• 2 months ago
00:00What is going on?
00:02What are you doing with the donuts on your head?
00:04Okay, why are we doing this, sir?
00:07So that's a mold of his face, it seems like.
00:11Ew, and brains? What is that?
00:13Any ideas what the whole action was for here?
00:16I mean, donuts on the eyebrows.
00:18It looked like he needed the donuts in the mold,
00:20so maybe the character has donuts on his head?
00:22I don't know.
00:23This is pretty crazy, actually.
00:26That was unexpected.
00:29No way, no way.
00:31His face doesn't look like it has those right contours,
00:34you know what I'm talking about?
00:35Like it doesn't have the right shape.
00:37I have doubts that they got this shape.
00:40No, they did not get that from his face, absolutely not.
00:42Wow, okay, so cool.
00:44Ooh, with Gibson and a boxing glove?
00:46To get the shape of the fist, which is pretty cool.
00:51Not bad.
00:53Not bad.
00:54That's a pretty cool glove.
00:56Is that cheese?
00:57I'm hungry.
01:00I would eat that right away.
01:01Ah, and now they're making the rest of the hand.
01:04It's Hellboy.
01:06Heckboy, sorry.
01:09Okay, so we're shaving this cheese.
01:12Look, they even have a grater, it's totally cheese.
01:14Why would I lie to you?
01:16That's true, I have it in my stomach.
01:19I don't know, I just want to eat a whole block of cheese.
01:21A whole Hellboy made of cheese.
01:25It wasn't that straight.
01:26It's usually the girl, so it's weird when a guy does it, right?
01:30Wow, what?
01:31Wow, okay.
01:32I didn't know limes were shaped that way.
01:36Ooh, with a hot razor?
01:38Wow, that technique, I love it.
01:40I kind of like it, maybe we should do a little testipoo with that.
01:43It looks like a tail, yeah.
01:45Oh, I love that.
01:48And the spray gun with the nerf, that's a nice touch.
01:51Nice touch.
01:52Yeah, that's pretty cool.
01:55Not bad.
01:56Wow, I love it.
01:57I kind of love that.
01:59I wish you could open the hand, though, that would be really cool.
02:02The only thing, I'm not sure if it's so easy to make, you know?
02:06No, it looks very hard.
02:07There's some cocks to get there.
02:09Also, the chest piece doesn't look that good.
02:10Just saying, just saying.
02:11They could put a little bit more attention on that, but it's fine.
02:14It looks really cool.
02:16You would win costume of the year in your local Halloween place.
02:22Ooh, okay, so we have weird lumps on the sides.
02:25To get what?
02:27My lovely lady lumps.
02:29You know?
02:31Check it out.
02:32Check it out.
02:34Okay, still confuses, you know, as a confused person can be.
02:40Brassiere, and we're putting that on.
02:43Oh, thank you.
02:44I forgot about my…
02:47About my Styrofoam covered in acid.
02:49Totally forgot about that.
02:50What is happening?
02:51Why would we do that?
02:52I don't know.
02:53To get more.
02:55To get more.
02:57That's all.
02:58That's all we need to say, to get more.
02:59All right, so we're putting on this wrapping.
03:05It's obviously a costume.
03:07No, no, no, no, no.
03:08She just likes to wear this on her day-to-day basis.
03:12She's going for a job interview, actually.
03:14So, what I just want to say, what's the character, do you think?
03:18Right now, it's looking like…
03:20It kind of reminds me of something from Looney Tunes, you know?
03:25From that universe.
03:26It's kind of scaring me, actually, right now.
03:28The eyes are really freaking me out.
03:30Why are your eyes so big?
03:32Yeah, it did from the cartoon thing.
03:34It's very scary.
03:38Oh, that's scary as hell.
03:41Is this like Betty Boop or something?
03:42What is this?
03:43I think I know who it is.
03:45I guess I also…
03:46Do you think you also know?
03:48We're going to save it, just in case you don't know.
03:50But maybe you know.
03:51Maybe you want to find out and wait to the end to see.
03:54Only time will tell.
03:55Because, as we know, they can flip it over and it could be something different.
03:59It's true, it's true.
04:00It could be, I don't know, Obama or something.
04:04Yeah, but…
04:05It's probably Obama.
04:06Yeah, it's probably Obama.
04:08Look at this.
04:10Alright, cool.
04:17So, she's Jessica Rabbit?
04:19That's the lady?
04:23I guess.
04:24Have you seen the movie, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
04:30It's so good.
04:32It's so good.
04:33It's like where cartoons accidentally bleed into real life.
04:36Yes, yes, yes.
04:37It's really good.
04:39I mean, I'm just not always confused.
04:41Yeah, it's kind of good.
04:43Whoa, hot wax.
04:44Whoa, it's getting kinky in here.
04:45Hey, who?
04:46Buy me dinner first.
04:48I hate it when they do that in the first date.
04:49Was it wax?
04:50It looked like wax, yeah.
04:59We're making his eyebrows big?
05:00What for?
05:01I don't know.
05:02It's kind of, well, hair dryer?
05:05He kind of looks like a Oompa Loompa.
05:08Or a chicken?
05:11A chicken?
05:12Yeah, I don't know.
05:13Like a chicken?
05:15I don't know.
05:16What do you think he is?
05:17It's so confusing.
05:18I have no idea because they, yeah.
05:21Maybe he's the Lorax.
05:23What else is orange?
05:24The thing from Marvel?
05:26What else is orange?
05:28There's not that many things that are orange because orange is the worst color, but.
05:31Maybe he's the Joker?
05:34I know, this is kind of like, why?
05:37I don't know.
05:38I mean, I don't have anyone closer.
05:41It seems like the Joker now.
05:42But what is this eye about?
05:44What is the orange about?
05:48I'm scared.
05:49It looks like he might be right.
05:57What am I watching?
05:58Who am I watching right now?
06:01Who is this?
06:02I'm not awake.
06:04This is a dream.
06:05It must be.
06:12Okay, so they're like, I don't really get it.
06:16I just don't get it.
06:20You don't?
06:21No, I don't.
06:25I have no idea.
06:27So the same as mine?
06:31What is this character?
06:33Do you guys know?
06:36Is it supposed to be obvious?
06:38I'm terrified.
06:39Me too.
06:40So you can put it in the pause, the video.
06:44Write us in the comments.
06:45Let us know how silly we are.
06:47We'll see it and feel really bad about it.
06:53Oh, is he just...
06:56He's just a straw man.
06:58That's messed up.
07:00That's kind of terrifying.
07:02That would be a really good costume.
07:05I'm just curious how he's going to take it off.
07:09He's never going to leave that position.
07:11He's never going to leave that position.
07:13He's never going to leave that position.
07:18He's never going to leave that position.
07:20I remember reading like a horror book when I was a child.
07:23I was a child.
07:25And I read this horror book about a straw man.
07:27What are they called?
07:28They're not straw men.
07:31What are they called?
07:33Never want to see those again.
07:34All right.
07:35Whoa, mummy.
07:36No, I'm not mummy.
07:38Oh my gosh.
07:39Does that hurt?
07:43So we're taking off our mumminess.
07:46What the heck?
07:47I know.
07:48I thought it was as well.
07:53More like mommy.
07:55I'm just...
07:57So you're taking mummy and putting it in your bathroom and after that you're just scared?
08:02Oh, wait a minute.
08:03I will...
08:05Sorry, I'm speechless.
08:07Okay, so we have mud.
08:08Something happened with my voice.
08:09We're putting mud on the mummy.
08:11Making it a mud me.
08:12And now eggs.
08:13Okay, honey.
08:17Okay, and we're wrapping her in that.
08:19We're doing like a scrub.
08:20Just making sure her skin is nice and clear after the mummification process.
08:24All right, she just like goes with it.
08:28Now you're back.
08:29Okay, so she's making her like an Egyptian female.
08:33Okay, taking a mat.
08:36I mean, I'm just surprised how good they are in imagination.
08:42I don't know.
08:43No, it's great imagination.
08:44If 5-Minute Crafts has one thing, it's imagination.
08:49Not too much else.
08:51It's imagination.
08:52And cameras.
08:54And feet.
08:56That's the holy truth.
08:59That's the mix there.
09:02No way you're gonna dye.
09:07You don't think so?
09:08For sure.
09:09That's how they used to make colored dyes.
09:11But not as they got it.
09:14That it was too bright or something.
09:16Maybe I'm wrong.
09:17Okay, maybe you're right.
09:20That looks about the right color though.
09:22Okay, we have some coals.
09:25Old eyeliner.
09:26Yeah, cool.
09:27That's how they used to do it back in the day.
09:29I was there.
09:31I know.
09:33Okay, of course.
09:39That's hair.
09:40That's hair.
09:42Oh, no, it's not hair.
09:44I was like, okay, well, that's just uncalled for.
09:46I don't think anyone should be doing that.
09:51All right.
09:52And now she's...
09:55Ready for the museum.
09:57Look, it's Cleopatra.
10:01All right, give us more.
10:02More reactions.
10:03I love it.
