• last year
Prepare for the heart-racing season finale of The Summit on CBS! Hosted by the charismatic Manu Bennett, this action-packed adventure culminates in the awe-inspiring yet treacherous New Zealand Alps. Sixteen fearless competitors have faced unrelenting challenges, brutal conditions, and intense rivalries, testing their endurance, wits, and willpower. Now, everything is on the line in a thrilling final showdown where one crucial decision could determine their fate. Don't miss the electrifying conclusion to this extraordinary journey—tune in for the ultimate test of survival, strategy, and grit on CBS!

The Summit Hosted by:

Manu Bennett

Stream The Summit Season 1 now on Paramount+!


00:00Congratulations you three. Thank you so much. You reached the summit.
00:09Down on the riverbed on the first day I looked at 16 people who had no
00:15mountaineering experience. 14 days later facing various obstacles and fighting
00:24against the weather. Yeah. You three prevailed.
00:29But guys you reaching the summit is not the end of your journey.
00:36On your way to the summit you had to judge people.
00:40Well now it's time for you to be judged.
00:45Have you ever heard of the saying never to cross somebody on your way to the top?
00:51Because you might encounter them on the way back down.
01:02Do you see those people in that helicopter? It's dusty.
01:13Those are the people you left behind. Not a lot of us are fans of them right? Yeah
01:17They are a snake. I feel extremely betrayed. I have some worries for pumpkin too.
01:23There's a little twist.
01:29How much money you take home lies in their hands.
