• 2 months ago
👉 El Dr. Ricardo Corral, presidente de la Asociación de Psiquiatras, discute el síndrome de despersonalización en el contexto del reciente incidente donde una mujer atropelló y mató a una persona. El experto explica que este síndrome es común en personas con psicosis y que puede afectar la capacidad para conducir. También aborda las dificultades para prever este estado y la importancia de la conciencia sobre la enfermedad para iniciar un tratamiento adecuado.

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00:00Communication with Dr. Corral, psychiatrist, president of the Association of Psychiatrists.
00:05Ricardo, how are you? Good morning.
00:07Good morning to everyone, to the whole audience. How are you?
00:10Good. Now we were reading from a clinical page what is the depersonalization syndrome,
00:19that there is a rumor, at least according to what the lawyer would have said,
00:23that it is one of the, I don't know if excuse or what, how to call it,
00:28that this woman is suffering, and that's why what happened yesterday happened to her,
00:33to run over a person and kill her.
00:35Can a person handle this syndrome?
00:38Well, the depersonalization phenomenon is a syndrome that occurs a lot in people
00:46who have what we call psychosis, and it can happen, but not so unexpectedly,
00:52but it is a whole process of development that occurs over time.
00:57This is seen a lot in some people who suffer, for example, schizophrenia or some other psychosis.
01:04Yes, and let's say, let's see, can you handle this disease, this condition?
01:13Well, this question that you ask me is precisely interesting,
01:16because a person who has a mental illness, but who is in treatment,
01:21actually has their abilities that can work,
01:24they can even do activities, study, work, drive a vehicle.
01:29That is, the issue here happens because what we always say,
01:32a person, no matter how much they suffer from a mental illness,
01:35that does not imply that they are disabled,
01:37but that they have to be evaluated for each special activity.
01:40In the particular case of the issue of handling,
01:43you know that in order to have a driving license,
01:45you have to do a medical evaluation, a psychological, psychiatric evaluation,
01:49and then the people who are in condition, beyond their pathology, can drive vehicles.
01:56Of course, if a person is under the effects, as we always know,
01:59well, now with the party, with the issue of alcohol or some psychopharmacist,
02:02that has to be avoided.
02:05In this case, one thinks that a person who has a psychotic process
02:10and has a medication, in reality, should not drive.
02:14Now, doctor, can this state be foreseen?
02:18Can one have a feeling or something that makes you understand
02:23that it is coming to that moment of disengaging from reality
02:28or does it come from one second to another?
02:30No, people who have what we call psychosis,
02:34in reality, one of the convenient things there is,
02:36is that they are not aware of the disease.
02:38So one of the first difficulties that doctors and families have
02:42when they consult us, is to be able to achieve that the person is aware of the disease
02:47so that they can start treatment.
02:49That is, the person often does not realize that he has a psychotic process
02:52because he is out of critical criteria and is not aware of the disease,
02:56which we call precisely as a definition of psychosis.
02:59But that person who is in treatment, on the contrary,
03:02can have a normal and daily life and develop their life in a suitable way,
03:07totally outside of society.
03:09If you had a patient, or a patient, who has this problem,
03:13this depersonalization syndrome,
03:17you as a doctor, and also obviously as a psychiatrist,
03:20would you recommend that he do not drive?
03:23Yes, of course.
03:25A person who is in a critical moment,
03:27with a picture of depersonalization, of derealization,
03:30a psychotic phenomenon, is not in a condition, of course, to drive
03:34and is not in a condition to do many things.
03:36For example, one could say, well, he is not in a condition to sell his property
03:40or to do a real estate operation.
03:42And why then does the lawyer go for that strategy?
03:47I don't say strategy, maybe, until I confess this fact.
03:51Did it happen to her because she has this disease?
03:56Well, actually, I don't know what happens to this woman,
03:59but what is true is that if a person is qualified to drive,
04:04theoretically, he is qualified because he was evaluated from a medical and psychological point of view.
04:09Now, obviously, the health of people is something dynamic.
04:13One can get sick in that course of that moment,
04:17but in reality there may be some signal.
04:20I don't know if this woman lives with her family or has loved ones,
04:24because in general these things appear suddenly while one drives.
04:28Now, there is an interesting fact,
04:30that she does not press the brake,
04:33which they are analyzing, because if you have an impact,
04:37the first thing you tend to do is to brake.
04:39I mean, can there be some alteration of reality or some hallucination
04:42that, let's say, prevents what comes out of you innately,
04:46which is to press the brake?
04:49The times that I have been consulted for some traffic accident
04:52or some of those kinds of things that happen in an unforeseen way,
04:56in general, they are not issues, as you say, of depersonalization,
05:00but they are other types of pathologies, such as epilepsy,
05:04which can occur at some point without prior notice,
05:07or some loss of knowledge as a result of a vascular problem.
05:11Sometimes there are people who have had a stroke while driving,
05:14or a heart attack,
05:16or in a state of confusion due to the consumption of some substance.
05:20It is not something very common for a person who suffers from some psychosis
05:25and for that to generate a depersonalization syndrome,
05:27that he is driving and commits an accident.
05:29In general, they are other types of pathologies that usually happen,
05:32unfortunately, it usually happens,
05:34and sometimes the accident comes from that lack of control of impulses,
05:38but as a result of a different disease.
05:41Very well.
05:42Doctor, a big hug and thank you.
05:44Thank you very much. Goodbye.
05:46See you later.
05:47Dr. Ricardo Corral, psychiatrist and president of the Association of Psychiatrists.
