• 2 months ago
Les énigmes sont censées être amusantes, mais ces 22 casse-têtes de niveau supérieur pourraient vous amener à demander de l'aide. Ce sont celles qui vous font dire : « Attendez… quoi ? » puis fixer dans le vide pendant une heure en essayant de les comprendre. Certaines sont des jeux de mots sournois, d'autres tordent votre logique dans tous les sens, et quelques-unes vous feront remettre en question tout ce que vous savez sur les chiffres et les motifs. Vous pourriez penser être près de la solution, pour finalement réaliser que la réponse est si évidente que ça fait mal. Ces énigmes sont parfaites pour vous mettre au défi ou pour frustrer vos amis lors d'une soirée jeux. Préparez-vous simplement — votre cerveau va avoir un sacré entraînement ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Carol and her friends went to the forest to inspect an old manor which, according to the rumor, belonged to a magician.
00:10The girls took some pictures inside and left. That night, Carol scrolled through her photos and noticed something very strange about them.
00:19Take a look at it too. What seems weird?
00:31The size of one of Carol's friends, this girl, Alissa, is constantly changing. Is it magic, or is her friend not the one she claims to be?
00:43Of course, Carol decided to look for other photos. Here is a photo of her friends at school. Do you notice anything suspicious about Alissa?
01:01Yes, of course, Alissa does not cast any shadow.
01:06Mrs. Jones owns a company that creates online content, and they have a dozen projects. Take a look at the photo of their office and try to find an imposter. Someone who doesn't really work there, but sneaks into the building.
01:19This one must be the imposter, he's the only one not wearing a badge.
01:33The office is located in a skyscraper of 70 floors. You work on the 42nd floor, and you have to go down to the 23rd floor. You are lucky, two elevators have arrived to take you. Which one should you choose?
01:49You should absolutely choose this one. There are fewer people inside, which means that the elevator will make fewer stops going down.
02:07Look at these two elevators. In one of them is Mrs. Jones, the boss. In the other, there is an employee. Can you guess who the boss is?
02:17Look at the buttons on the elevator. This woman is going up to the last floor, so she must be the boss.
02:34Look at these images from a security camera. Can you guess who the best employee is?
02:48The first one seems to be taking a break, but she is the best employee. Look, there is her picture on the wall indicating that she is the employee of the month.
02:57In the afternoon, bandits have invaded your office building, and you have to escape. There are three corridors. In the first corridor, you see several bad guys arriving. In the second corridor, a fire is raging. As for the third corridor, a concierge just washed the floor this morning.
03:28You might hesitate to take the third corridor because you are afraid of slipping. But the concierge just washed the floor this morning, and we are already in the afternoon. The floor is no longer slippery.
03:40Amélie is the mother of two twins, three triplets and four quadruplets. And they are all girls. How many girls does Amélie have?
03:58She has nine girls. The two twins are two girls. The three triplets are three girls. And the quadruplets give us four additional girls.
04:07Mrs. Smith wanted to pick up a package at the post office, but she was late because of the rain and could not pick it up on time. So she asked her husband to take care of it, and he accepted.
04:19When Mrs. Smith came home, her husband told her that he had arrived too late. The post office was already closed when he had introduced himself. Mrs. Smith understood that he was lying to her and had not moved from the house. How did she find out?
04:36It rained all day. But the floor under Mr. Smith's car is dry, which means that his car was not used.
04:53Emma was walking in the forest and got lost. She found the house of a witch, entered, caressed a black cat and asked the witch to bring her home.
05:03The witch agreed to help her, but only if Emma first solved her new riddle.
05:09Remove 9 from 6, 10 from 9, and 50 from 40 so that together they make 6. How could Emma get there?
05:17Emma should use Roman numerals. 6 should be written in every letter, and the Roman 9 is written like this. So the letter S remains. Then, from the Roman 9, we take the Roman 10 and get an I. Finally, this is 40 and this is 50. So now we have the letter X.
05:45And together they form 6. Alice discovered her best friend, Megan, unconscious in her room. She immediately called for help. The police found the two girls upstairs, in Megan's room.
06:00She was away from the city for a week. We agreed to meet again tomorrow, but I passed in front of her house and saw that the lights were on. She was at home. I looked out the window of her room and saw her lying there. I have a double key, so I went in immediately. Alice was taken to the police station as a suspect. Why?
06:19What happened?
06:27Megan's room is upstairs. Alice couldn't just look out the window. Something is wrong with her story, and the police must find out what it is.
06:37In a parallel universe, it is only allowed to have fun and eat sweets. No one works or studies.
06:45Mrs. René came home after a long and fun day at the disco. These three girls were supposed to have fun too. She asked them what they had done.
06:53Anna replied, I watched Netflix all weekend. Léa said, I went to a party. And Eva said, I had a pajama party with lots of girls. However, Mrs. René realized that one of her daughters was lying to her, and had actually spent all day studying. Who was it?
07:11It was Anna. Look, her books are on the table, and they seem to have been opened recently. Anna was reading them, without a doubt.
07:28Eva therefore organized a pajama party with her friends. No wonder her room is now in a mess. She goes to play paintball with her friends. She needs her backpack, her hairbrush, and a hooded sweater. Can you help her find them in the room?
07:43Yes, here they are all. Excellent work.
07:55The day after her paintball game, she goes to a birthday party. She needs her heels, nail polish, and a gift. Can you help her find them?
08:06The day after her paintball game, she goes to a birthday party. She needs her heels, nail polish, and a gift. Can you help her find them?
08:20Anna was getting ready for a date, but she couldn't find some of her things. She remembered lending her lipstick, her cardigan, and her hair iron to Léa. Léa's room was in a mess, too. Can you help Anna find her things here?
08:35And here are all the articles. Did you find them?
08:46Léa is getting ready for her football practice. She needs her sneakers, her water bottle, and her umbrella. Where are they?
08:55Thursday, a high school student, Rémy, disappeared. There are three suspects. Mrs. Jones, the principal, Mr. Nelson, the school chef, and Mr. Ronan, the concierge. Mrs. Jones said she had had a lot of work and that she had not seen any students that day.
09:23Mr. Nelson said he had seen Rémy having lunch with his friends. Mr. Ronan said he didn't know Rémy, and that he was just doing his job. Who should be arrested for a more muscular interrogation?
09:44It's Mrs. Jones. Look, there's a scarf in her office. Rémy was wearing it that day. It looks like he went to his office after all.
09:53Okay, let's have some fun. We're going to show you some emojis, and your role will be to guess the movie or series it represents. Are you ready to try? Here's the first one. What is your guess?
10:13Yes, of course, it's Wednesday. Admit it, you learned the dance.
10:19Okay, here's the next one.
10:23Yes, it's Squid Game, another popular show. Do you want us to complicate your task a bit? Okay, what do you think of this one?
10:39It's Sue. Did you see her? Okay, just two more for today. Ready?
10:55Another easy one. It's The Lady Game. And to finish, what do you think?
11:11It's The Terminal. Great job for today. Thanks for playing with us.
