• last year
41 Perusahaan sukses menggelar IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2024, dengan total capaian raihan dana mencapai Rp14,35 triliun. Sementara itu terkait prospek IPO di 2025, analis pasar modal menilai tren IPO akan lebih positif seiring dengan sudah berlalunya tahun politik, dan tingkat suku bunga yang berpotensi turun.


00:00Indonesia's IPO
00:05We move to the topic of the selection of 41 successful companies to hold IPOs in Indonesia's financial sector
00:10throughout 2024, with a total of 14.35 trillion rupiah.
00:17Meanwhile, related to the prospects of the IPO in 2025,
00:21capital market analysts estimate that the IPO trend will be more positive
00:24along with the passing of political years and the potential decline in the flow rate.
00:36Throughout 2024, 41 companies managed to hold their shares in the Indonesian FEC.
00:42The total amount of funds raised through this corporate action reached 14.35 trillion rupiah.
00:49There was also a record of MDIY's shares on December 19, 2024,
00:54becoming the closing act of the IPO this year.
00:57Emiten Retail managed to raise the IPO fund to 4.15 trillion rupiah,
01:02making MDIY the second largest IPO fund raiser.
01:07Meanwhile, the first position is placed by Emiten Batubara Thermal,
01:10PT Adaro Andalan Indonesia TBK or AADI,
01:13which raised a fresh fund of 4.32 trillion rupiah.
01:17Meanwhile, in the third position, the largest IPO is PT Ancara Logistics Indonesia TBK or ALEI,
01:23with an IPO fund of 860.92 trillion rupiah.
01:27The next position is PT Adi Kartiko Pratama TBK or NICE,
01:31which raised an IPO fund of 532.78 trillion rupiah.
01:35Next, PT Terang Dunia Internusa TBK or UNTD,
01:39which raised a fund of 400 trillion rupiah.
01:42In connection with the IPO action in 2024,
01:45Deloitte's report welcomes the IPO trend in Indonesia this year
01:48is much colored by smaller companies.
01:51The trend of the IPO in Indonesia this year
01:54happens in line with the momentum of the political year,
01:56namely the 2024 election.
01:58In addition, there is uncertainty that is worsened by the global market obstacle.
02:03Capital Markets Advisor Deloitte Indonesia, Jasmine Maranan,
02:06evaluated the capital market in Indonesia in 2024,
02:09waiting for further clarification on fiscal and monetary policy under the new government.
02:13In addition, the market is waiting for positive economic and domestic growth prospects
02:17pushed by infrastructure in the new government era.
02:20Nevertheless, the IPO trend in Indonesia in 2025 still has potential to grow.
02:25Meanwhile, related to the IPO prospects in 2025,
02:28Associate Director of Research and Investment,
02:31Pilarmas Investindo Securitas, Maximilianus Nicodemus,
02:34estimates that 2025 will be a good year for IPO companies.
02:39That is in line with the past political year and the potentially declining flowering rate.
02:43Nevertheless, the IPO in 2025 is also haunted by some negative sentiments.
02:48Among them, the US President's policy to elect Donald Trump,
02:51which increases uncertainty regarding global inflation
02:55to the geopolitical conflict that is still happening.
03:04Transcribed by ESO. Translated by —
