• 3 days ago
गाजियाबाद - प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 15 फरवरी 2024 को 'पीएम सूर्य घर: मुफ्त बिजली योजना' की शुरुआत की। इस योजना के अंतर्गत सरकार देश के निम्न आय वर्ग और गरीब परिवारों को मुफ्त बिजली प्रदान करेगी। इस योजना के जरिए पूरे देश में एक करोड़ घरों में सोलर पैनल लगाने का लक्ष्य रखा गया था। गाजियाबाद में 2 लाख सोलर पैनल लगाने का लक्ष्य रखा गया था। प्रधानमंत्री सूर्य घर मुफ्त बिजली योजना में अब तक गाजियाबाद में 16320 रजिस्ट्रेशन हो गए हैं और अब तक 1 हजार 235 घरों में सोलर पैनल लग चुके हैं। इस योजना को लेकर लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए लगातार प्रोग्राम भी चलाए जा रहे हैं। लाभार्थी हेमा अग्रवाल ने बताया कि पहले हमारे बिजली के बिल काफी आते थे जब से हमने प्रधानमंत्री सूर्य घर बिजली मुफ्त योजना आई है और हमने सोलर पैनल लगवाए हैं हमारे बिजली के जो बिल है वह बहुत कम आने लगे हैं। वहीं लाभार्थी विपिन कुमार ने बताया कि हमारा बिजली का बिल तो कम होता है ही साथ ही हमको सब्सिडी भी मिल जाती है।



01:00Earlier, we used to get a lot of bill and now it has reduced by 50%.
01:05I would like to say that everyone should get it and it has a lot of benefits.
01:11In winters, there is a lot of benefit because there is no expense.
01:15And in summers, the whole day is sunny and because of that, there is a full charge.
01:21And there is a lot of benefit from it. Everyone should get it.
01:25Sir, the solar plant scheme that the Prime Minister has come up with,
01:30we are getting subsidies for it.
01:32The biggest benefit is that if your roof is empty, you can use it.
01:38The electricity generated from it, your electricity bill is reduced a lot.
01:43For example, I have installed 1600 watts.
01:46In 1600 watts, I get 10 to 15 units of electricity daily.
01:53Now, 15 units means 450 units per month.
01:57For a medium family, if your roof is empty and you are able to use it,
02:03and if you take advantage of the Prime Minister's scheme,
02:08then your electricity bill is free.
02:10You don't have to ask for anything.
02:12You don't have to take subsidies from anyone.
02:14And your work becomes very good.
02:15Sir, earlier, my bill used to be around Rs. 4000.
02:19Now, my bill is around Rs. 2500 to Rs. 2600.
02:23I told you that if my bill used to be around Rs. 4000,
02:26now my benefit is around Rs. 2600 to Rs. 1400.
02:29So, this is not a small thing.
02:31If you install it every month or every year, it becomes a huge benefit.
02:34PM's solar plant scheme is a very good scheme.
02:38The Prime Minister launched it in February.
02:42It is a very good scheme.
02:44There is a plan to install it in 1 crore homes across the country.
02:49And there is a plan to install it in 2 lakh homes in Ghaziabad.
02:53So far, there have been 5,641 applications.
02:59So far, there have been 16,320 registrations.
03:03So far, it has been installed in 1,235 homes.
03:06A lot of people are happy with it.
03:10There is a lot of development going on every day.
03:14We are working on it.
03:15We are working on it, so that as many people as possible can install it.
03:20In this system, electricity is generated by solar panels during the day.
03:25So, we use electricity in our homes during the day.
03:29And at night, we save a lot of electricity.
03:33The cost of electricity is very low.
03:37This is a direct benefit.
03:39In three and a half years, the cost of the system will be reduced.
03:43There is Rs. 1,08,000 per kilowatt.
03:48The Indian government has Rs. 90,000.
03:52The Indian government has Rs. 78,000.
03:54The state government has Rs. 30,000.
03:56A lot of people will benefit from it.
03:58We have installed it in 2 lakh homes in Ghaziabad.
04:00We have got the support from the government.
04:03We are continuously working on it.
04:05We are setting up camps in the districts.
04:07So that people become aware and install this system.
