:29her clothes?
08:30Or did she come with that clothing
08:31to change her clothes already?
08:32Yes, yes, yes, yes.
08:33And where's the clothing?
08:34Because sometimes
08:35you see,
08:36one of the main things
08:37when you see
08:38a child's robbery
08:39is they first change their clothes,
08:40second they change their physiology,
08:41of course,
08:42for example,
08:43if it's a transgender girl
08:44they cut her hair,
08:45They do more or less the same to the kids, or they put a cap on them or something, so that they don't disidentify themselves on the street.
08:53Of course, because the change of clothes, one can say, well, actually it is careful, but it may be that, as we were all saying last night,
08:59the media transcended that he had a t-shirt, that he had Mike's face, that he had some crocs, that is, the characteristics of this boy were being given.
09:07So it can also be this, right? That they change him in clothes to try to mislead, exactly.
09:14Exactly, it can be.
09:16Did the police say anything to you, Franco?
09:18Yes, without a doubt.
09:21No, I mean, on the part of the ... I had to make a tax statement, precisely because of what happened, but on the part of the lady I met, I don't know anything.
09:33I have no idea about that.
09:34Do you have other children, or is he the only child?
09:39No, I have one more son, autistic, who is five years old.
09:42Five years old.
09:43And he has two.
09:44I imagine the desperation.
09:45Five. Bauti has five and Leon has two.
09:47The desperation of his wife, right? When he didn't buy it.
09:49We are all at night, all, all.
09:52Yes, yes, all, all, we all have despair.
09:55Cutting nails, as who says.
09:58And the head gets into the creature, right?
10:01At the moment he disappears, that is, your wife was taking a nap, resting.
10:05And the house was alone for five years, with whom were you working?
10:09My wife's wife was having a nap with him, they were having a nap, and I was at work.
10:15My uniform and my work, I had to retreat here to help with all this, what was happening.
10:21And the five-year-old boy, where was he?
10:23It's obvious.
10:26In the house, in my mother-in-law's house, he was.
10:29What do you work as, Franco?
10:30Yes, yes, in my mother-in-law's house.
10:33I work as a security guard, as a security guard.
10:37And what did the boy do? Let's see, because he came out through the door, he told us.
10:40He opened the door and came out, or the door was open?
10:48No, no, no, he came out alone.
10:50There is a part there that comes out alone, because there is like the fabric that has broken a little hole, it comes out there.
10:57And the bitch?
10:58It's a hole, it comes out there.
10:59The bitch left with him, or the bitch followed her?
11:02Yes, yes.
11:03No, the bitch left with him because he follows her.
11:08And did the bitch show up? Did she come back?
11:12Yes, the bitch came back.
11:14Of course, why?
11:15The one who saw her was a neighbor in front of my house.
11:18I saw him with the bitch, but instead of braking, as you say, the alert,
11:28it's as if I see something, as a neighbor that I am, and that's it.
11:33The neighbor must have said, look, let's go to your house, what are you doing alone, a two-year-old boy alone?
11:38Of course.
11:39Sometimes people avoid that, they don't repair the bet, and who is going to think that he is escaping?
11:43But hey, sometimes this can happen.
11:45No, but he called the police, because the two-year-old boy may not be able to communicate, he does not know how to return home.
11:49What a scare, right?
11:50They called the police.
11:51What a scare, because you don't know, with so many bad things that happen, one sometimes thinks the worst, right?
11:58Without a doubt, without a doubt, without a doubt.
12:00But maybe here, that you were attentive, that you made the quick report, that you gave knowledge to the media,
12:06maybe all this helped to have this outcome, because maybe this would not have happened.
12:12Yes, it surprises me, yes, even it surprises me all, really, the great movement that there was,
12:19and I thank you all, from the mayor here, to the security forces.
12:27Well, at least it's okay, and that's important, and that justice investigates and takes the measures if they have to take them with someone.
12:35Franco, we send you a big hug.
12:37Without a doubt.
12:38And to Belen too, that not only you.
12:40Thank you, thank you, and thank you for the good...
12:42On the contrary, on the contrary.
12:44Well, thank you for everything, and well, we are here.
12:46A hug, God bless you.
12:48Take care.
12:50Well, Belen.
12:51Without a doubt.
12:53Thank you for everything.
12:54Belen is with one hand on the microphone, and on the other hand...
12:57Look, look, we had to do it as a babysitter too today, Javi, because he was escaping us.
13:01Yes, of course.
13:02Look, he has a kiss there, look.
13:03Leo, a kiss.
13:05Kiss, Leo.
13:10Bye, Leon.
13:12Well, the nice news that has appeared, and we wanted to reflect it too.
13:16Yes, the bad news.
13:17It appeared, and the story stays there.
13:19And now we can show it, and that is also good.
