• 2 months ago
00:00for orange juice anyway. It's a milk bottle! Blasphemy!
00:05We got a watermelon! Watermelon! Watermelon!
00:08They're deep frying it. That's so American. Why would you
00:11deep fry the watermelon? Oh nice little coffee thing going on here.
00:15All right everything's going so fast what's happening? Wow!
00:18Walnut crack! All right with a wrench. That's not what that tool is for.
00:21What? What? Okay carve out the center of your cucumber for no reason.
00:26Everything's going so fast. Your brain doesn't work this fast Doc. What's
00:30happening? What's going on? Oh we got some whipped
00:33cream through the cracker. Who you calling a cracker?
00:37Don't do that. Uh we got some uh spring onion
00:40chopping. What? Why are you using plastic?
00:45What was the point of that? Everything's going too fast!
00:50Okay so we got some. I mean I want to say something about one episode but there's
00:53something else going on. Okay so we got some prawn crackers here.
00:57They're puffing up. This is like uh you know when you when you bid on something.
01:05Yeah. Oh what's the oh salami cheese. No it's not cheese it's uh salami ham.
01:10It's cheese. That's ham. It's cheese. I think that you're wrong. Trust me brother
01:15it's cheese. Look at that it's not cheese. If it were
01:17cheese it would melt. It would melt you're right.
01:20Oh glossy. What's going on? Waffles. Waffles.
01:27Okay we got a bottle. We twit wow with a strong hand.
01:30Okay we're gonna get a soldering iron. Soldering. Soldering
01:34because we just have one of those. All right nice.
01:37Cool in case you don't have filter. Fish bash posh. Fish bash posh.
01:41A sieve. Little sink sieve. Ah it's a sieve yes.
01:45Okay we got an egg. Eating from both sides.
01:48Oh I did this before. It does work. It's nice. It's nice. What is she doing to her
01:54device? Ah just wrap it up. Electronic device. Always pretend to wrap it up.
01:59I mean not pretend. I mean wrap it up. Be sure. Anyway.
02:05So nothing. Oh no nothing's working. I'll just grab my oil and put it all over.
02:10On the cloth. And then I rub it all over my face.
02:12Yay. I'll just put more oil around. I'll just give you more oil.
02:16No don't do that guys. I think 5-Minute Crafts and Rick and Morty have similar
02:20riders where they just like. Nonsense. They turn into something you know.
02:26Yeah. Come on. We're gonna take this banana Rick.
02:30Morty put away the banana. We don't need it. Rick it doesn't. I'm not so sure about
02:34this banana anymore Rick.
02:38Shut up Morty. There you go Rick. Banana Rick.
02:44Banana. I mean it looks pretty good. You could use that in a nice banana
02:47banana bread. All right. Banana bread. Banana. Banana. I know that guy.
02:55I know him. Yeah. I know all these people. Do you? Yeah. You know a lot of people.
02:59I do. I am quite the popular man. You're quite the people knower.
03:04So I had to wash your leaves. Those leaves look old, man. Get new leaves.
03:10No, it's okay. They're fresh again.
03:11Why are they fresh again? Whoa. To the man up front.
03:16Okay, so he got some lime. We're pouring the lime.
03:18What? Pizza slice. She's cheating the system.
03:23The pizza never went anywhere.
03:25Now we're descaling a fish.
03:27Oh, gosh. With chocolate.
03:29Oh, chocolate.
03:31Give me them swirls.
03:33All right. Oh, that's how you do it.
03:36I just thought you were supposed to suffer and hate life.
03:40You hit the water with it, you know, and everything goes off.
03:46Got some rye bread there.
03:47Okay, we're just twisting some pasta.
03:51All right. I feel like that was pointless and it looks kind of cool, though.
03:54Looks nice. Looks nice.
03:55You could use a can opener, but if you don't have a can opener, just use a butcher's knife.
03:59All right. How are you going to get that pineapple out?
04:02Why? It had a can opener on the bottom.
04:05That was awesome.
04:08What is happening?
04:10That was a nice pack.
04:13Pancake stuff happening here. Get a little roller.
04:16It's like a continuous pancake.
04:18It's a pan caterpillar.
04:22Oh, the pancake ampipede.
04:25I hate that.
04:26I didn't get it.
04:27Thanks. I hate it.
04:28Okay, you seal stuff with balloons. Nice.
04:30All right. Is that rice?
04:31Got some rice.
04:32Got some rye bread.
04:33Rye bread.
04:35And we have perfect cooked rice.
04:37What? How did I get it?
04:38I guess putting rye bread on it makes it better.
04:40Oh, it absorbs all those things so it doesn't bubble. Nice.
04:43All right. So you can cook your pizza not using an oven.
04:45Yeah. We got some frozen pizza here.
04:48It looks a little burnt, but not your fault.
04:51Oh, no space.
04:53This is like after New Year's, you know, when you have so many dishes.
04:56You're like, oh, what do I do?
04:57That's what you do, guys.
05:00That's what you do.
05:01I approve.
05:02Look at this guy.
05:03I got garlic on my knife.
05:04Oh, no. I got way too much garlic on here.
05:06I got some salt.
05:07All right. And done.
05:09Salty garlic. Nice.
05:10Salty garlic.
05:12Okay. We got some watermelon.
05:14Watermelon slices.
05:15Okay. What's happening here?
05:17Just slice up some watermelon.
05:19That's good.
05:22That is cold.
05:23Not in you.
05:24Not a sponsor.
05:25Not a sponsor.
05:26Ooh. Okay. That's nice.
05:27That looks like a nice bowl.
05:28It's like a poke bowl, right?
05:29I want to eat that poke bowl right now.
05:30Poke bowl.
05:31Poke bowl.
05:32Gotta catch them all.
05:33That's so true.
05:38We all have different songs going on in our heads.
05:41All right. That's making me cry.
05:43Yeah. Oh, please.
05:46How could you do that to the poor onion?
05:48Not my onion.
05:50Okay. So we got a chopstick.
05:52No, it's not a chopstick.
05:53That's smart.
05:54That's nice.
05:55Pokey thingy device.
05:56First training.
05:57It's going on her hand though.
06:00It's like you have a trouble with it.
06:02As long as it doesn't fall out, it's fine if it gives you third degree burns.
06:12False information.
06:13False advertising.
06:15We got some stuff here.
06:17What's that pink goo?
06:18It's some mold.
06:19It's the McDonald's goo that they use to make all their meat.
06:22That's it.
06:23All right.
06:24That's for the cucumber pack, right, that we saw in the beginning.
06:27There we go.
06:28That's cool.
06:29It's dangerous though.
06:30It's very dangerous.
06:31Yeah, it's dangerous.
06:32Processed cheese because there's no other cheese that's best than processed cheese.
06:35Not a sponsor.
06:39What are they doing?
06:40They're melting it?
06:42Little cheese puffs.
06:43Cheese pockets.
06:44Oh, that looks crispy.
06:46That looks crispy.
06:48I need to try that.
06:49I guess, yeah.
06:50All right.
06:53How do you not know that?
06:54We need to try.
06:55I need to test this.
06:56What is going on?
06:58People who put ketchup on their fries like that are psychopaths.
06:59Oh, gosh.
07:00You made a mess.
07:01But alas, just take a chopstick.
07:02Use a chopstick.
07:03Now it's sushi.
07:04Sushi time.
07:05Why are you using that bottle for orange juice?
07:07It's a milk bottle.
07:29All right.
07:31Got a cabbage.
07:32Cut potatoes.
07:33You know, Scottish people actually call other people cabbages when they're calling them
07:36Oh, really?
07:37You're being such a cabbage fan.
07:38You're being a cabbage.
07:39Oh, it walks by.
07:40No, you can have all the cabbage you want.
07:41All right.
07:42At last, I got me a sandwich with some cabbage.
07:43Anyway, I think we're getting off track.
07:44All right.
07:45Let's come back and track.
07:46Let's get out of here.
07:47I'll be alone.
07:51So we got this hard-boiled egg.
07:52All right.
07:53Crack it at the top.
07:54Just spoon it in.
07:55That's cool.
07:56All right.
07:57Oh, nice little spoon.
07:58Spooning session.
07:59All right.
08:00Done and dusted.
08:01Garlic crusher.
08:02But we're going to use it for-
08:03Look at that guy's tat.
08:04Did anyone see that guy's tat?
08:05That was a sick tat.
08:06That was a sick tat on his-
08:07It looks like hair.
08:08It looks like a spider.
08:09We got some frozen stuff.
08:10We're going to cut some-
08:11Spider hats.
08:12They didn't even cut it.
08:13They did.
08:14Did they?
08:16Oh, to defrost.
08:17To thaw.
08:18To thaw out.
08:19To defrost?
08:20Does that work?
08:21Yeah, I guess so.
08:22Don't you think the meat will kind of-
08:23With boiling water, you can just rotate it.
08:24Do you have to hold the pot there for 10 minutes just standing there?
08:28I don't know.
08:29I'm a bit skeptical about that.
08:30You can put a weight in it if you weight lift.
08:33How do you clean this?
08:35I hate eggplant.
08:36No way.
08:37That was an easy peel.
08:38It's a bad fruit.
08:39I don't know if that works.
08:40I don't know.
08:41I think it is.
08:44I've heard that it works.
08:45You can use it.
08:46Yeah, but-
08:48I don't know.
08:49I don't know.
08:50I think it just dulls the blade even further.
08:51So let's test it then.
08:53We have to test that.
08:54Okay, we got some-
08:55Does anyone write this down when they have flowers?
08:56I know, right?
08:57I keep it in mind.
08:58Some spring onion.
09:00Doesn't matter.
09:01Okay, we're chopping the spring onion.
09:03That's a good way to do it.
09:04It is.
09:06All right.
09:07Never enough.
09:08Ooh, nice strawberries with some powdered sugar or salt.
09:09Probably not salt.
09:10Strawberries with salt.
09:11My favorite.
09:12Oh, it's soda.
09:14Oh, to clean it.
09:17Like the best cleaning.
09:18And then they're going to remove it.
09:19And they will taste nice.
09:20There we go.
09:22There we go.
09:23That's all my strawberries?
09:25My strawberries are dirty as heck, man.
09:26Very nice.
09:27Some cocoa powder or coffee.
09:28Cayenne pepper.
09:30I love cayenne.
09:31I put cayenne on everything.
09:32Oh, gosh.
09:33I put cayenne on my creme brulee.
09:37That's pretty good.
09:39Okay, yeah.
09:40Get the powder off.
09:41Have perfect measurements.
09:42Just waste your ketchup.
09:43Because, you know, you don't need it.
09:44It makes a good cleaner.
09:45It's more expensive than cleaner, but it's actually more different.
09:48So, I think we should all use that.
09:50Why don't we just use white vinegar?
09:51Why are they doing it with their hands?
09:52That's what ketchup contains, is white vinegar.
09:53Come on, guys.
09:55I don't know.
09:56I saw some people clean their...
09:57With Coca-Cola.
09:58With ketchup.
09:59I actually use Powerade.
10:02It works like a dream.
10:03I use Mountain Dew.
