(Adnkronos) - “L'educazione digitale è una priorità oggi, perché siamo immersi in una vita che è sempre più vissuta anche nel digitale e la focalizzazione va sicuramente alle categorie più deboli, quindi i bambini sono l'area di focus per Wind 3. Noi sentiamo una forte responsabilità digitale perché siamo la prima porta d’accesso a Internet in Italia e quindi riteniamo che sia anche nostro compito quello di rendere questo mondo il più possibile un luogo di opportunità e di benessere”. Lo dichiara Tommaso Vitali, direttore B2C marketing e new business di Wind Tre, in occasione dell’evento ‘Essere genitori oggi, tra scienza e welfare’, il nuovo appuntamento di Adnkronos Q&A organizzato in collaborazione con Demografica e Merck, con il sostegno di Medical service consulting, Ivi, Nuova collaborazione associazione nazionale datori di lavoro domestico e WindTre. Al centro del confronto il sostegno alla genitorialità, realizzabile attraverso alcune direttrici fondamentali: la politica economica, l’educazione e la prevenzione per favorire la fertilità, le tecniche per superare l’infertilità e l’implementazione di un welfare aziendale orientato a favorire scelte di vita coerenti con un incremento della natalità.
00:00Digital education is definitely a priority today because we are immersed in a life that is increasingly experienced also in the digital.
00:14The focus certainly goes to the weakest categories, so children are the focus area for Win3.
00:25We feel a strong digital responsibility because we are the first gateway to the internet in Italy
00:33and therefore we believe that it is also our task to make this world a place of opportunity and well-being as much as possible.
00:42Our commitment is to help educators, families, schools and teachers to give the right tools to the youngest
00:52to access this immense world of possibilities, seeing the positive sides and reducing all obstacles and dangers that very often occur.
01:04We therefore believe that the approach is not that of the law, but that of generating awareness through the tools that we provide with the Neoconnessi program
01:20to teachers and families in order to reach the youngest.
01:24The Neoconnessi project is born precisely on this deep consideration,
01:28with our desire to give back to the community part of what we receive and the goal is to reach an ever-increasing number of families and children.
01:41We started in 2018, so when the debate was still not so much on these issues,
01:47we are now in the seventh edition and we will reach about two million children over the course of these seven years.
01:56We do this through teachers and schools, so our goal is to make available to teachers the tools and kits that they can use in the school course
02:08and therefore reach children and involve families as well.
02:11These tools are also available online on the website neoconnessi.it and are available to everyone, anyone can access them.
02:19The ultimate goal is to create greater awareness of the risks and opportunities,
02:27so that the great world of Internet opportunities always has a positive impact on our society's development.