00:00good and we have another one yeah i i smashed my front teeth same bro and i was on my skateboard
00:07i was also on a skateboard but i broke my coccyx i didn't actually uh i mean your tailbone so the
00:13way i broke my hello what's happening here wow what is what is that wow it's how we look like
00:20in a dentist yeah that's how we look like you know what i there's a there's a game where where
00:24you you put this thing into your mouth and and then you have to say certain words without people
00:30there's also a game where you put it in your mouth and then you see how many teeth you can
00:32pull out all at the same time that's not a game yeah i don't know whatever happens in your basement
00:37you should stay you don't want to see my basement so they're making a mold of her teeth yeah they
00:44are what's the what's the point of this just to have like a collectible teeth mold set it'd be
00:48nice little decor piece on the mantle piece i want to collect everybody's teeth yeah please bite
00:54into this oh dude i don't know you we aren't close like that no bite into this i want your teeth
01:00that's the writing that's creepy oh cute okay all right 3d printing i feel like that's not good
01:07for your teeth though to like write and then probably but that's ah it's a grill it's a grill
01:13it's a gangster grill oh okay where were we so bear grills yeah survival drink my own pee
01:25oh no i got locked out of my apartment time to drink my own tea
01:32imagine you're stuck in the elevator with someone like you just watch burgers
01:35okay i'm sorry can you turn around please i just need to drink my own pee i'm really thirsty
01:39close your eyes 20 minutes left we need to survive
01:47oh that looks coarse i wouldn't want to put that on on my teeth they're probably gonna like
01:51polish it though right but the metal i hope so the yeah i always worry about people with
01:56grills i'm like are your teeth okay though exactly it looks painful it does and when
02:00they take it out it's all saliva and whatever so no obviously you can't eat with them right
02:07you could eat with them just not comfortably all the stuff will get stuck it would get right in
02:12the middle of like the in between your teeth and the thing it would just sit there and your teeth
02:16would decay much faster i never get the idea yeah me neither i get it it's like a statement
02:23see that looks uncomfortable she looks fresh as freak love
02:28okay all right what's this is it more grills correcting mass what does that mean okay it's
02:35a mass that corrects is it like literally maybe it's like her teeth aren't straight enough so
02:41it's going to correct them or what so they molded this for for each reason yeah sure gipsum
02:50good bless paul gipsum just play oh i want to replace doctor i want to replace my teeth with
02:59strings please when i talk it's just a harmonious melody i'm really into guitar so i want a guitar
03:04in my mouth please you can i can put a guitar in your mouth if you want just like that
03:13okay so there's more grills more grills what kind of grills that's bear grills
03:21same joke yeah okay all right what is this red stuff it's funny because the grills never want
03:28to talk to me cry laughing cry just cry all right little vampire things that's sweet i want some
03:40vampire girls so here's another technique yeah before that they did it with computer now it's
03:46just i'd settle for any grill i want i really want a girlfriend a girlfriend yo yo you can
03:54come over mine we can make some barbecues we're gonna have i'll be your girlfriend what barbecue
04:00grill this is a weird date oh man what this is strange what are they making here common
04:05misconception it looks really uncut that looks like it's gonna stab you in the gum dude
04:12but i don't know but so far they better than the previous one really i think so it looks
04:19i like the love i wish it said this one definitely looks crazier
04:24the more intricate design the other one was you know it was boring it was 3d printed it was just
04:29a machine making it here you can see a guy is properly sculpting this this crap the other one
04:36the other one was like the grill of like a 40 year old mother who has like all those inspirational
04:41quotes oh gosh like and love and love is one of them uh no place like home um home is where the
04:47heart is oh gosh yeah diamond oh looks fancy um excuse me ma'am you have something on your teeth
04:56imagine you go on a blind date and then she smiles yeah
05:02what in the world why i don't get the point of this i just i honestly don't get the point
05:06i like them girl it's still uncomfortable yeah right yeah girl walks up to you and she goes
05:10like this what do you do or she's drooling yeah she's just she's like oh i need to eat i'm gonna
05:17take out my grill and it's like yeah sorry i'm like oh guys and we have another one what's
05:29happening another one another one another one yo biggie so nothing good it looks like skin
05:38it looks like extra skin extra on top of teeth or like uh you mean the gum you know kirby
05:44kirby like the video game yeah well he doesn't make that noise but yeah i'm sure he's more like
05:50inhaling things
05:54what design i was thinking about furby those little creatures no no kirby the one that
05:58inhales enemies and then becomes them oh yeah it looks like uh kirby inhaled their teeth
06:04and it's now gonna have a beautiful set of pearly whites that looks sweet oh it's dangerous that
06:10looks like it's gonna hurt you a lot you you can actually see how it goes over the gums yeah if you
06:15if you bite into something it's just gonna go into your brain oh boy
06:24at the same time it's very regal it's very like royalty feeling
06:27i feel like a king would wear those that does not work just imagine yeah okay kind of reminds me of
06:32james bond remember jaws oh yeah yeah that whole metal metal mouth this is it this is like the
06:38beginning of jaws this inspiration he started with he started with little braces and grills and he's
06:44like you know what i'm gonna go to the next level i want a full full metal jaw he watched five minute
06:50crafts and he was like exactly yes this is how i defend defeat mr bond anytime any like famous
06:57person does anything it was from five-minute crafts actually exactly sure
07:02you know ashton kutcher yeah he was a five-minute craft oh they made him
07:14tom holland spider-man time in the graph suit was five-minute crap
07:18ah no no lie no cap oh yeah straight up the iron suit from iron man yeah the one that
07:24regenerates five-minute craft
07:28see i told you guys okay yeah really cool that's sick i want to see your clothes very
07:32uncomfortable but it looks kind of cool you couldn't close your mouth puncturing your lower
07:36lip what is that tell me those are fake teeth no that's a fake that's a real teeth that's a real
07:41teeth why they look like a plastic oh here they are see they're real they just took them out of
07:46something in our technique when you do not make a mold temporary something i missed that
07:53veneer temporary veneer ah okay okay so it's like if you mess up your tooth then you can like fill
07:58in the gap of where it was supposed to be okay so they're kind of tooth grafting tooth grafting
08:03exactly yeah it sounds good look at that do you guys have any fake teeth really long process
08:10yeah i smashed my front teeth same bro and i was on my skateboard i was also on a skateboard but
08:16i broke my coccyx i didn't actually uh you mean your tailbone so the way i broke my no my coccyx
08:22in your tailbone most definitely no um so the way i broke my tooth was in i think i was like 11 and
08:29i was playing at a park and this little scottish kid was like playing around with a metal pipe
08:34and for some reason i had a shopping cart so he throws the metal pipe at the shopping cart i'm
08:38standing next to it he's trying to get it in the shopping cart he probably be like flint i really
08:42don't like you i'm gonna throw this shopping cart in your face catch it in the shopping cart so i
08:48i tried to catch it in the shopping cart like a little idiot and it bounced off and hit me in the
08:52mouth and i didn't know what happened it was like so fast and i had so much adrenaline
08:57and i looked down at the ground there's like shards of my tooth my front tooth on the ground
09:02and i felt it with my tongue and you know when you just feel like something's wrong in your mouth
09:06like you get home from the dentist and it's like the wrong bite the wrong shape and you're like
09:09i hate this disgusting it was like that times five thousand jesus christ yeah um it's like
09:16a cartoon thing when you yeah so i i just screamed profanities for about an hour
09:23i didn't see those scottish kids again no
09:27those scots this is nice it's lethargic yeah lethargic lethargic beautiful yeah what a
09:35beautiful vocabulary you have there doc thank you you study this thesaurus nightly don't you
09:41i reduce yes every day it's my favorite novel those teeth are a little loose buddy
09:49gotta get those checked out probably have a little bit of uh what's it called gingivitis
09:54and then the gingivitis gingivitis what is this it's a disease gum disease gum disease
10:00that was awesome give us more more reactions where's my grills