• ano passado
My new work Heberekes Ponpoon Breakbeat へ​べ​れ​け​の​ぽ​ぷ​ー​ん ブ​レ​イ​ク​ビ​ー​ト​バ​ー​ジ​ョ​ン is a song created with the original sound of the game Heberekes No Ponpoon Do Super Nintendo in two versions, one in breakbeat made by me and a second track made in techno by my partner from Germany Swazyé, currently the album is available on bandcamp and soon on all music services streaming in the next 20 days, check complete album on the bandcamp link: https://darcksamamusic.bandcamp.com/

My links: mez.ink/darcksama

Follow Me In Soundcloud:https://soundcloud.com/darcksama

Follow my musical partner Swazyétrax: https://soundcloud.com/swazyemixx/tracks

My Bandcamp with exclusive music: https://darcksamamusic.bandcamp.com/


