• last year
👉 Un altercado entre vecinos en la capital terminó a los golpes. El incidente, que se originó por una disputa sobre el volumen de la música, dejó a un hombre gravemente herido. Las autoridades están trabajando para identificar a todos los involucrados que sería de nacionalidad colombiana y llevarlos ante la justicia.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24


00:00...discussion between neighbors that ended very badly with a federal police officer killing a neighbor, this happened in the capital.
00:07Kindness of the American breakfast team, again a neighborly problem that ends this way.
00:17Another fight and another blow and another irrational fact in the middle of a request for the music to go down.
00:28They practically disfigured him, Christian Marcatante was live working with this issue.
00:34Christian, how are you?
00:37Hi Facu, we are with Dr. Groyman and Lucas.
00:42Look at this, Facu, it could have been...
00:45Terrible, huh?
00:46...a bullfight.
00:49Did you think they wanted to kill you?
00:51Yes, the truth is yes.
00:52When I fell to the floor, they didn't stop hitting me.
00:56They almost punched me in the neck.
00:59I thought they weren't going to stop and that they were going to kill me.
01:03Lucas, how are you? Good morning.
01:05Tell us how it all starts.
01:08You are not going to look for them so that the music goes down, you cross them.
01:12It's like this, I spent the whole day outside my house on Wednesday.
01:17I arrive at 7 in the afternoon and from the ground floor you can hear the music at full volume from the living room, which is on the last floor.
01:24My apartment is just below the living room.
01:27Well, the truth is that it was early, I didn't say anything, I got up.
01:31The night comes and I go out for a walk with my dog.
01:35When I go up to the elevator, I just cross two men and a woman who came from the zoo because they were holding a can of beer in their hands.
01:44So I take advantage of the fact that I have them there and I say to them, excuse me, can you lower the volume of the music a little?
01:50Automatically they start to bother me.
01:52He tells me, I can't.
01:54The woman jumps and tells me, you are bitter, it is Christmas, you have to celebrate.
01:59And we are talking about Wednesday at 25 at night, it wasn't even 24.
02:03I say, excuse me, did I bother you? I'm asking you nicely.
02:06Can you lower the music?
02:08No, I can't, I can't, I can't.
02:11And they keep bothering me, bothering me, bothering me.
02:14And I was trying not to get hooked, the truth, because it wasn't worth it.
02:17But I leave the building, I with my dog in my hand, and they start to insult me directly and get more violent.
02:25That's when I step back and I tell him, don't insult me, I asked you nicely.
02:30He kind of wants to hit me, I take him out, I turn around and keep going.
02:33And when I turn around, he hits me in the ear.
02:36And there I know that self-defense, he throws a fist and he throws the three of us on top.
02:42Lucas, were they neighbors or were they guests of a neighbor of yours?
02:49Apparently they were guests of a tenant who is very little.
02:52A Colombian doctor.
02:54One of the whites, who is the one who starts the fight, he thinks he is a doctor.
02:59A doctor is the one who starts the fight.
03:01The boy who looks white is the one who throws...
03:05You are wearing orange, right?
03:09No, I'm wearing orange walking my dog in a...
03:12What cowardice, because they hit you from two or three, because there is a woman who also participates.
03:18And what madness to know that he is a doctor.
03:20People walk by, it's all a farce, what you see.
03:23An act of extreme violence.
03:25I don't know if Dr. Broyman is also there.
03:27Well, now we go deeper, Lucas, with you.
03:29I want to know what wounds you have.
03:30Doctor, how are you?
03:31How are you? Facundo Pastor greets you.
03:34How are you, Facundo? Good afternoon.
03:37The truth is that it is regrettable.
03:40I have really done...
03:44He is alive by miracle, Lucas.
03:48Because they have kicked him in the neck, in the ribs, everywhere.
03:54He was totally defenseless.
03:57This was with a really disgusting, criminal lewdness.
04:05If he is alive, it is not because they wanted him to be alive.
04:10They hit to damage.
04:13And if there is a doctor, I think the other one could also do it.
04:18Really, you have to, without any doubt,
04:21punish him with the maximum of the law.
04:24But it didn't end there.
04:26How did it continue?
04:27When they had him on the floor and hitting him,
04:29they threatened him and told him,
04:31because they knew he lived there,
04:34you're going to have to move,
04:36because every time we come and cross you,
04:38we're going to kill you, we're going to destroy you.
04:41Incredible. Lucas.
04:43What you do...
04:46Did you cross them again after these threats?
04:49Did you have contact, not with the guests,
04:51but maybe with the owner of the house, the tenant?
04:54Did you cross them again?
04:57Luckily, I'm not going to cross them,
04:59but when I'm in the building, I look everywhere,
05:02because I'm afraid to cross them.
05:04You're afraid.
05:05Yes, yes.
05:07And any other neighbor?
05:08I spoke to the owner, she gave me the number.
05:10Yes, yes.
05:11A neighbor helped me,
05:13heard the whole story and came down to help me
05:17and told me that the tenant
05:19had already had problems with the music
05:21in Casillas Fiesta, in the apartment,
05:23and a neighbor in front of him complained
05:26and acted as if nothing had happened.
05:29So this neighbor is conflicting.
05:31They couldn't talk to the consortium
05:33or the same owner of that apartment,
05:35which they obviously have in rent?
05:38I spoke to the owner,
05:40but she gave me the tenant's number
05:42so I could speak to the tenant.
05:44And the tenant...
05:45The one who threatened us.
05:47We're going to quote the tenant
05:49so he can testify
05:51and give the name of the attacker.
05:56But sorry, doctor, at this time...
05:58If he doesn't give it,
05:59we're going to accuse him of cover-up.
06:01Of course, isn't the attacker identified?
06:04Can't we know who they are?
06:07The one in white, yes.
06:09The one in white, yes.
06:10The one in blue, no.
06:11The one in white is a doctor, says Lucas.
06:14Do you know where he works?
06:17We know where he lives
06:19because when they stop,
06:24one of them leaves,
06:26the one in blue leaves with the lady,
06:28and the one in white goes back up to the Zoom.
06:32And then when they go down,
06:34the police go to Lucas' side
06:36and that's where they identify this person.
06:39We have the address where he lives,
06:41we have everything.
06:42But we also want to know
06:45who was the one in blue and the lady
06:50because those people can't be in this country.
06:53Beyond that, beyond that,
06:55the Albertan spirit tells us
06:58that any person of good will
07:00who wants to inhabit the soil of the Argentine nation
07:03can do so.
07:04These people are not of good will.
07:06They can't be here.
07:08We're going to ask, if it's appropriate,
07:10we're going to ask that they be expelled from the country.
07:13And that if he's a doctor,
07:15that his patrimony be revoked.
07:18That's what I was going to say.
07:19Do you know if this doctor is attending?
07:21Does this doctor attend to a guard?
07:23Do you have an ID?
07:24Where does he work?
07:25Can you tell us?
07:26We're investigating if he's in the hospital,
07:28in the Italian hospital, we're investigating.
07:31We're trying to do all the investigation.
07:34We're not going to stop.
07:36Let's see, not only did they hit him,
07:39they threatened him,
07:40but he's in danger.
07:41He's in danger.
07:42He's the owner of that apartment.
07:45And these people, these people,
07:48they don't allow him, under no circumstances,
07:51to live in peace.
07:52He's an accountant.
07:54Lucas is an accountant.
07:55A person who works constantly.
07:59It has nothing to do with aggression.
08:03That he lives in fear,
08:05that he feels threatened
08:07by people who aren't even from the building.
08:10When he didn't create a conflict,
08:11he asked for the music to be turned down
08:13at a time that was normal,
08:15and asking for the music to be turned down
08:17so he could rest.
08:18It's not fair that he lives like this every day.
08:21The administration was limited
08:23to putting a fine on the tenant
08:27and banning him for three months
08:30for the use of Zoom.
08:34But really, this isn't...
08:36A fine of how much?
08:38More than 100,000 pesos.
08:40But, let's see, this is worth 120,000 pesos.
08:44Let's see, it's not justice.
08:48Javier Díaz, how are you, doctor?
08:50Can the consortium do more than that?
08:52Javier, how are you?
08:53How are you, uncle?
08:54Can the consortium do more than that?
08:56I think they've done enough.
08:58What happens...
08:59And then we'll see if they charge him,
09:01if they pay him.
09:02But I say, we have to do something, too.
09:04Because this issue of the conflicts with the neighbors,
09:08beatings, shots,
09:10head-breaking, death, and so on,
09:13this seems like a minor fact.
09:16But the great amount...
09:17Last week I was telling you,
09:18the great amount of complaints
09:20that there are in many prosecutor's offices
09:22throughout the country
09:24are due to conflicts between neighbors.
09:28Because of the garbage can,
09:30because of the parked car,
09:31because of the dogs,
09:32because of the music,
09:33especially because of the socks.
09:35This is not a simple conflict.
09:37No, no.
09:38Javier, this is not a simple conflict.
09:40This is a criminal attack.
09:42Yes, of course.
09:43Perpetrated by three unadapted people.
09:45That's what I'm talking about.
09:46But it all starts with what?
09:48With a neighborly fact.
09:49The music.
09:50Turn down the music.
09:52I want to sleep.
09:53Stop the music.
09:54That's what happened last week
09:56with the ex-federal police officer.
09:58They asked him to turn down the music
10:00and it ended with the death of one.
10:03The truth is, it's unfortunate.
10:05And it would have ended with the death of another person.
10:08Say that, well, he was lucky.
10:10Lucas, in this case, was lucky.
10:12Yes, exactly.
10:13Baez Sosa was not lucky.
10:15Let's see, but...
10:17It's the same attack.
10:18Yes, the same...
10:19It's the same attack.
10:20A heart attack.
10:24No, no, no.
10:25There is no qualifier for this animalism.
10:28For this savagery.
10:30Animalism, no.
10:31The only thing he wanted
10:33was for the bitch not to escape, poor thing.
10:36And he wanted to protect the bitch from him.
10:40Of course, of course.
10:41And on top of that, they destroyed him.
10:44Doctor, this is already judicialized.
10:46You already made the formal complaint.
10:48Yes, yes, yes.
10:50The complaint was made in Flagrancia.
10:53In Flagrancia, in the Fiscalía de Flagrancia.
10:56What we did was...
10:59Let's see.
11:00We extended the complaint
11:02and we constituted it in Querellante.
11:04We will continue until the last consequences.
11:07We are going to quote the tenant
11:09who invited the people to the Zoom
11:12so that he can say who is the one in blue and the female.
11:17So what?
11:18So that he can get...
11:20In any case, if necessary, the expulsion of the country
11:23and the suspension of the registration.
11:25If not the expulsion of the country,
11:27let him suspend the registration.
11:29Lucas, tell me how you feel.
11:31I'll be back in a minute about Lucas,
11:33who is the unfortunate protagonist of this story.
11:36He was alone with your bitch.
11:38You went down to walk the bitch like any neighbor.
11:44You crossed paths with those who were there.
11:46Why don't you turn down the music?
11:48What time was it, Lucas?
11:52It was ten o'clock at night,
11:54but if I didn't tell them to go,
11:56they would continue until any time.
11:58Sure, sure.
12:00And the truth is, I'm quite afraid.
12:04Are you afraid to live there?
12:06Yes, the truth is that yes.
12:10Whenever I go down my stairs now,
12:12I look everywhere.
12:14The elevator doesn't stop at 8.
12:16How horrible.
12:18What injuries do you have, Lucas?
12:24I have bruises on my arm, on my face.
12:30I have a bruise on my jaw.
12:32I'm on antibiotics so it doesn't get infected.
12:38They kicked my neck, my ribs.
12:42It was really a criminal attack.
12:46Did you feel like they wanted to kill you?
12:48When I asked them to stop,
12:50they didn't stop.
12:52I thought they were going to kill me.
12:54A kick in the head is to kill him.
12:58A kick in the head is to kill him.
13:00A kick in the head is to kill him.
13:02If they kick you in the head,
13:04there's no turning back.
13:06In the video, it looks like they kicked me in the head,
13:08but if they don't,
13:10that's why.
13:12Well, I hope they put them in jail
13:14and they have to pay
13:16and be detained with others
13:18who are more handsome than them.
13:20Let's see if they're that handsome, right?
13:22I hope so.
13:24They attacked me three times.
13:26Sure, what can you do?
13:28You're with the bitch.
13:30They attack you three times.
13:32You fall to the floor, they hit you from behind.
13:34It doesn't matter.
13:36It was also recorded.
13:38That's called
13:42That's called
13:46little value
13:48for the life of
13:50such a person.
13:52These people can't be in our country.
13:54They're Colombians.
13:56Welcome to all Colombians
13:58who want to inhabit Argentine soil.
14:00But these three Colombians,
14:02no. Under no circumstances.
14:04These, no.
14:06Once justice has them
14:08under some imputation,
14:10it would be good
14:12that like the rest of the foreigners
14:14who are being kicked
14:16where they already know.
14:18Well, these too.
14:20Waldo Wolf takes the necessary measures
14:22and out.
14:24Enough of foreign criminals.
14:26The truth is that all the foreigners
14:28who work help us
14:30to move forward, help us to grow.
14:32But these guys, no.
14:34Foreign guys,
14:36enough with what we have,
14:38as if to cover up the scum
14:40and filth of other countries.
14:46And being doctors.
14:48I don't take care of myself.
14:50Tell me the registration
14:52and where he attends.
14:54I'm not sure.
14:56In the Italian hospital.
14:58Do you presume that he attends there,
15:00Dr. Broiman?
15:02I'm not sure.
15:04But we are investigating
15:06and we will get to the last consequences.
15:08These three people
15:10cannot be in Argentina.
15:12It's clear.
15:14Dr. Broiman, thank you for welcoming us.
15:16Close the mobile, Cristian.
15:18Thanks to the breakfast journalist team
15:20who shared this very serious information with us.
15:22Chris, close it up.
15:30you are afraid to enter.
15:32What happens if you cross him?
15:34I don't know.
15:36I really don't know.
15:38He has a panic button.
15:40He has a panic button,
15:42in any case,
15:44and he will call the police.
15:46And this has to be made visible
15:48so that it doesn't happen to him.
15:50Because if he kept quiet,
15:52he is exposed
15:54to any moment
15:56that something worse happens to him.
15:58Are you going to ask for custody?
16:00Yes, yes.
16:02We are going to ask for all the necessary measures
16:04so that Lucas
16:06is protected.
16:08Not only Lucas,
16:10there is also a family of Lucas
16:12living there with him.
16:14On the same floor?
16:16On the same floor as the aggressor.
16:18Well, thank you very much.
