• last year
मुंबई – कांग्रेस नेता नाना पटोले ने वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन को लेकर कहा कि ये वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन नहीं बल्कि वन नेशन नो इलेक्शन का बिल ला रहे हैं। इसके विरोध को लेकर राष्ट्रीय नेतृत्व निर्णय लेगा लेकिन ये तो आम समझ है कि बीजेपी को देश में लोकतंत्र रखना नहीं है। उन्होंने बीजेपी सरकार पर हमला बोलते हुए कहा कि जो सरकार चार राज्यों का चुनाव एक साथ नहीं करा पा रही है वो वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन कैसे करा पाएगी?



00:00This is not a one-nation-one-election bill. It is a one-nation-no-election bill.
00:05The national leaders will discuss this, but they don't want to keep democracy in the country.
00:13The government wants to bring a one-nation-no-election.
00:18I don't know if our high command would have discussed this in the parliament today.
00:23But their mentality is that it is a one-nation-no-election.
00:27A government that can't hold elections in four states,
00:31and holds elections in four states,
00:36where will the government get it from?
00:39So I said that the conspiracy behind it,
00:42that it is a one-nation-no-election,
00:44is to destroy the democratic system.
00:46The country is being destroyed.
00:48The people of the country are saying that they don't want the EVM.
00:52And they say that it is to save time and money.
00:56You must have seen today that the EVM machine was asked for Rs. 16,000 crores for its charging.
01:02Most of the money is being spent on that.
01:05Machines are being misused.
01:08Like the parliamentary machine was here.
01:11They didn't use the parliamentary machine.
01:13The machine was brought from Gujarat.
01:15So they can do whatever they want.
01:17The people of the BJP, the administration of the EVM machine,
01:21the workers of the BJP are authorized in it.
01:25The party that is running the EVM machine,
01:28in which we have given constitutional rights to the people,
01:32they have also removed them.
01:34So their mentality has become clear.
01:37I said that this is not an issue.
01:40The role of the BJP in the one-nation-no-election,
01:45the role of the RSS to destroy the democratic system,
01:49the same agenda is being brought through this.
01:52There will be a discussion in the parliament in Delhi when the bill will be tabled.
01:56They are doing it again and again.
01:58They were going to bring it two days ago.
02:00Why haven't they brought it yet? That is also a different matter.
02:03But I feel that the plan they had to destroy the democratic system,
02:09they are taking it forward.
