• ano passado
Metro Complex is a song with an atmospheric and engaging ambiance, the soundtrack references games like doom and metroid and is created in an oldskool techno and electronic style, there are two tracks, one demo and the other equated, visit the accounts of Darcksama and Swazyétrax below to listen to more music.

Follow Darcksama In Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/darcksama

Follow Swazyétrax In Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/swazyemixx/tracks

Buy this music in superior quality or support me on bandacamp, that way we can bring more and more music to you.

Bandcamp: https://darcksamamusic.bandcamp.com/

All My Links And Social media: mez.ink/darcksama

#techno #oldskool #oldschool #doom #metroid #darktechno #industrial
#music #electronicmusic #technomusic


