• 2 months ago
00:02Oh, with an oil?
00:04What is this?
00:06This is getting weird.
00:08Oh no, the toes! 5-Minute Crafts, stop it with the toes!
00:10Oh, I feel this coming.
00:12What the freak?
00:18Oh, they're gonna mummify. Mummify.
00:20Exactly. This video is how you mummify someone in 2023.
00:22Oh no, poor lady.
00:24Is she okay?
00:26Is it the...
00:28One month later.
00:30I'm sorry, what?
00:32I mean, of course it's not true, right?
00:34It's a...
00:36Ah, yes, yes, yes.
00:38But it looked kinda natural.
00:40I mean, believable.
00:42Okay, so now we're getting some wet toilet paper.
00:44Wrapping it up.
00:46It's how your skin looks after a month of salt.
00:50Ooh, dang.
00:52Yeah, they used to get ancient Kleenex and just wrap it all up.
00:54Woah, what are you gonna...
00:56That water...
00:58Why are they putting paper in water?
01:00That makes no sense.
01:02They put water in it? In water?
01:04They put water in the water and then?
01:06I don't know, the draw was disappearing.
01:08What's the point of this?
01:10Oh, it looks like an old treasure map.
01:16What are we making here, guys? Come on.
01:18I have no idea.
01:20Press sheets overnight?
01:22I don't know, maybe it's a piece of wood?
01:24Yeah, you compress the wood together
01:26like for a skateboard or like for a...
01:28I don't know.
01:30Jute rope. I've never heard of jute rope before.
01:32Or jute rope.
01:38Wow, I'm confused.
01:40But what are we doing?
01:42That looks cool. That looks like an ancient technique
01:44lost to the millennia, to the ages.
01:48Still, it's some...
01:52I don't think it's diarrhea, no.
01:54You don't think so, right?
02:00It looks cool. It looks like a...
02:02I don't know why.
02:04I can't place exactly why it looks old, but it just looks old.
02:06It's old.
02:08Maybe the browns?
02:10It's like some technique to create a book?
02:12Oh, it looks, yeah, maybe like a book.
02:14Ooh, leather book.
02:18It's definitely a book.
02:20It's definitely a book.
02:22It looks like a book.
02:24Maybe like Da Vinci's journal.
02:26Oh, you know what they are?
02:28They're art thieves, so they want to steal Da Vinci's journal
02:30and replace it with a replica.
02:32Oh, this is the idea.
02:34That's the idea, yeah.
02:36What a...
02:38What a mind you have.
02:44The doctors wouldn't let me play with the other kids.
02:46Okay, so...
02:48We got a nice clock.
02:50That's cool.
02:52What about the book? What's happening with that?
02:54Maybe it's a clock book.
02:56Oh, they still...
02:58They are taking the face of the clock,
03:00they're putting it on the book, and they're calling it Facebook.
03:02That's it.
03:04Think about it.
03:06IQ 5000, 10,000 moves.
03:08Oh, it's still for decoration.
03:10Oh, now it has like a cyberpunk aesthetic.
03:12Wow, nice.
03:14I didn't see the final result,
03:16but I really like it.
03:18But how are they sticking them in
03:20to stay there, you know?
03:22That's nice.
03:24I feel like it's reversed.
03:26I wish it was like that in real life.
03:30It's got a belt.
03:32What a magic.
03:34Very cool.
03:36It looks very cyberpunk.
03:38What do you write in that?
03:40I'm designing new mechanical air blimps.
03:44Yeah, you can put something,
03:46you know, some...
03:48stupid thing in it.
03:50I guess Panic at the Disco writes their songs in this one.
03:56Very pretty.
03:58Especially if they were like...
04:02Oh, no!
04:06Oh, no, no, no, no.
04:08Stop it. Stop that.
04:10Why did you pick this video?
04:12Oh, I don't know if I can watch this.
04:14I'm feeling a little bit sick.
04:16That one.
04:18That was gross.
04:20They showed it kinda well.
04:22And now they put all the organs of the pets in there.
04:24Oh, no!
04:26That's not of the pets, that's of the person.
04:28That's their...
04:30I forgot.
04:32I mean, in a different...
04:34Yeah, they put them in different things.
04:36Things called.
04:38I don't know.
04:40Like urns?
04:42But there is a special gods
04:44or someone on top of it.
04:46Oh, yeah, they have the Egyptian gods on them.
04:48You're right.
04:52Otherwise, if the organs stayed inside,
04:54then the body would start smelling really bad.
04:56I think that's why.
04:58They take out all the juices, all the organs, all the everything,
05:00and they just leave the dry, empty husk of your body.
05:04It's really, really nice.
05:06What, the mask?
05:08No, the husk.
05:12So now we're putting metal around it.
05:14I guess this is how they used to get the shape.
05:16Bang it around. Obviously not with tinfoil, but...
05:18But wait a second.
05:20They used the face for creating this, right?
05:22They might have.
05:24But it's not that strong to...
05:28I don't think they used
05:30this back in the day.
05:32Yeah, I have thoughts about it.
05:34I mean, they had to make something somehow.
05:36So, maybe.
05:38Guys, let us know if you're Egyptologists.
05:40Oh, and now they got a mask.
05:42Wow, it's a bunch of work.
05:44That looks cool, though. That's a good mask.
05:46Usually they put gold, right?
05:48Or something like that.
05:50Yeah, they would make them out of gold, probably.
05:52It depends how popular you are.
05:54I want five. Give me all of them.
05:56Whoa, Wolverine time.
05:58Wolverine were employed by 5M Crafts.
06:00As you can see.
06:06A little washy. What are we doing here?
06:08To wash some seashells.
06:10Ah, she sells seashells by the seashore.
06:14Is that a blobfish?
06:16What is that?
06:20Yeah, it's a jelly.
06:24This reminds me of those videos
06:26where there's a fish that comes out.
06:28Is there a fish in there?
06:30What is this?
06:32Don't kill it!
06:34I feel like you should be buying a dinner first.
06:36Okay, sea mushrooms.
06:38Ooh, they squirt. Interesting.
06:42I feel like they put that there.
06:44Do you think they've just found a giant sea snail?
06:46I have no idea.
06:48It's kind of awesome.
06:50It looks actually natural, no?
06:52I feel like leave it where it was.
06:56It could move, right?
06:58Yeah, it was moving.
07:00It didn't need your help.
07:02It's an independent snail.
07:04Just imagine, he went out of sea.
07:06It took him 5 years to get out there.
07:08And then he's like, put it back.
07:10No! My whole life's work.
07:14What kind of fish is that?
07:18That looks like maybe a goat skull.
07:22It's something in the nose.
07:26Something's in the nose.
07:28What was that?
07:30It didn't really show.
07:32We got some more skulls and such.
07:38I wouldn't touch it.
07:40Yeah, I'm not sure.
07:42I feel like there's some ancient bacteria
07:44that's going to cause another lockdown.
07:46Yeah, please.
07:48We don't need it.
07:50Leave everything where you found it.
07:52Don't put it in your mouth.
07:54That's a rule.
07:56Except that. That looks kind of tasty.
07:58I'd probably put it in my mouth.
08:00That's all this thing was happening.
08:02Because of people like you.
08:04Sea salt.
08:06Razor shell.
08:10Now we have some paper.
08:12Dipping it in green water.
08:14We'll mix it roundy.
08:18Stack it up. Stack up them dollars.
08:20Fold it up.
08:24Did you watch that movie,
08:28You mean the mummy?
08:34Do you guys watch Mommy?
08:36Sorry for my pronunciation.
08:38I didn't watch the new one, but I watched the original.
08:40With Brendan Fraser.
08:42That is the best.
08:44When I was a kid, I watched it. I loved it.
08:46But then I watched it recently, and I was thinking,
08:48maybe it's not as good as I remember.
08:50It was better. It was so good.
08:52Nice. After we watched it, it was nice.
08:54Yeah, exactly.
08:56It's also my favorite.
08:58And that actor,
09:00Brendan Fraser,
09:02he's the bomb.
09:04He's basically another Indiana Jones.
09:06I don't know why.
09:08To write the story.
09:10Ah, yeah.
09:12Maybe it's like
09:14an ancient text.
09:16Is it still a continuation of that video,
09:18or is it another video?
09:20I don't know. I think it's another video.
09:22So it's the ancient curses of Egypt.
09:24Maybe. I don't know.
09:32Lame. No metal. Lame.
09:40Why they just didn't use that snake?
09:42I don't know.
09:44Maybe they want to make multiple snakes.
09:48Okay, so now what?
09:50We're putting it onto our thing.
09:52I don't know.
09:54I don't know. I like it though.
09:56Wow. It looks like a skin.
10:00You're right. It does look like skin.
10:06Not the skin.
10:08The book.
10:12That's a question you should have
10:14asked yourself a long time ago.
10:18So now we have a snake book.
10:24I guess it's...
10:26It looks like a book.
10:28I don't know how I feel about green pages.
10:30Do you like them?
10:34I don't know.
10:36I'm not against them.
10:38But I'm not sure about it.
10:40Green and brown is kind of a cool color combination.
10:42It reminds me of mint chocolate chip.
10:44Green and brown.
10:50Okay. It's kind of cool.
10:52For a book?
10:54I guess so.
10:56For your notes?
10:58If you want to write some voodoo stuff on there,
11:00you do you.
11:02Voodoo. Yeah.
