• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il nuovo appuntamento di Adnkronos Q&A, intitolato ‘Essere genitori oggi, tra scienza e welfare’, organizzato in collaborazione con Demografica e Merck, con il sostegno di Medical service consulting, Ivi, Nuova collaborazione - l’associazione nazionale datori di lavoro domestico e WindTre, ha voluto accendere i riflettori sul sostegno alla genitorialità attraverso alcune direttrici fondamentali: la politica economica, l’educazione e la prevenzione per favorire la fertilità, le tecniche per superare l’infertilità e l’implementazione di un welfare aziendale orientato a favorire scelte di vita coerenti con un incremento della natalità.


00:00Turn on the reflectors on the support for parenting through some fundamental guidelines,
00:10the economic policy, education and prevention to promote fertility, techniques to overcome infertility
00:16and the implementation of a corporate welfare oriented to promote coherent life choices with an increase in birth.
00:23This is the goal of the new ADN Kronos Question and Answer meeting organized in collaboration with Demografica and Merck.
00:30We are talking about sustainability. There is no sustainability when there are no children to support the future.
00:37In Italy, every year there is a reduction in the number of children we have.
00:42In 2023, less than 400,000 children were born, 3.4% less than in 2022, 25% less than 10 years earlier.
00:52Is it an economic issue? It is an economic issue, but not only. There is a lack of education.
00:58We did a survey where 72% of young people in Europe know nothing about the ovarian reserve.
01:0862% are not aware of the treatment to help fertility.
01:15We have to face this level of education. Merck, as a leading company in fertility,
01:21the treatment of fertility was born with Merck more than 50 years ago here and in Italy.
01:27We need to share this education to face this problem that we have in Italy and throughout Europe.
01:34This is the first commitment we have.
01:36According to gynecologist Cola Curci, young people do not think about the future as much as they do about the present
01:41and, as a result, they are not projected to parenthood.
01:44Parenthood means taking a series of commitments that interfere with one's own individual realization.
01:52They are extremely focused on their individual realization.
01:56We should be able to make parenthood a factor that certainly facilitates one's own personal realization.
02:07The world of work plays a central role to counteract the demographic freeze and face an aging society.
02:14A greater confidence in the future, a greater stability and tranquility in the management of the work-life balance,
02:22greater agility, better conditions to manage parenthood and work contextually
02:29are certainly factors that can help make the choice of parenthood more aware and more serene
02:38and also keep the solid, qualified and stable work paths in time.
02:45And this is true for mom and dad, no matter what.
