• 2 months ago
South Korea's acting president says he will move to fill vacancies in the Constitutional Court. The court is set to rule on the impeachment of suspended President Yoon Suk Yeol for his declaration of martial law.
00:00South Korea's acting President Choi Sang-mok says he will fill vacancies in the country's
00:05constitutional court as it's set to rule on the impeachment of suspended President
00:09Yoon Suk-yool for declaring martial law.
00:12I, who has won the presidential election, have decided to appoint a legal judge in desperation
00:20to prevent economic and people's lives from being endangered.
00:30Choi is the second acting president since Yoon was impeached in mid-December.
00:34His predecessor, Prime Minister Han Deok-su, was also impeached for refusing to appoint
00:39justices to the court.
00:41The nine-member court needs at least six justices to rule on the impeachments, and three seats
00:46remain vacant.
00:47Choi plans to appoint two justices immediately and a third once political parties agree on
00:52a nominee.
