• last year
Bonjour à tous ! La compagnie de bateaux de Sue et Sam fera de vos vacances en mer un moment inoubliable ! ⛴️ Ce furent les derniers mots que Sammy eut le temps de dire lorsqu'une personne le heurta et l'emporta. Attendez une seconde. Est-ce Maui ? Et est-ce que Moana est avec lui ? Wow ! C'est totalement inattendu !

Pour faire court, il s'est avéré que leur bateau était en panne, et maintenant, ils ne peuvent plus rentrer chez eux. S'ils savaient à quel point ils ont de la chance d'avoir demandé de l'aide à Sue et Sam. Alors, aujourd'hui, notre duo astucieux va construire rien de moins qu'un bateau flottant parfait pour que leurs nouveaux amis rentrent chez eux sains et saufs.

Cette vidéo n'est pas seulement sur l'artisanat ; c'est une histoire de rivalité et d'amitié remplie de situations hilarantes et de beaucoup de plaisir. Il vaut mieux ne plus attendre ! Cliquez sur play et rejoignez cette incroyable aventure DIY. Soutenez-nous avec vos pouces levés et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner. Il y a des tonnes de super vidéos que vous n'avez probablement pas encore vues. Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


01:00Ok, ok, but I still don't like this guy.
01:04Why? What did I do to you? I'm a very kind half-god.
01:09Ok, let's start, ok?
01:12What kind of boat are you looking for? A motor boat? A jet ski? Maybe a fishing boat?
01:18I don't know, what do you think? It's a difficult choice.
01:22You know, I was hoping for something like that.
01:25What do you think?
01:28What? Do you have any idea how much this boat is going to cost?
01:32Oh no, Tibidabo! Have you gone mad?
01:37We're going to crash!
01:41Sammy, breathe! Moana and I have already decided what kind of boat we're going to build.
01:46And we already have all the materials we need.
01:49Phew, what a relief!
01:52Oh, what a shame. Oh, never mind.
01:55Now we have to draw the bottom of the boat.
01:58It will give us an idea of its size.
02:03Now we have to cut it carefully.
02:07Don't forget the side pieces here.
02:10Sammy, I know.
02:17Voila! No waste production.
02:20Great! Now we can move on to my favorite part, the drawing.
02:24You'd better leave it to me.
02:27Hey, give it to me! What am I saying?
02:31Guys, stop arguing. Moana and I will do it anyway.
02:37We have to give it a wooden texture.
02:45Wow, you're doing a great job!
02:48But I also found something. It's going to be great!
02:54Voila! Do you like it, Sue?
02:58Oh, it's a turtle! Great!
03:01I also want to decorate this side. Give me a second.
03:05You'd better draw lines to make the boat sail faster.
03:09Arrows are better.
03:11No, lines are cooler.
03:13I said arrows! Sue, give me arrows!
03:16Oh la la, it will never end. I'd better do it myself. Let's go!
03:19Oh la la, it will never end. I'd better do it myself. Let's go!
03:27Hey, look at this! Moana did a great job!
03:30I'm also going to add a nice spiral here.
03:36And voila! I really like how it turned out.
03:39Now we just have to reproduce the same patterns on the other side of the boat.
03:44Don't worry, Suzy. It's already done. You know you can count on me.
03:48Come on, let's put it all together!
03:52Hey, I don't understand. I thought these pieces would adapt. What's wrong?
03:56Nothing's wrong, Sammy. There's just a little thing to do here.
03:59What thing?
04:01To make these pieces flexible, we have to make little notches like this.
04:08Be careful not to cut the cardboard completely.
04:13Now, look at this!
04:19Thanks to this trick, everything will stay well put together.
04:26Sammy, are you still here?
04:28Yeah! I worked on the other part of the boat.
04:31Now I'm going to show this guy from Maui who's the coolest here.
04:36Well, I guess I'll handle this project on my own.
04:40Hey, big guy! Let's bury the war axe. Here's your boat. You can go home now.
04:45Wow! Thanks a lot. I guess we agree that I'm the coolest person here.
04:49Yeah, of course. You dream.
04:57Moana, where are you? Let's go home.
05:00Okay. The first part of our boat is ready.
05:03This boat is really cool, but I'm much cooler.
05:06Wait, where are you going?
05:08I have nothing to do with that.
05:11Oh, so we can just sail and leave on this boat?
05:15Maui, move! Let me stay here too.
05:19I'm sorry, guys, but it's not big enough for two. You'll have to be patient.
05:24Sammy, can you help me please? Bring me ice sticks. I need them to build the bridge.
05:29Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. I'll take care of it.
05:35So good!
05:37Yes, I'm coming.
05:39Here you are, three wooden sticks. I couldn't eat more of this ice cream.
05:44Oh, thanks. Actually, I was talking about the sticks from the craft store.
05:48What? You could have just said that!
05:51Sorry, Sammy, I thought you knew. Anyway, let's continue with the bridge assembly.
05:56Okay, here's how it's done.
05:59I never thought we could use ice sticks to build a boat.
06:03Now you know. Then I'll use another type of wooden stick to hold everything together.
06:09Let's go!
06:12Wow! Look at me, guys. I can climb the rope.
06:15Maui is the coolest again, isn't he?
06:17Just what I need.
06:20Wow! Look at me, guys. I can climb the rope.
06:23Maui is the coolest again, isn't he?
06:25Just what I need.
06:27Wow! Look at me, guys. I can climb the rope.
06:29What was that noise? Whatever. I'll just keep going.
06:33We have to tie these sticks together to form a frame.
06:36Now we just have to attach the bridge here and that's it.
06:40Okay, that's it. We have to decide who's the coolest. How do we do that?
06:44There's only one way to do that, Maui.
06:48A swimming competition.
06:51Yeah, let's do that.
06:58What are you two doing over there?
07:01I was first. I won.
07:03No, I was first, so I won.
07:07You're both disqualified. Go back to the DIY right now.
07:11Okay, I'm coming.
07:14I'm right behind you.
07:16Oh, someone left a really cool pool here. Great.
07:21No, what are you doing? It's for our competition. We have to take everything out. Quick!
07:27Samy, come on!
07:29I need to soak these sticks. It's for the DIY.
07:33But, uh, we're not building a boat. It shouldn't be dry.
07:38Not in this case.
07:40The water softens the sticks and I can shape them. You see? Like this.
07:45Don't stop fooling me. Really, don't clean our pool. We'll need it later.
07:52Okay, Samy. I won't do it.
07:54So, where do you need me? I'm ready to help.
07:57Thanks for bringing this. You're really excellent at anticipating the accessories we'll need.
08:05It will reinforce our DIY.
08:07Wow, I can't wait to see the final result.
08:09Yeah, me too.
08:10I hope we'll finish soon. I'm too excited to wait too long.
08:14Well, you're lucky because we're done with the bridge. Take a look.
08:18Wow, it's fantastic! Maui will admit we're much cooler than him.
08:24We can start assembling everything now.
08:28Um, sir, why are you putting these sticks there?
08:33Oh, come on, buddy. It's obvious. It's to have something to sit on.
08:37I'm not your friend, Maui.
08:39He's pretending to be a gentleman, I know.
08:41I know. I'm a friend.
08:43Oh, yes. He's pretending to be a gentleman, I know.
08:46I know. You put these sticks there in case we need to build a shelter if we suddenly land on a deserted island.
08:54I just need to secure the bridge.
08:59Aha! That's exactly what I said.
09:02What? It's not even close to what you said. When is he going to leave?
09:07Now we have to do the same with the big boat.
09:14That's how we assemble everything.
09:18What is it? Interesting. Oh, I know.
09:23I'm the night in person.
09:27I'm Bat Slime.
09:30Wow, it's a Batman costume. Great!
09:34Wait, you like Batman too?
09:37Oh, come on. I don't look like Batman without a cap.
09:42Sammy, you'll be able to play Batman later.
09:46And this thing will make big sails.
09:49I'm just going to decorate it a little bit.
09:58It must also be well secured to catch the wind.
10:02Hey Sam, look at this. This thing looks like a bat. I can be like Batman too.
10:08Wow, great! And I can show you my super Batman moves.
10:12Wow, incredible!
10:14So, it seems that someone has finally found a hearing.
10:18Yes, I have something for you.
10:20Thank you. And just in time.
10:25This will fix the sails right here.
10:29I have something else that will be useful soon.
10:32It's great, but first I'm going to put the sails in place.
10:36It looks like we're almost done here.
10:39That's right. Let me secure this here.
10:42So, why do we need it? Will it hold the ropes?
10:46I don't know. Let go of the mooring. Where are they, by the way?
10:50Oh, Sammy. Give me a second.
10:53Voila! Notre bateau est prêt à naviguer!
11:23Let's go!
11:53Voila! Ce bateau te ramènera chez toi en toute sécurité, Moana.
11:58Oh, merci, Sue et Sam. Ce bateau est tout simplement incroyable.
12:02Eh bien, je suppose que c'est le moment, mon ami. Il est temps de se dire au revoir.
12:06Promets-moi de m'appeler bientôt. Je t'attendrai. Au revoir, mon ami. Prends soin de toi.
12:23Je te ferai un FaceTime dès qu'on aura installé Internet sur mon île.
12:27Merci encore, les gars. Venez vous rendre visite.
12:31Alors, Moana, qui est le plus cool, après tout?
12:34Sue et moi.
12:36Oh, je suis tellement contente qu'il rentre enfin à la maison.
12:39Ce sont deux super gars, n'est-ce pas, Sammy?
12:42Oh, tu as tellement raison, Sue. Je crois que ma Wii me manque déjà.
12:47Les amis, merci d'avoir été avec nous aujourd'hui.
12:50J'espère que vous avez apprécié notre bricolage.
12:53Vous n'allez pas manquer nos nouvelles vidéos.
12:55À très bientôt, tout le monde. On vous aime. Au revoir.
12:59Hé, attend une minute!
13:01Ma Wii, reviens! On doit encore décider qui est le plus cool de tous.
