• last year
Vous ne croirez pas ce qui vient de se passer, les amis. Sue fouillait toute la maison à la recherche du bracelet de l'amitié que Sammy lui avait offert, mais il semblait avoir disparu.

Il s'est avéré que Sammy l'avait accidentellement déchiré il y a quelque temps. Il avait tellement peur de le dire à Sue, le pauvre. Heureusement, Sue au grand cœur ne s'est pas mise en colère. Au contraire, elle a été inspirée ! Elle a décidé de faire toute une série de nouveaux bracelets de l'amitié et de les distribuer à tous leurs amis.

Alors, aujourd'hui, vous allez être ravis. Notre duo créatif va fabriquer toute une série de bracelets, des plus simples aux plus sophistiqués, avec sept techniques différentes. Pouvez-vous imaginer cette variété de perles, de tresses, et de bandes élastiques ? Dépêchez-vous, appuyez sur lecture et assurez-vous de regarder cette vidéo jusqu'à la fin pour découvrir les résultats finaux.

Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:00My Outro For My 20th Birthday
00:30Rubbery Skwa.
00:31Rubbery Skwa.
00:32Rubbery Skwa.
00:42Allez, Allez...
00:43Where est-ce que je t'ais mis?
00:44Allez, Montes-toi.
00:47qu'on cherche exactement?
00:49Ceux bracelets d'gentil
00:51que tu m'as offert
00:51pour mon anniversaire!
00:53Il – il doit être ici quelque part!
00:56Oh le ​​broclet d'hontie
00:59Well, I was going to tell you about it, but I think I accidentally destroyed it.
01:11Please don't get mad!
01:12I'm not angry, I just can't wait to wear it to Teddy's party tonight.
01:16But now I can't!
01:17What would you say to make a new bracelet?
01:18And not one, but a lot!
01:19You know what, you're right!
01:20We're both creators after all!
01:21I like that!
01:22Let's start with a pearl bracelet.
01:24Oh, am I supposed to play music at the party?
01:41Because I could do well!
01:42What happened?
01:43Oh, Sammy, what if you showed some creativity with the design of the bracelet instead?
01:44Okay, here, I'll call it the Chic-notic.
01:45What do you think?
01:46Chic, but it will take at least three days to make it.
01:47You can do it, I can do it.
01:48I can do it, I can do it!
01:49I can do it, I can do it!
01:50I can do it, I can do it!
01:51I can do it, I can do it!
01:52Let's have fun.
01:53Sam, tell me what brands do you want me to make?
01:54Why do you need to start with the mallet?
01:55I'd make a fancy Diplo!
01:56Choosing the brands?
01:58We're creative with our hands at home, execute.
01:59Less then 5 hours of work per project!
02:00I know!
02:01The most easy to find brand!
02:02Ha ha ha!
02:03That's hilarious!
02:04Well then, let's begin!
02:05Sammy, can you put the pearls in the bin for this next line?
02:06Yeah, yeah, yeah, here you go!
02:07Hey, don't flaunt your Chic-notic!
02:08Okay, but you can't find the pearls.
02:13Are you sure you can't find them?
02:20I don't want to lose them!
02:22So what do you have on you?
02:24Forget the chiknotix, I think I'm allergic to it.
02:27Oh Samy!
02:29It doesn't look like a design at all!
02:50It's because you're holding it wrong, Sam!
02:52Wow! Isn't it beautiful?
03:00I think it's one of the most beautiful bracelets I've ever made!
03:03What do you think, friends?
03:05I want to try it too! Give it to me! Give it to me!
03:12If I had braids, I could do this all the time!
03:17Ha ha ha!
03:19Braids, you say? That gives me an idea for the next bracelet!
03:25First, let's make a chain bracelet!
03:27Wait, wait, wait! Stop it! I already have one!
03:30Oh yes? It will be less work for me!
03:32Here, a train bracelet!
03:34I said chain bracelet, not train bracelet, Samy!
03:37Oh, I understand! I thought our job had nothing to do with trains!
03:42Let's get down to business!
03:45How do I put the ends together?
03:48You can put the ends of the string through the bead, it's easy!
03:52That's a great idea, Samy! Why didn't I think of that?
04:00Here's another great idea!
04:08Great! The first chain bracelet is ready! There are two left to make!
04:12What? Two more? Why is it so hard to make bracelets?
04:16Samy, stop being a diva! I was just kidding, I already made them!
04:21What a relief! Wait, do we still have to braid them? Oh no!
04:27Come on, it's not as hard as it looks! Let me just assemble these pieces first!
04:35And here's the third chain! Let's go!
04:42Samy, can you help me exchange this candy?
04:45Concentrate, Suzanne! We have a lot of DIY to do today!
04:49Well, what do we have here? Oh yes, a simple braid!
04:53So, I did a good job! Is your candy worth it?
04:58Wow! It's crazy how much energy sugar can give you! Well done!
05:05What a beauty! I'm hypnotized! Wait a minute! Why can't I see anything?
05:12My love for pretty bracelets has almost made me blind!
05:16What about a heart-shaped bracelet?
05:21This time, we're going to make a bracelet with elastic bands! It's my favorite!
05:25It's a children's game! I've already done it!
05:28Not this kind of elastic band, Samy! We need those!
05:32But you can't wear an elastic band like that in necklaces, unlike these jewels!
05:38But we can make a great bracelet out of it!
05:44First, let's put the necessary number of elastic bands on the hook.
05:48Well, my hands, it can be a little confusing!
05:55Not for me! I excelled in my grandmother's knitting class, so it will be a children's game!
06:01Glad to hear it! So the next steps won't be hard for you!
06:11Help! These elastic bands have taken me hostage!
06:14Holy moly! Grandma didn't prepare me for this!
06:19Don't worry, Samy! It can happen to anyone!
06:22Can you pass me your hook, please?
06:28Of course! Chapter 3 is full of inspiring quotes!
06:31That's not what I asked for!
06:33Oh, sorry! But you know, my grandmother wrote this book and it's really useful!
06:39Wow! Really? I'd like to be able to write a book on the hook one day, too!
06:50Listen, Asu, the hook is not just a knitting, it's an art!
06:54You're right, grandma! You're so right!
06:58That's nice, but I still need help around here, if you don't mind!
07:02Step aside, Asu! I know exactly what to do!
07:07Here you go!
07:08Wow! Thank you, Samy! Great job!
07:12But we need more!
07:15Now we're talking!
07:18Wow! Grandma would be so impressed!
07:22Thank you! It looks good!
07:25I agree! Forget the hook, I could be the next top model! Let's go!
07:32No, no, no!
07:34How are you? And what are all these hearts today?
07:40For the next bracelet, we'll need colored pearls!
07:43Candy? I smell candy!
07:46I can't believe it! A whole mountain of candy!
07:50Aha! It's my lucky day! Come here! Yum! Delicious!
07:56Samy, those are pearls!
07:59You can't eat pearls! First of all, believe me, they don't taste good, even if they look so appetizing!
08:07And secondly, you'll have a stomach ache if you eat them, and we want to avoid that!
08:17It's not possible, Sue! They're too pretty to be just pearls! I have to try them!
08:23Oh no! Berk! They're not edible!
08:27I told you! But it's a good thing they look so delicious! It makes our bracelet even more unique!
08:45Now, shake them a little!
08:48It's done! Oh, Samy, look!
08:52I really love the result! This bracelet is so pretty!
08:56Wow! It looks great! I want one too, Sue!
09:01Let's copy this one, but with our color! We'll be matched!
09:05I like it! Let's go!
09:10You know what? Friendship bracelets can look different.
09:14So why not create something absolutely unique?
09:18Hey, Sue! Look what I got! It should be enough!
09:21Are you sure? I'm ready to bet on it!
09:26Aha! I was right! You see, Samy, we have to buy more elastic bands for this one!
09:39The next time I tell you we need friendship bracelets, you just laugh, okay?
09:43It was awesome! Please, Sue, tell me you're done!
09:48Almost! You can rest for the moment.
09:55There you go! Four very colorful bands! Now I'm going to braid them in a special way!
10:00It looks great on Sue! We're going to be super cool at this party!
10:05Voila! Quatre bandes très colorées! Maintenant, je vais les tresser d'une manière spéciale!
10:24Oh, ça rend si bien sûr! On va être super cool à cette fête! Youpi!
10:29Allez, laisse-moi essayer! Oh, t'as été géniale! Comment je suis, hein?
10:34T'as l'air absolument incroyable! Eh, tu vas où?
10:37Des idées! Il me faut plus d'idées! Un autre bracelet à faire! Allez, l'équipe!
10:42Toi, montre-moi ce que tu as! Des biscuits, hein? Tu me feras pour le Père Noël ou quoi?
10:50Et toi? Hmm, ça c'est quelque chose! Tu vas être impressionné!
10:57Quelqu'un sait qui était ce type?
10:59Le voilà! Le bracelet ultime parfait en bonbons! J'ai travaillé si dur dessus!
11:06Il a l'air génial, Sam! Je peux l'essayer?
11:09Oups! Oh non! Je ne voulais pas! Je suis vraiment désolée!
11:13Mais quoi? Comment?
11:15Vraiment désolée, Sammy! Je ne pense pas que les bonbons soient la meilleure matière pour les bracelets!
11:20Mais on peut faire un bracelet tellement beau et coloré que tu ne le distingueras pas des bonbons!
11:30Tu as raison! Ce n'est pas le moment d'être triste!
11:35Et voici exactement ce dont nous avons besoin!
11:39Pourquoi je ne bouge pas?
11:41Oh, attends!
11:43Ça va?
11:46Ça va, Sam?
11:48Oh, eh bien au moins on peut terminer le bracelet!
11:52Moc-toi si ça t'amuse! Mais vite! Mets-moi le bracelet! Youpi!
11:57Je l'adore!
11:59Alors, prêt à fabriquer un dernier bracelet pour aujourd'hui?
12:02Bien sûr! Cette fois, je suis prêt! Ce crochet est à double face!
12:06Ha! Tu peux le prendre!
12:08Avec ça, je finirai ce vilain garçon en un rien de temps!
12:12Alors, c'est fini?
12:13Non, Sammy! Je viens juste de commencer!
12:16Alors, c'est fini?
12:17Non, Sammy! Je viens juste de commencer!
12:31J'ai choisi une tenue pour la fête! Je l'ai nommée le slime pétillant! T'en dis quoi?
12:36Je ne vois rien! Pousse-toi, s'il te plaît!
12:38D'accord! Et celle-ci? Ça s'appelle le bonbon urbain!
12:42S'il te plaît, Sammy! Cinq minutes de plus et j'aurai fini! Bon, où en étais-je?
12:46Mais je m'ennuie tellement!
12:48Oh, je sais!
12:57Hey, Teddy! Quoi de neuf?
12:59Si, tu dois te dépêcher! La fête commence dans dix minutes!
13:04Quoi? Oh non! On arrive tout de suite!
13:12Ha ha ha! C'est ce que j'appelle une bonne blague!
13:15Ça ira certainement plus vite, maintenant!
13:18Sam! Alors, c'était toi?
13:20Oh non! Elle m'a démasqué!
13:22Tu sais quoi? Tu peux finir ce bracelet tout seul!
13:25Mais je ne sais pas comment le tricoter!
13:27Quoique, j'ai une idée!
13:29Grand-mère m'a toujours appris à avoir un crochet magique de rechange sur moi, juste au cas où!
13:34Quoique, j'ai une idée!
13:36Grand-mère m'a toujours appris à avoir un crochet magique de rechange sur moi, juste au cas où!
14:04Salut tout le monde! On est prêts à faire la fête avec nos nouveaux accessoires!
14:31On est magnifiques, n'est-ce pas?
14:34On est magnifiques, n'est-ce pas?
14:38Ça te plaît, Teddy?
14:39Wow! Vous êtes si élégants, les enfants!
14:43Maintenant, il est temps de secouer ces bracelets!
14:45Allez tout le monde, rejoignez-nous!
14:51Oh, je passe vraiment le meilleur moment de ma vie!
14:54Ça c'est sûr!
14:55Merci de nous avoir rejoints aujourd'hui, les amis!
14:57Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne pour ne pas rater nos nouvelles vidéos!
14:59À plus!
15:01À très bientôt tout le monde! Au revoir!
15:04Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
