• il y a 2 mois
MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 SOIR 20:00 - 01/01/2025


00:00We are still together on Mediantv, thank you for remaining faithful to us, here are the
00:19titles of your newspaper.
00:21In Morocco, the provisional balance of the fiscal amnesty reassures, the amount of
00:26damages could reach more than 100 billion dirhams, any category confused, we talk about it
00:33in a moment.
00:34New Year's Eve, bloodshed in the United States, more than 10 dead and 35 injured, this is
00:42the assessment of the attack on the Bellié car, which occurred at New Orleans time, the
00:46FBI confirmed the death of the driver and announced an investigation on a terrorist act.
00:57On the road, as in the hours, after 13 years in the anti-chamber of Schengen, Romania and
01:04Bulgaria have now fully accessed the European space of free movement.
01:14We start this newspaper in Morocco with the end of the fiscal amnesty, the last day of
01:20the fiscal amnesty, the deadline to not exceed by taxpayers to regularize their fiscal
01:28So it was the rush to the banks, this is a report by Younes Mazir, Younes Missouri and
01:34Alaa Benen.
01:3872 hours before January 1, 2025, a large number of Moroccan businessmen working in
01:43various sectors, mainly real estate and informal commerce, have injected more than
01:482 billion dirhams into the state coffers, with the aim of conforming their undeclared
01:54income, benefiting exceptionally from a reduced rate of 5% before the end of 2024.
02:03People have been responsive to this voluntary statement, some were reluctant, but once at
02:08the bank, the bank advisers explained the procedure to them and everything became clear.
02:13Most of the merchants I know, in any case, are now up to date in terms of statements.
02:23This voluntary statement is a good initiative, it is a golden opportunity for those who have
02:28not yet declared their income to do so before the start of 2025.
02:36Introduced by the Finance Law 2020 and reintroduced in 2024, this state measure allows taxpayers
02:42to declare their income or to have undeclared in all equality.
02:46This includes liquid assets deposited in banks or held in species, real estate and
02:51non-professional real estate, and advances in current accounts of associates and loans.
02:58People who have a lot of money have to pay taxes, it is obvious, because when we talk
03:03about billions of dirhams, the imposition is insignificant for these people.
03:07It is the limit of the OMON for them.
03:10I think it is a good initiative, the state has done well to launch it, several people
03:15will be able to breathe now and be in order.
03:22For those who have not respected the deadline for regularization of December 31, 2024, the
03:27tax rate will increase to 37%, out of majority for delay and penalties.
03:32This regularization aims to strengthen fiscal transparency and to encourage a culture of
03:38voluntary declarations, and above all to maintain Morocco outside the grey zone established
03:43by the GAFI, the financial action group.
03:49And the amount declared in the framework of this fiscal amnesty has reached record figures
03:54according to the first provisional assessment, to approximate the 100 billion dirhams, and
03:59even more, all categories are confused.
04:03This is what we learn in the article of 360.1, in this volume, 60 billion dirhams in the
04:09form of cash have been deposited with the banking sector.
04:13The rest, be it nearly 40 billion dirhams, correspond, among other things, to real estate
04:18acquisitions and to contributions in current accounts of associates.
04:22By retaining the liberal contribution of 5% taken on these amounts, the operation should
04:29attract around 5 billion dirhams of tax revenues, which will appear, consequently, in the general
04:34budget of the State as of 2025.
04:42Wadi El Moudin is the author of this article published by 360.1, of which he is also the
04:49publishing director.
04:51It is live from Casablanca that he will answer our questions.
04:55Wadi El Moudin, good evening and thank you for accepting our invitation.
05:01Good evening and happy new year to the entire Media1TV team and to all those watching us.
05:08Happy new year to you as well.
05:10In your article published today, you draw up a provisional assessment of this fiscal amnesty
05:16operation of 100 billion dirhams.
05:21While waiting for the final assessment of the government, I imagine the opinions are
05:26unanimous on the success of this operation.
05:30Yes, I would even say that it is more than a success.
05:33Besides, I do not find the words to describe a little bit the success of this operation.
05:39I would say two things.
05:40First, from the point of view of the mobilization, of the enthusiasm that this operation has
05:45generated among the population.
05:46We have seen the mobilization of Moroccans on social networks around this amnesty operation.
05:52We have also seen the mobilization of the banking sector.
05:55You know, some banking agencies yesterday, that is to say on December 31, were no longer
06:01able to withdraw money.
06:03They were so submerged in cash that they were not able to bear this record influx
06:11around this operation.
06:13And then there are the figures.
06:14The figures speak for themselves.
06:16100 billion dirhams.
06:17You remembered it.
06:18We published two articles today.
06:20In the morning, we made a report of 50 billion dirhams on the basis of the last account
06:27stopped the day before on December 31, that is to say yesterday, Tuesday, December 31,
06:33at 4.30 p.m.
06:34And today it was our surprise to find that this figure doubled in one day to go from
06:4150 to 100 billion dirhams.
06:44And who says 100 billion dirhams, it is about 25% of the cash in circulation in Morocco,
06:50which is estimated at about 425 billion dirhams.
06:54So this unprecedented amount of 100 billion dirhams, you say it is 20 times more important
07:02than the one drained during the fiscal amnesty of 2020.
07:06How do you explain such a mobilization today?
07:11So, precisely, comparing with the 2020 amnesty operation, I would say that there is no place
07:17to compare between the two operations.
07:20First, because 2020 was a year marked by the COVID pandemic.
07:25But to return to the success of this operation, that of 2024, several factors agree to explain
07:31what happened during this operation.
07:33I would say that this is an operation that has been well studied and well thought out.
07:38Let me explain.
07:39The Fiscal Administration, the General Directorate of Taxes, before launching this operation,
07:44launched a vast control operation with the large fortunes of the country.
07:50When I speak of the large fortunes of the country, I mean the large undeclared fortunes
07:55with the Fiscal Administration.
07:58So people, they understood that the Fiscal Administration is well equipped to identify
08:04all undeclared assets.
08:06Add to this the rumors that speculated on a resumption of the amnesty operation.
08:12But there was the exit of the Minister in charge of the budget already in Parliament and who said
08:17that the operation will not be resumed.
08:20But people had to wait for the publication of the official bulletin of the 2025 Finance Law
08:25on the official bulletin to finally understand that the operation will not be resumed.
08:31And this is where the people concerned and targeted by this operation, the large fortunes in particular,
08:37they understood that it was time to play the game and that it would be better to go and declare
08:44and pay 5% instead of paying 37% once the deadline of December 31 has passed.
08:51So what we also know about the success of this operation is that the General Directorate
08:58of Taxes itself also targeted 100 billion dirhams.
09:06To my knowledge, the General Directorate of Taxes targeted around 50-60 billion dirhams,
09:13at best.
09:15But here we go from a simple double.
09:17We go from a target of 50 to a realization of 100 billion dirhams.
09:22And I must specify, it is good to remind you that the 100 billion dirhams is a provisional figure
09:27that was collected by the 360 on the basis of a compilation with several sources.
09:32Now, regarding the official figure, we must wait for the announcement of the government.
09:38It is a figure that will be announced by the Ministry of Finance or by the government
09:42in the coming hours, or even in the coming days.
09:45Bancal Marib, if I may say, estimates the cash market in the kingdom at some 425 billion dirhams.
09:53How can such an operation today help to minimize the circulation of cash in the kingdom?
10:02I think there is still a long way to go to address this issue of cash in the Maroc.
10:08You have recalled the figure.
10:10Out of a total of 425 billion dirhams, we were able to reach, regularize,
10:16about 100 billion dirhams through this operation.
10:20So there are still 325 billion dirhams that still escape the formal sector.
10:26I think that through this operation, we have taken a very big step forward with this operation.
10:34And I think it joins the big issue, the big problem of the informal sector in Morocco.
10:40In my opinion, we must capitalize on the success of this amnesty operation
10:45and continue to imagine, innovate, and invent new solutions
10:50to try to reduce the extent of this phenomenon in Morocco.
10:56After these figures that you have compiled and published,
11:00can we talk today about a regain of trust between taxpayers and the tax administration?
11:09I think this is the main lesson we can draw from this operation.
11:13I would say trust, trust, trust.
11:16This is a new page that has just been opened today
11:21in the relationship between the tax administration and taxpayers.
11:27The 100 billion dirhams show that people trust the tax administration.
11:33It shows that people trust the banking sector.
11:38And therefore, people trust the Moroccan economy.
11:43The tax administration, we must not forget,
11:46has taken the commitment not to worry the people and taxpayers
11:52who have affected and regularized their situation.
11:55So if I have to summarize a little bit the spirit or philosophy that guided the tax administration
12:03and which, let's say, framed this operation from start to finish
12:08and especially today with this exploit of 100 billion dirhams,
12:11I summarize it as follows.
12:14It is that the tax administration,
12:16it is as if the tax administration says to the Moroccans,
12:19says to the taxpayers concerned,
12:21burst, consume as much as you want.
12:25Now that you have regularized the situation,
12:27spend what you want, consume what you want,
12:30invest what you want, you have nothing to fear.
12:33The tax administration, I repeat,
12:35has taken the commitment not to worry the people who have affected their situation
12:39vis-à-vis the tax administration.
12:41So it's time to burst and invest.
12:43The 100 billion dirhams, a part of it, you reminded me at the beginning.
12:46So the 60 billion dirhams, it's cash that goes to the banking sector.
12:50It's a bonus for the banking sector
12:53that will enrich the liquidity of the banking sector
12:56with what it means in terms of impact on the economy,
12:59loans to the economy, etc.
13:01I think that today it is a trust relationship
13:04that must be established and that is already established
13:06through this operation between the tax administration
13:10and taxpayers, economic operators,
13:13especially that the IAS, I must remind you,
13:16the tax on companies, the tax on profits in Morocco today,
13:19it is reduced to 20%.
13:21So pay the IAS at 20%, pay the dividends at 10%.
13:25I think that from a tax point of view,
13:28Morocco today is an attractive destination.
13:31It is one of the best-paid destinations
13:34on the tax plan on the international scene.
13:39Thank you for all these details.
13:43Thank you for answering our questions.
13:50In the rest of the news, President Joe Biden
13:53described it as horrible.
13:54His next successor, Donald Trump,
13:56associates it with illegal immigration,
13:59the attack on the Bélier car that bled him to death.
14:02Let's wake up to the news.
14:04Orléans reacted.
14:05It caused more than 10 deaths and more than 30 injuries.
14:08The FBI confirmed the death of the author,
14:12a citizen named Shamsdeen Jabbar.
14:14A Daesh flag was found in his vehicle.
14:17The terrorist trail is more than ever
14:19privileged by the investigators.
14:21Raja Henko.
14:23It was 3.15 a.m.
14:25The population of New Orleans
14:27was celebrating the new year, which was just beginning.
14:30The driver of a pickup truck
14:32rushed into the crowd that was rejoicing
14:34in the Vieux Carré, the French neighborhood
14:36of this city in Louisiana.
14:38The author, presumed to be dead,
14:40had then fled after gunfights
14:42in which two police officers were injured.
14:45I'm going to give you as much information as I possibly can.
14:49It was a very intentional behavior.
14:51This man was trying to overthrow
14:53as many people as he could.
14:55It was not a situation of influence.
14:58Most of the injured are at the UMC hospital.
15:01What I can also tell you is that this criminal
15:03shot our officers from his vehicle
15:06when he hit another vehicle.
15:08Two of our officers were shot.
15:10Their condition is stable.
15:12This man was trying to run over.
15:15The author, presumed to be dead,
15:17had then fled after gunfights
15:19in which two police officers were injured.
15:22The author, presumed to be dead,
15:24had then fled after gunfights
15:26in which two police officers were injured.
15:28The author, presumed to be dead,
15:30had then fled after gunfights
15:32in which two police officers were injured.
15:34The author, presumed to be dead,
15:36had then fled after gunfights
15:38in which two police officers were injured.
15:40The author, presumed to be dead,
15:42had then fled after gunfights
15:44in which two police officers were injured.
15:46The city of Maison, around Bourbon Street,
15:48The city of Maison, around Bourbon Street,
15:50remained apart.
15:52remained apart.
15:54New Orleans is one of the most visited
15:56New Orleans is one of the most visited
15:58destinations in the United States.
16:00The horror district is renowned
16:02for its restaurants, bars and jazz clubs.
16:04The attack took place shortly before
16:06the city hosted a big American football game,
16:08the Sugar Bowl.
16:10According to the municipality,
16:12the number of police officers had increased
16:14since the beginning of the new year,
16:16in anticipation of a strong influx into the streets.
16:20After 13 years in the anti-chamber of Schengen,
16:22After 13 years in the anti-chamber of Schengen,
16:24Romania and Bulgaria have now fully accessed
16:26the European space of free movement,
16:28the European space of free movement,
16:30on the road as in the air,
16:32a strong symbol for the two Eastern European countries.
16:34a strong symbol for the two Eastern European countries.
16:36Ceremonies have been organized
16:38in different crossings
16:40to celebrate the shift to local minority.
16:42More than 400 million people
16:44living in these two former communist countries
16:46living in these two former communist countries
16:48will now be able to circulate in the Schengen space.
16:50will now be able to circulate in the Schengen space.
16:54Yesterday was the traditional speech
16:56of the new year of the heads of state in Africa.
16:58of the new year of the heads of state in Africa.
17:00There was the speech of President Ivory
17:02at the Sanwatara, which announced
17:04the retreat of the base
17:06of the French army in Abidjan.
17:08of the French army in Abidjan.
17:10The 33rd Infantry Battalion
17:12of Marine de Portbouie,
17:14will be named after General Watara
17:16Tobin Dakin,
17:18the first Chief of Staff of the Ivory Army.
17:20the first Chief of Staff of the Ivory Army.
17:22Let's listen to President Watara.
17:24My dear compatriots,
17:26dear brothers, dear sisters,
17:28We can be proud of our army,
17:30We can be proud of our army,
17:32whose modernization
17:34is now effective.
17:36It is in this framework
17:38that we have decided
17:40the concerted and organized retreat
17:42the concerted and organized retreat
17:44of the French forces in Côte d'Ivoire.
17:46of the French forces in Côte d'Ivoire.
17:48Thus, the camp of the 43rd BIMA,
17:50Thus, the camp of the 43rd BIMA,
17:52the Infantry Battalion of Marine de Portbouie,
17:54the Infantry Battalion of Marine de Portbouie,
17:56will be handed back
17:58to the armed forces of Côte d'Ivoire
18:00to the armed forces of Côte d'Ivoire
18:02as of January 2025.
18:04as of January 2025.
18:06Another New Year's speech,
18:08that of the Senegalese President
18:10who made it clear that the French soldiers
18:12had to pack their bags.
18:14Bassirou Diouma Efei
18:16does not want the presence of any foreign military base
18:18does not want the presence of any foreign military base
18:20in his country in 2025.
18:22He wants a new doctrine
18:24in terms of security.
18:26President Bassirou Diouma Efei, we are listening.
18:28I have already instructed
18:30the Minister of the Armed Forces
18:32to propose a new doctrine
18:34of cooperation in terms of
18:36defense and security
18:38involving, among other consequences,
18:40the end of all military presence
18:42of foreign countries
18:44in Senegal as of 2025.
18:46of foreign countries in Senegal as of 2025.
18:48Several countries in the Sahel have decided
18:50to put an end to the French military presence
18:52on their soil.
18:54What reading to do, answers with
18:56Chersa Diboundaye, a specialist in political science.
18:58Chersa Diboundaye, a specialist in political science.
19:00It is a progressive end to the military presence
19:02in Africa, but it is also the end
19:04of France-Africa, if I may say so,
19:06because the current
19:08French president, Emmanuel Macron,
19:10had even spoken of a change
19:12of French policy
19:14on the African continent in relation to its military presence.
19:16Because France
19:18has been excluded from Mali,
19:20it has also been excluded from Burkina Faso
19:22and Niger.
19:24This shows that there is a feeling
19:26on the part of Africans.
19:28It is not an anti-French feeling,
19:30rather, when a country
19:32is present on your soil,
19:34from colonization
19:36to independence, for the sake of
19:38African mortals, it looks
19:40more like an occupation. Now,
19:42these African countries want to take responsibility
19:44and engage in
19:46internal androgenic cooperation methods
19:48that will allow them to defend their security.
19:50This is what
19:52even announced
19:54the birth of the ASE, the Sahel Alliance,
19:56which on the military level has put
19:58a truly exemplary model of cooperation.
20:00This is also the case of the CEDEAO
20:02with the force in attendance.
20:04There is a paradigm shift
20:06in the world, but also
20:08that affects Africa.
20:10The French military presence
20:12in Africa must be reviewed.
20:14France must know that the African countries
20:16have grown up, this paternalism
20:18must disappear, for the benefit
20:20of win-win cooperation between our states.
20:22Because today's Africa
20:24is not yesterday's Africa.
20:26Africa is really developing.
20:28In a few years' time,
20:30Africa will have more than 2 billion inhabitants.
20:32It is important that Africans
20:34take responsibility for their future
20:36both economically and
20:40This military plan will guarantee
20:42security for African countries.
20:44You have seen the Sahel.
20:46What can we say?
20:48There are problems in the Sahel,
20:50but countries like Mali and Burkina
20:52manage to defend themselves
20:54against terrorist groups
20:56that hold weapons
20:58that come from nowhere.
21:00We know that these weapons
21:02were used during the Libyan
21:06These terrorist groups benefited
21:08from these weapons.
21:10There is a new logic,
21:12France must understand
21:14that it is necessary to establish
21:16military cooperation
21:18that will be beneficial
21:20for African countries,
21:22and impose a model
21:24that must be put in place
21:26in our states or in the Sahel
21:28to guarantee security.
21:30Imposing this model
21:32means dictating to our heads of state
21:34what to do in their countries
21:36while we have a knowledge
21:38of the terrain,
21:40unlike them,
21:42who come from nowhere.
21:44The African countries
21:46are in a new logic
21:48of diversification
21:50in Mali and even in Senegal,
21:52which really operates
21:54with countries like South Korea,
21:56Russia, France,
21:58the United States and other countries.
22:00This is the new logic
22:02that is emerging in Africa.
22:04French authorities must understand
22:08I would like to make a point
22:10about General Lecointre's speech
22:12a few months ago,
22:14who spoke about returning
22:16to colonize Africa.
22:18These are the kind of paternalistic
22:20speeches that Africans refuse today.
22:22France must understand
22:24that there is a change.
22:26This is not an anti-French sentiment,
22:28but a paradigm shift.
22:30Africans have understood that
22:32a new tone is being put in place
22:34and that we must diversify our military partnerships.
22:36Senegal and Mauritania
22:38are taking steps towards
22:40the exploitation of their common gas
22:42with the opening of the first well
22:44of their marine deposit,
22:46a major step
22:48before the commercialization
22:50planned this year.
22:52This well should produce
22:54about 2.5 million tons of natural gas
22:56liquefied per year.
22:58In this context,
23:00the Senegalese budget
23:02recently adopted by the deputies
23:04includes for the first time
23:06the revenues
23:08from the exploitation
23:10of hydrocarbons,
23:12a budget of more than 6 billion francs CFA.
23:14What makes it special?
23:16The answer in this report
23:18to Dakar by Genèse Mokaha
23:20and Bachir Yazboudian.
23:22The Senegalese National Assembly
23:24has adopted the 2025 budget.
23:26This financial plan
23:28envisages a deficit of 7.08% of GDP,
23:30which raises questions
23:32about the economic priorities
23:34and strategies implemented
23:36to reconcile investment
23:38and public finances.
23:40There is a budgetary deficit
23:42which is quite high,
23:44close to 2 figures,
23:46which must be reduced to 7%,
23:48the budgetary deficit of Senegal,
23:50which must be reduced to 7%
23:52gradually to reach
23:54what is called the community deficit,
23:56which is fixed at 3%
23:58in the EU space.
24:00This is an effort that must be made,
24:02but the reduction projection
24:04brings us back to 2027.
24:06According to this expert,
24:08the long-awaited budget
24:10could play a crucial role
24:12in the realization of state projects.
24:14It is a budget oriented
24:16towards projects
24:18in relation to the public investment plan
24:22There is a sum of 150 billion
24:24that was included
24:26in this project,
24:28in this PIP,
24:30to start
24:32the economic development
24:34of Senegal.
24:36In Senegal, the integration
24:38of hydrocarbons in this budget
24:40could open up new economic perspectives.
24:42It is not the total recipe
24:44that comes from the exploitation
24:46of hydrocarbons that are injected
24:48directly into the budget.
24:50There is a law that has been established
24:52that allows a part
24:54to be put at the level of what is called
24:56the intergenerational fund,
24:58there is another part that is placed
25:00at the level of the stabilization fund,
25:02and a part that is integrated into the budget.
25:04I think it is very well thought out
25:06in relation to the management
25:08of hydrocarbon recipes
25:10in Senegal.
25:12The project of the finance law
25:14raising to 6,395 billion
25:16of CFA funds is part of
25:18the Senegal strategic vision of 2050.
25:20Its objective is to raise
25:22the development challenges
25:24while consolidating social
25:26and economic gains.
25:28This is the end of this newspaper.
25:30Thank you for following it.
25:32The information continues on Median TV