• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Da gennaio i pazienti nei nostri centri verranno accolti da due novità: musica diffusa a 432 hz e un profumo che materializza l’essenza di Marilab. Fa parte di una precisa scelta aziendale occuparsi del paziente a 360°, prendersi cura oltre che curare”. Così Simona Morcellini, direttore generale Marilab, intervenendo alla convention annuale del Gruppo durante la quale sono state presentate le ultime novità legate all'aromaterapia e alla musicoterapia nei centri Marilab.


00:00Marilab chooses to take care of the patient all around, to take care of it as well as
00:10cure it, and it is a precise business choice that we have in our mission, that we have
00:15in our creed. We bring the values ​​within our payoff, which is precisely Marilab,
00:21love for life. So we wondered how we could further take care of our patient,
00:27having already the best equipment, the best professionals, and we chose to do it
00:32precisely in a holistic way. Since January, the patients who will come to our centers
00:38will be welcomed by two novelties. The first novelty concerns a musical broadcast,
00:44we will have an internal radio that will broadcast music at 432 Hz, which we know is a frequency
00:51that connects us to everything, that allows us to find a balance in the water that is
00:58inside our body. All this evening is dedicated to water, precisely because we have used
01:04water as a metaphor. Water resonates with what surrounds it and naturally
01:10reassesses itself based on what it listens to. We are composed of a large percentage
01:15of water, up to 80%, so when we listen to music at 432 Hz, the water that
01:22composes our body returns to balance. And the second great novelty concerns
01:27another sense, which is the smell. So we developed a perfume, we materialized
01:34what is the essence of the company, in an essence that since January has welcomed
01:40all patients in our exceptions, in the exceptions of all our centers, precisely because
01:45this cinesthetic effect of music and perfume embraces and takes care of itself, as well as healing.
