Die Ottawa Senators gewinnen gegen die Seattle Kraken mit 3:0. Tim Stützle erzielte dabei im letzten Drittel per Alleingang den Treffer zum 3:0-Endstand.
00:00so qualmi casino sportsbook opening face off sit back and enjoy this one off the draw
00:08thomas schabbat will get there we play on through the center zone at seattle's
00:13dai karchier broken out good play by michael amadio on him shane pinto with a shot he scores
00:21shane pinto right along the ice
00:26likely one joey would like back 11 58 left to go in the second period shane pinto has broken
00:34the ice you see right here you got winterton on pinto as well throwing that one down along the
00:39ice and jensen now in control oh step chuck through the center zone defers out greg gregor
00:49scores elevate this puck in a hurry up over the shoulder and glove of moves up the boards
00:57stevens had it he lost it for seattle and a lead pass a breakaway tim stutzler in alone he scores
01:05stick down but it's ramped and elevated up you can see the angle of joey stick ramps that puck
01:11up and over schwartz will hunt it down one final push to break the shutout and it won't happen
01:19lena zellmark has done it again his third shutout of this season